Suburban High School Principal Politicizes and Ruins Graduation

This past Saturday May 22,2021, the retiring principal of Glenbard South High School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois decided to ruin the graduation ceremony of seniors by using it to express her political views. Principal Sandra Coughlin led the families and students in the Pledge of Allegiance but notably omitted the words “of the United States of America” and “under God,” generating audible outrage from the attendees and creating division in what should have been a time of unity and joy.

My finely honed powers of deduction lead me to believe she is a leftist. It is leftists who abhor tradition. It is leftists who hate America. It is leftists who reject God. It is leftists who seek to divide. It is leftists who exploit their government-subsidized jobs to advance their own socio-political purposes.  (See Update below.)

What is uniquely galling is that Coughlin chose to ruin a special family milestone—one made more special this year by the trials suffered by students and their loved ones because of the pandemic and the selfishness of teachers’ unions—in order to get her two worthless cents in. She demonstrated a degree of self-righteousness and self-absorption remarkable even for leftist change-agents who identify as “educators.”

This was not an act of inclusivity or kindness. It was the rhetorical equivalent of giving every American of every race, ethnicity, nation of origin, and religion who loves this country and its principles the middle finger.

It was a brazen insult hurled at everyone in the audience who believes that all men and women are endowed with unalienable rights by their Creator.

It suggests she holds no allegiance to the United States. Enquiring minds wonder if Coughlin would be willing to take the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance that every naturalized citizen takes, which says “I will bear true faith and allegiance to the [United States of America].”

If Coughlin has moral or religious reasons for her unwillingness to lead the Pledge of Allegiance properly, she should have recused herself from the ceremonial duty and asked another Glenbard South administrator to perform the honor. Revising the Pledge to suit her political fancy was an act of presumptuousness and disrespect for students and their loved ones.

Coughlin taught all children present at Saturday’s commencement ceremony an unfortunate lesson about incivility and thanklessness. Parents had no choice but to turn her regrettable example into a teachable moment on how not to abuse power and position.

In choosing this particular moment and this yearwhen classes are over and just one month before she retires—to express her disdain for America and God, she also revealed her cowardice. She performed her act of rebellion and disrespect for every student, every family, and every taxpayer at a time when she will suffer no consequences. It was the ultimate act of contempt: On her way out the door, she insulted those who will now have to subsidize her hefty pension.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:



“Retiring Glenbard South principal Sandra Coughlin has issued an apology and statement saying that due to being “emotional and anxious,” she “accidentally omitted” the words “of the United States of America” and “Under God” when she recited the Pledge of Allegiance at Saturday’ commencement ceremony.

Further, she said, “I would never intentionally disrespect our great country, our flag, nor the men and women who have done so much to protect and defend our freedom.”

She claims that “After 30 years in education, and countless times reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I lost track and fumbled” those particular words.

IFI hopes this statement is true.

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Court Ruling: “God” Isn’t a Dirty Word

A Massachusetts court has ruled that a “heckler’s veto” will not be tolerated in public schools when it comes to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dianna Verm, an attorney with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, tells OneNewsNow that the American Humanist Association, an atheist advocacy group, filed suit demanding a change in the Pledge in the state’s schools.

“… [T]hey disagreed with the words of the Pledge – specifically the words ‘under God’ – and the court upheld the Pledge of Allegiance with a resounding victory for religious liberty,” the attorney explains.

In fact, the vote was unanimous. But Verm rushes to add the school policy isn’t a burden on anyone. “The Pledge treats everyone the same way,” she says. “Anyone can say it and anyone can choose not to say it if they don’t want to – and they don’t have to give a reason.”

According to Verm, those who filed the lawsuit are being told they don’t have a heckler’s veto in which a small minority can squelch religious freedom and free speech because they don’t like the message.

She explains: “The court is sending a message to these secularist atheists that ‘God’ is not a dirty word, [and that] we don’t have to purge anything that has a whiff of religion from the public square just because it may offend some people.”

The end result of this particular lawsuit, says Verm, should send a message to others considering similar court action. Nevertheless, she emphasizes that the Becket Fund will be there to defend religious freedom if other suits are filed.


This article was originally posted at the OneNewsNow.com website.