Tag Archives: prostitution


A Biblical View of Climate Change

Last year I was at lunch with an evangelist. After the meal, he handed our waitress a Gospel tract. I wanted to reinforce his compassion, so I told the young lady that her relationship with God was the most important thing in the world. She responded, “Yeah, that and global warming!” She proceeded to tell us that she wakes up in fear of what may happen to the earth during her lifetime. I was shocked.
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The Hopeless Brothels of Bangladesh

Hashi, a 17-year-old girl who has been working as a prostitute since she was 10, offers a painful glimpse of Bangladeshi brothel life:

When I first took a customer, I didn’t realize what was going to happen. He raped me again and again. It was bleeding severely and I was crying. I didn’t have any idea what sex is. . . . I used to serve customers one after another during the whole day. I don’t know how many, but I guess I had to serve around 20–25 customers in a day. I found at least four to five customers

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