Tag Archives: Parental Notification of Abortion Act


Hands Off Our Daughters!

Illinois state lawmakers are scheduled to return to Springfield for the annual Veto Session this month, and we know that abortion cheerleaders continue to push their sinister agenda to make Illinois the most pro-abortion state in the nation.

In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to block the Texas Heartbeat Law, which has been upheld by a previous court, the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act is in their crosshairs. They believe that restricting abortion on innocent pre-born humans once a heartbeat is heard violates their contrived Constitutional rights. In reality, the law protects the most fundamental human right …

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Manipulative Polling Language For Abortion Agenda

In early March 2021, IFI and other groups commissioned a poll of Illinois voters using the Tarrance Group. At the end of April, Personal PAC, a group that has no qualms about killing babies in the womb for any reason, also sponsored a poll using Public Policy Polling. For clarity and brevity, I have named these two polls the IFI poll and the PP poll.
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