Stories: How Cultures Are Changed

Now and then I venture onto left-leaning websites and read some of their articles. On a visit to HuffPost.com earlier this year, I saw an article that caught my attention. The headline was “I Used To Be An Anti-LGBTQ Evangelical. Here’s What Finally Changed My Heart And Mind.”

The author, Brianna Bell, details her past as a Christian blogger who once stood up for Kirk Cameron after he faced backlash for comments he made to Piers Morgan about homosexuality.

Now she views her comments from back then as “blatantly careless and hurtful.”

My goal today isn’t to critique Bell’s opinions or her article. Instead, I want to draw a lesson from a point she raises in her essay as she describes her evolution on the issue of homosexuality.

After recounting how the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando was a “wake-up call” for her, Bell shared that the tragedy “was a starting point for my decision to accept and embrace the LGBTQ community, but my inner change of heart wasn’t instantaneous.” She spent the next few years “contemplating, studying, considering my beliefs and how they affected others. I explored the victimization of the LGBTQ community and read about the abuse that many in the queer community have faced and continue to face.”

It was at this point that Bell made a comment that caught my attention. Describing her continuing transformation, she writes, “I read books that featured same-sex relationships, and it was through these fictional worlds that my reality began to shift.”

This, I think, is an extraordinary testimony about the impact that stories can have on our culture. For Bell, it was these fictional narratives that had a tremendous role in changing her views on a critical subject.

Stories are indeed powerful, and most of us have probably been impacted—for better or worse—by a well-told story. But if that’s true, it brings into sharp focus the need for us to be discerning about the impact of stories both in our own lives and in the lives of our children. If even adults can be shaped by powerful stories, how much more susceptible are our children?

The concern about stories, of course, isn’t confined to those with messages about homosexuality. Our culture is telling stories about a variety of important topics with perspectives that compete with the truth of Scripture. In this age of constantly available media, practicing discernment is more important than ever before—both for us and our children.

Why are stories so powerful?

First, because they can cause us to let our guard down in a way that a lecture, commentary, article, or instructional book never would. These other things are overtly about sending a message, so we’re often more alert to what that message is. And if the message happens to be coming from a source we know promotes views different than our own, we’re even more likely to have our guard up.

But stories? Stories are how we relax. They’re how we enjoy a good time. Whether through books, movies, television, or YouTube, we often turn to stories to entertain us rather than make us think.

In addition to that (or perhaps partially as an extension of it), stories reach into our hearts. They draw our sympathies toward the characters of the author’s choosing, and in so doing, into sympathy with that character’s plight. Stories can also serve to normalize things that might be strange, unusual, or different to us at the start.

Again, that’s not all bad. It all depends on what is being normalized and what views we’re being drawn into sympathy with.

As an aside, it’s important for us to remember that, as Christians, we’re not called to look down on anyone or view anyone as less human, less loved by God, or more in need of redemption than we ourselves. We should never lose our Biblical convictions, but nor should we forget that we’re called to love our neighbors. Viewing anyone—regardless of their culture, beliefs, or sins—as somehow outside the realm of God’s grace or beyond our responsibility to love is incompatible with Biblical Christianity.

Stories have been told in a variety of ways down through the ages, but never before have we been so surrounded by narratives. It would be foolhardy to think that these stories have no impact.

As Justin Whitmel Earley writes in his book The Common Rule, “We become the stories we consume.”

Bell reflects that reality in her essay. “As I’ve evolved and shed many of my conservative view[s],” she writes, “I’ve had to wrestle with how to abandon an old ideology while remaining committed to my faith. While I am still a devoted Christian, I’ve had to work to untangle myself from doctrine that is harmful and strive to adopt an intersectional and inclusive theology.”

In other words, she had to abandon the straightforward teaching of Scripture because of how her views changed in response to the culture.

It’s easy to point and scold, but how easy is it for us to do the same thing in one way or another? We allow our hearts to get out of sync with good theology, and then, instead of using our theology to get our hearts back on track, we reorient our theology to fit our wayward hearts.

This, by the way, can happen to our children as well. And that’s why we need to not only be teaching them what the Bible says, but also helping them filter and sift and analyze the stories our culture is telling. Because stories are powerful, and our culture is full of them. If we don’t teach our children how to use discernment, they’ll easily be led astray by the power of a story well told.

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Men, Women Who Left Homosexuality, Transgenderism to Rally at DC’s ‘Freedom March’

Written by Brandon Showalter

Former transgender, bisexual, lesbian and gay men and women, including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, will be gathering in the nation’s capital for a worship event next weekend to proclaim how Jesus Christ liberated them.

Attendees from across the nation will assemble at the National Sylvan Theater from noon to 3 p.m. on May 5 for what is being called Freedom March.

Daren Mehl, president of the group Voice of the Voiceless, says he sees the event as “an opportunity for those of us who have a new life with Jesus to come together in fellowship and praise Him for the love and grace available to everyone who seeks it [and] to testify publicly of the life-changing grace available to leave the LGBT identity for something greater,” he told The Christian Post on Friday.

Mehl, 40, is a Minnesota native who identified as a gay man for approximately 10 years. Today he is married to a woman and has two children. He will also be at next Saturday’s march.

“Jesus instructs us to love others as we love ourselves,” he said when asked what he hopes this event communicates to the LBGT community, many of whom have been wounded by religion.

“When anyone spews hate toward another person they are clearly not operating according to the Holy Spirit,” Mehl said. “It is extremely sad when this happens and I hope that [Christians] would be convicted of their sin and repent and reconcile with those they hurt.”

He told CP that when he encountered the Gospel his entire value system, purpose for living, and beliefs about who he is changed, including his sexual identity.

“Jesus asked me to lay down my identity at His feet and surrender it for a new one in Him. I decided the gay label and lifestyle didn’t align to my desired identity as a Christian. Trying to align my choices in behavior to my Christian identity took years of struggling, and sometimes it was quite painful,” he said.

He believes this Freedom March is necessary to showcase the many formerly LGBT lives that Jesus has transformed and to encourage those who are struggling with their sexuality and are seeking answers, many of whom often feel they are alone.

“They are not alone,” he stressed.

Luis Javier Ruiz, a survivor of the June 2016 massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where 49 people were murdered by Omar Mateen in what was at the time the worst mass shooting in modern American history, will be participating in the May 5 march.

“I should [have] been number 50,” Ruiz wrote on his Facebook page Friday.

“Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse a memory were (sic) my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown out everything and having promiscuous sex that led to HIV. [T]he enemy had its grip and now God has taken me from that moment and has given me Christ Jesus. I’ve grown to know [H]is love in a deeper level.”

Ruiz lost several friends that night.

“I should [have] been number 50,” he reiterated, “but now I have the chance to live in relationship and not religion, not just loving Christ but being in love with Christ and sharing [H]is love. I know who I am and I am not defined with who the enemy says I used to be but who Christ Jesus says I am.”

Several of Freedom March’s speakers and worship leaders are featured in the film “Here’s my Heart: A Documentary of Surrendering to Freedom,” which chronicles the stories of men and women who left homosexuality and transgenderism behind for a new life in Jesus.

Elizabeth Johnston, who’s also known as The Activist Mommy and who has over half a million followers on Facebook, will be one of the event’s speakers. She said in an email to CP on Friday that many LGBT activists have tried to diminish the voices of those who left homosexuality because their voices present the most powerful refutations of the “gays are born that way and can’t change” argument.

Johnston added that recently proposed legislation in the state of California, AB 2943, which was approved by the state Assembly last week and purports to describe “sexual orientation change efforts” as an “unlawful business practice,” further proves that LGBT activists want to silence anyone who is not fully supportive of their agenda.

“What they don’t seem to realize, is that no law will ever silence the truth that gnaws at their consciences every day,” Johnston said.

She emphasized that the Freedom March will be attended by all kinds of people around the globe who have lived lives and known the destruction of sexual sin and gender confusion.

“They know what it’s like to want help and freedom from the emptiness and addictions of the gender-confused lifestyle, but not know where to turn,” she said, adding that she hopes meaningful, loving relationships are forged.

“We can’t wait to see the fruit from it. When a person truly surrenders their life to Jesus Christ, all things are made new.”

This article was originally published at ChristianPost.com