Tag Archives: Rachel Dolezal


Leftist State Board of Ed and Lawmakers Collude to Indoctrinate Illinois Students

Conservative parents with kids in Illinois public schools, WAKE UP! Leftists on the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and in Springfield aren’t anywhere near done with their indoctrination mandates. A new amendment to Illinois State Board of Education teacher standards has been proposed by an ISBE committee to infuse the assumptions of Critical Race Theory, identity politics, BLM, and the 1619 Project into 1.  all teacher-training programs/education majors, 2. all Professional Education Licensing (PEL), and 3. all public school classrooms. The proposed standards are called “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards”–translated: Leftist Responsive Indoctrinating Diktats.

In an excruciatingly detailed …

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary and the “Transing” of Language

Yesterday I commented under an article on The Hill on Merriam-Webster Dictionary adding “they” as a pronoun for “gender nonbinary” persons, an article that also referred to British singer Sam Smith‘s announcement that he’s “nonbinary.” Like Merriam-Webster, the Chicago Tribune has bought hook, line, and sinker the “trans” language rules. Writing about the singular man Sam Smith, the Trib wrote this embarrassing sentence:

Smith said they were excited and privileged for the support, adding that they’ve been “very nervous” about the announcement because they ”care too much about what people think.”

Someone responded to my Hill comment, and …

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What’s the Difference Between Transgender, Transabled, Transracial, Transspecies and Transage?

If it is far from ideal to mutilate healthy body parts to accommodate someone who identifies as transabled, then it is far from ideal to do the same for someone who identifies as transgender.
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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Normalizing Deviance & Sadomasochism

If you think things are out of hand now with high school “transgender” boys being able to use the girls’ locker rooms, just wait. That number of “549 types” promises even worse possibilities ahead... It is in the spirit of tolerance that we've been examining paraphilias other than the ones represented by the letters LGBT. Why should just those four get all the attention? What about sadism and masochism?
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Birth Certificates and the Cultural Extinction of Biological Sex

It’s clear from the number and nature of the Facebook responses to IFI’s update on the passage of HB 1785 in the Illinois House that many Illinoisans are passionately opposed to this bill which now moves to the Illinois Senate. HB 1785 is the bill that will make it even easier-peasier for men and women who seek to “pass” as the opposite sex to obtain fraudulent birth certificates...
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7 Troubling Questions About Transgender Theories

In case you’re just tuning in, Bruce Springsteen, Target, and bathrooms are at the center of controversy these days, as Americans learn more about the T in the LGBT acronym – Transgender.
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Jenner, Dolezal, and Teenager Caden Boone

Through their foolishness, selfishness, and arrogance, “progressives” are responsible for the harm being done to children, teens, the family, the church, the First Amendment, and what’s left of American culture.

Through our ignorance, selfishness, cowardice, and passivity (if not apathy), we Christians are complicit in this harm.

Tragic teen victim of perverse Leftist ideology

The tragic story of a teenage boy—a senior in high school—who just two months ago underwent a grotesque amputation of his genitalia, illustrates the egregious and obscene nature of the evil that too many Christians have facilitated.

Caden Boone, who has changed his name to …

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Trans-Gendered, Trans-Raced, Trans-Abled, Trans-Aged, Trans-Specied Solipsists

Once more for the hard of hearing or weak of understanding: The athlete formerly known as Bruce is not now nor ever can be a woman. Further, it is the apex of cruelty and ignorance to pretend along with him that he is.

If the cultural dictators continue to demand that everyone in society participate in this delusional, dishonest, destructive fiction, then intellectual consistency requires that they demand everyone in society to treat Africana Studies professor and race activist Rachel Dolezal—who is in reality of Central and Eastern European descent—as if she is African American.

Dolezal has been reverse-“passing”

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