IFI’s Rescuing Our Children Forums

One month ago, the IFI Team set off on a five day, eight stop tour of the state of Illinois. Our mission was to reach parents, grandparents and church leaders with an urgent message.  These “Rescuing Our Children” forums featured bold presentations about the perpetual academic failures of our public schools, and worse, the intentional anti-Christian indoctrination that intensifies year after year.

One has to look no farther than the Illinois Capitol for evidence of this malfeasance. The 102nd General Assembly finished their spring session on May 31st. State lawmakers have introduced more than 7,000 bills this year, 600 of them have or are making their way to Governor Pritzker’s desk. It grieves me to report that our state lawmakers actually approved legislation to place female hygiene products in boys bathrooms in schools state wide. Yes, you read that correctly.

They passed legislation requiring county clerks to issue new marriage certificates to reflect legal name changes for transgender and non-binary individuals.

They approved of “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards,” which will infuse the assumptions of Critical Race Theory/ identity politics/BLM into all teacher-training programs, all Professional Education Licensing (PEL), and indirectly into all public school classrooms.

So instead of focusing on academic standards, our government schools are making sure that teachers are trained in Marxist and sexual social engineering.

Let me draw your attention to this pamphlet that we’ve prepared for you. This list of the largest 40 school districts in Illinois clearly demonstrates how our government schools are failing students in English Language Arts, Math and Science while spending an enormous amount of your tax dollars per student. The proficiency rates are embarrassing. But even worse, the graduation rates in most school districts far exceed the academic performances of students.

Perhaps the most troubling bill that state lawmakers passed this year was SB 818 – “Comprehensive” sex education for K-12. The term “comprehensive” as a way to describe legislation should alarm you. It is a indication that government officials have big plans to invade a new corner of your childrens’ lives beginning in kindergarten.

This proposal requires that highly objectionable sex ed material be forced on the impressionable minds of children who attend public school, as young as 5 years-old! This new legislation would require all public schools—including charter schools—to align teaching on “personal health and safety” with the “National Sex Education Standards,” Some of the contributing organizations that helped devise these standards are really all you need to know:  Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, Gender Spectrum, PFLAG, LGBTQIA Resource Center, Intersex Society of North America, Race Forward, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, Trans Student Educational Resources, and the World Health Organization.

The intention of global elites is to create “world core” standards. Alex Newman, Executive Director of Public School Exit, points out in his 40 minute presentation that these include socialism and communism–both failed experiments in other parts of the world–as well as the ever-expanding sexual education. Having laid the groundwork in sex ed classes and drag queen story hours at libraries, now schools are attempting to hide sex change services from parents, and educational materials go so far as to teach about the pedophilia present in ancient Greece.

Furthermore, these schools are teaching Islamic and Buddhist principles, while banning prayer in schools, as part of the “global education” that schools are moving toward. Ultimately, they hope for a “world core curriculum” that will have the same standards for every child in every school in the world. This is why government schools were created and has always been the goal, Newman says, and is a sign to parents: get your children out of government schools.

Please take time to listen to Mr. Newman’s entire video presentation:

The Rev. Ceasar LeFlore followed Mr. Newman’s presentation to urge attendees to consider Christ-centered education choices.

In his presentation, Rev. LeFlore discusses the many options that parents have for educating their children if they take them out of public schools. The public schools are indoctrinating our children, he reminds us, with liberal, sexually perverted, postmodern agendas, and the time they spend there far outweighs the short time that they spend in church on Sundays. While it is important for them to know reading, writing, and arithmetic, it is far more important that they know the truths of the Kingdom of God, and this is not something that they will ever learn in public schools. With this in mind, Rev. LeFlore speaks on numerous resources for educating our children with a focus on teaching them God’s ways.

Please take time to listen to Rev. LeFlore’s entire video presentation:

Between now and Labor Day, you can double the impact of your tax deductible donation
while helping us fund this critical effort!

Please help us meet and/or surpass a rare summertime matching challenge that has been made through the generosity of faithful supporters. These donors are working with us to offer a $40,000 dollar-for-dollar matching challenge to help us raise $80,000 for “Rescuing the Children” initiative here in Illinois!

Speech of Greg Quinlan to the PepsiCo Board of Directors at the May 5 Pepsi Shareholders Meeting

by –Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (“PFOX”)

Ms. Indra Nooyi [PepsiCo chair], last year at this same event, you said that PepsiCo is “committed to diversity and inclusion without imposition of personal judgment.” So why does PepsiCo continue to fund organizations that hate ex-gays like me?

PepsiCo, Inc. is the leading corporate sponsor of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, known as PFLAG. PFLAG’s latest publication, a religious guidebook, instructs its members to protest against religious conferences which feature ex-gay speakers like me. PFLAG’s religious guidebook even directs members on how to create picket signs for these protests. It also urges members to hold press conferences and issue press releases against ex-gay religious events “to remind people that there is more than one faith message.”

My church welcomes the ex-gay community. Why does Pepsi fund groups like PFLAG that disrupt Christian events which support former homosexuals like me? Why does PepsiCo fund an organization like PFLAG which issues religious publications urging readers to undermine other religions with which PFLAG disagrees? Why does Pepsi fund hate? Why?

Unlike the Coca Cola Company, PepsiCo refuses to divulge the exact amount of money it donates to various groups. This secrecy by PepsiCo leads to misuse of corporate funds. For example, PepsiCo says it gave ‘over $100,000’ last year to PFLAG, but refuses to specify the exact amount. In past years that amount has meant as much as half a million dollars. This means that Pepsi may be giving away $500,000 or more in corporate earnings to a controversial organization to help fund its religious viewpoint. Pepsi helps fund religious bigotry and hatred.

The Coca Cola Company lists the exact amounts of its corporate donations. Pepsi should do the same. Why is PepsiCo hiding this information? In the era of Bernie Madoff, Enron, bank failures and the like, Pepsi must be accountable; Pepsi must be transparent to her shareholders and customers. But you are not.

PepsiCo is listed on the PFLAG website as a founding sponsor of PFLAG’s so-called “Straight for Equality” program. This program is aimed at heterosexuals. It gives heterosexuals a list of 10 things they can do to be what they call, a “straight ally,” in their church.

This PepsiCo funded program also publishes a “Straight for Equality in Healthcare” manual for heterosexual doctors and nurses. This PFLAG manual misquotes medical associations in an attempt to discredit the ex-gay community. The manual also labels our lives as “snake oil” and “deceitful.” It makes a list of groups to avoid, called “Meet the Snake Oil Salesman.” Three ex-gay groups are listed. One of them is Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, PFOX. My name is Gregory Quinlan; I am the President of PFOX. I am an Ex-Gay man.

Madame Chair and Board of Directors, I can tell you that almost everything said about PFOX on p. A-29 of your PepsiCo funded manual is a lie. Why would you donate even one dollar to spread this kind of hate against people like me? I’m asking you here and now to correct these lies about PFOX on PepsiCo’s website so you can immediately undo some of the damage you have paid for.

Ms. Nooyi, you lead PepsiCo’s Diversity and Inclusion Governance Council. I don’t want to hear any more words from you about diversity and inclusion — I want you to actually practice it. [Applause]

As for Peggy Moore, who represents PepsiCo on the PFLAG Board Workplace Diversity Committee, she should be fired because she doesn’t know the first thing about diversity if she can’t respect people like me. And PepsiCo should resign immediately from PFLAG’s so-called Diversity Committee. Why would PepsiCo sit on a committee that defines diversity to only include those people whose religious ideology they agree with?

Ms. Nooyi and PepsiCo Board of Directors, do you make these decisions because of replicated scientific studies supporting specific biological etiology for homosexuality? I can answer that for you. You can’t because there is zero evidence. ZERO that anyone is born homosexual.

Once again, I urge the PepsiCo Board of Directors, yes; each and every one of you, to do your jobs and hold PepsiCo to the ideals and standards it claims to follow. I shouldn’t have to come here year after year asking PepsiCo to stop funding hate against people like me.

The PepsiCo Charitable Contributions Shareholder Proposal asks PepsiCo to fully divulge its funding to groups and account for how the company’s charitable contributions are actually used, a reasonable request. Otherwise, PepsiCo’s actions will adversely affect its public image and goodwill.

Thank you. [Applause]

Listen to the speech at http://pfox.org/Pepsico_5-6-10.mp3.