Tag Archives: President Obama


How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread COVID Propaganda To Churches

In September, Wheaton College dean Ed Stetzer interviewed National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins on his podcast, “Church Leadership” about why Christians who want to obey Christ’s command to love their neighbors should get the Covid vaccine and avoid indulging in misinformation.
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Why There’s an Increased Interest in Homeschooling

There’s a lot to dislike about many public schools — and right now, student safety is at the top of the list. “After a gunman opened fire on students in Parkland, Florida,” a new Washington Times feature explains, “the phones started ringing at the Texas Home School Coalition, and they haven’t stopped yet.”
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Forget Climate Change, Defend America!

George Orwell, call your office. In what Huffington Post‘s Alexander Kaufman called “an Orwellian rhetorical shift away from a scientific reality,” the Department of Defense “scrubbed its latest National Defense Strategy of all references to climate change.” In all likelihood, Orwell would call the 30-year campaign for climate alarmism—with all its oxymoronic appeals to “scientific consensus,” its sleight-of-hand temperature data homogenizations, its revisions of past data to exaggerate apparent warming, its exaggeration and fabrication and suppression and loss of data, its intimidation of dissent and corruption of peer review—Orwellian.
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President Obama’s Middle East, North Africa, US Policy, Part 1

What does his eloquent prose really mean to us?

To the man who captured the hearts of over 53%i of Americans, a man of both precedence and outward candor, and a man who overwhelmingly won the most esteemed office in our land, Barrack Hussein Obama. Along with the opening of a new chapter in President Obama’s and our nation’s history, was the anticipated turning of the page in the lives of so many hopeful Americans who had hoped the mantra of “Change” would bring an economically strong and viable country, sustainable jobs, and an end to massive foreclosures and …

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