Tag Archives: Pope Benedict


Homosexuality in the Catholic Church

~UPDATED on 8/28/2018 at 10:00 a.m.~

Warning: not for younger readers

As the Catholic Church is rocked by yet another sex scandal involving priests who abuse children and teens, the bizarre claim that these scandals have nothing to do with homosexuality continues to spread, primarily by those most personally invested in white-washing the pederastic deviance intrinsic to homosexuality.

The most recent scandal emerges from six dioceses in Pennsylvania where an investigation brought to light that over the past 75 years, 300 predatory priests sexually abused over 1,000 children and teens, the vast majority of whom were male.

Some of the

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Homosexual Activists Disrespect Pope Benedict

This past weekend, Pope Benedict XVI visited Spain where approximately 100 homosexual activists intentionally staged a kiss-in protest in front of the Barcelona cathedral.

This obnoxious and in-your-face protest was well covered by international press. But no where have I read or heard it referred to as anti-Catholic or Christianphobic — which it obviously was. While protests or dissenting comments against the political agenda of pro-gay leaders and politicians are routinely labeled “anti-gay” and “homophobic” by the press, for the dominant pro-gay media, this type of hate simply doesn’t fit into their narrative.

This kiss protest was intended to offend …

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