Tag Archives: Pro-Life


Your Money is Going to Planned Parenthood Whether You Like It or Not

Written by Casey Mattox

Whether you’re a painter, pastor, lawyer, or laborer (pro-life or pro-abortion), you work for Planned Parenthood. A portion of every paycheck goes to the world’s leading abortion business through the federal and state taxes allocated by your elected representatives and the unelected bureaucrats they empower.

For the fiscal year ending in June 2015 (just before the Center for Medical Progress videos were released), over $550 million of your hard-earned tax dollars went to Planned Parenthood.

But the states are taking the lead to end this forced partnership with “Big Abortion” and redirecting those funds to providers …

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Professor Robert George on the Future of the Pro-Life Movement [VIDEO]

Professor Robert George, renowned scholar on religious liberty at Princeton University, spoke with IFI's Monte Larrick at the recent pro-life SpeakOut Illinois conference.
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Who Would Celebrate a “Royal Abortion”?

Moral equivalence is an article of faith for activists of the secular left, with their insistence that a baby is no better than an abortion, or that traditional marriage is no more consequential than a same sex union.
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A Red State Baby Boom

Going back to recent election cycles, some observers have noted that there is a distinct fertility gap between the Bush/Kerry, McCain/Obama election maps. “Red” states that tend to vote for Republicans have fertility rates that exceed replacement, whereas many Democratic blue states do not.
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Broadening IRS Victims Include Pro-Life Advocates, As Congress Investigates

Thomas More Society Cases Demonstrate Conservative Bias Only “Tip of Iceberg”

The Thomas More Society is speaking out about blatant bias by the supposedly apolitical tax-collection agency. Cases handled by the Chicago-based public interest law firm support mounting accusations that demonstrate the agency’s abuse of pro-life organizations, in addition to those identified as ‘tea party’, ‘patriot’, or ‘government spending’ groups. Outrage spurred by recent revelations of IRS discrimination against these groups has also led the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus to announce a full investigation into the matter.

In one case, the IRS withheld approval of an application for …

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The Real Reason to Criticize Roe

On the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it has suddenly become fashionable in certain circles to suggest that the controversial Supreme Court decision was actually a blessing in disguise for pro-lifers, because it breathed new life into a fledgling right-to-life movement and put the abortion rights movement permanently on the defensive.
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10 Questions ‘Pro-Choice’ Candidates Are Never Asked by the Media

Here’s some food for thought from Trevin Wax at thegospelcoalition.org blog — 10 questions you never hear a pro-choice candidate asked by the media:
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October Baby: Bringing Life to Theaters This Weekend!

Pro-life movie, October Baby is opening in theaters around the country this weekend.  October Baby tells the story of Hannah, a young woman who learns that her life is much different than what she’s known up until now.  After learning she was actually adopted after a failed abortion attempt, Hannah embarks on an incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future.  Click HERE to watch the trailer of this powerful movie. 

The producers of October Baby recently told a story of how the movie is already impacting lives.  Three Pregnancy Resource Centers have received …

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Abortion Clinic Safety Regulations

Patients undergoing abortion procedures have just as much right to expect the State of Illinois to apply health and safety standards to their health as to the health and well-being of patients undergoing other types of outpatient treatment. Take ACTION: Send an email or a fax to your state representative to urge him/her to support HB 4117 or even sign on as a co-sponsor.
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Ultrasound Opportunity Act

Working with the Catholic Conference of Illinois, IFI wants to alert you to an extremely important pro-life bill sponsored by State Representative Joe Lyons (D-Chicago).  If passed, this bill would require abortion providers to simply offer an ultrasound picture to women considering abortion. The choice of whether or not to view the ultrasound picture is still their. Research has proven that between 70 and 90 percent of “abortion minded” women who see images of their unborn children choose life.

The Ultrasound Opportunity Act (HB 4085), passed out of committee earlier today and will now be considered on …

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Defunding Planned Parenthood is Constitutional

8/6/2011 1:34:00 AM – Christian Newswire

This week, the Thomas More Society filed a “friend of the court” brief available here in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on behalf of more than 60 members of the Indiana General Assembly, in opposition to Planned Parenthood’s assertion that defunding abortion providers imposes an “unconstitutional condition” on physicians’ alleged right to perform abortions.

The brief states that “abortion providers have no constitutionally recognized Fourteenth Amendment right to perform abortions” and that funding restrictions would not “interfere with the ability of pregnant women to obtain abortions. Accordingly, because the …

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Mandated Funding of Abortion Drugs

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced a new and onerous mandate which will force all health insurance policies to pay for free contraception without co-pays or co-insurance, including every “birth control” drug or device approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This means that every health insurance plan will be required to cover “emergency contraceptives” or “morning-after pills” such as Plan B. These abortifacient drugs act to break down the lining of the uterus so that it is either unreceptive to implantation by a fertilized ovum or unable to sustain an implanted embryo — …

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Gallup: American Public is Pro-Life

A new national opinion survey reveals growing support for the pro-life viewpoint on the subject of abortion. That survey, conducted by the Gallup Organization, shows a decisive majority believe that unborn children should be protected under the law.

Sixty-one percent of those surveyed said they believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances or legal only under certain circumstances. Thirty-seven percent of respondents believe abortion should be legal under all circumstances or most circumstances.

Under the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, abortion is currently legal in the United States under all circumstances.

Support for providing …

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No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act

The U.S. House of Representatives will begin voting this week on HR 3, “The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.”

HR 3 will prevent the use of federal taxpayer funds to pay for elective abortion. If HR 3 does not become law, we as taxpayers may soon be paying for 675,000 abortions a year.

A 2011 CNN opinion research poll says that 61 percent of Americans oppose the use of taxpayer funding for abortions even when a woman can’t afford it. A 2010 Zogby poll found that 77 percent of Americans do not believe that federal funds should ever …

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Thank Rep. Senger for Sponsoring Important Pro-Life Legislation

Dear Pro-Family Friends,

Illinois State Representative Darlene Senger (R-Naperville) has been under attack by pro-abortion groups for her chief sponsorship of HB 3156 — a bill to require abortion clinics that function under the Illinois Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act to comply with the same standards as all ambulatory surgical treatment centers (ASTCs). Recently, abortion-rights promoters planned to picket her office in Naperville for sponsoring HB 3156.

The reason for the bill is that under a federal court settlement known as the Ragsdale Settlement and named after a Rockford abortionist, abortion clinics were not required to meet the same standards …

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