The GOP’s Shameful “Pride Coalition”

Over the weekend, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced its newest endeavor called the “RNC Pride Coalition.” The RNC is colluding with Log Cabin Republicans to get Republicans elected. The Log Cabin Republicans is the country’s largest “LGBTQ+,” allegedly Republican group. Make no mistake, the RNC Pride Coalition will seek to get elected their ideological kind of Republican—the kind that believe marriage has no connection to sexual differentiation or reproduction, the kind that believe children have no right to a mother and a father, and the kind that believe celebration of homosexual acts and relationships is necessary for a healthy social order. Log Cabin Republicans and the “RNC Pride Coalition” believe that homosexual acts and relationships are worthy of pride. Such beliefs are neither conservative nor good for America.

The RNC has decided that sacrificing principle for power will build a better America. The RNC, under chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s leadership, has calculated that the homosexual and cross-dressing communities are more politically valuable to the RNC than are stalwart conservatives who have been fighting for decades to make America a safe place where families, children, and liberty can flourish.

While conservatives are awakening from their slumber, working tenaciously to get critical race theory, the “trans” ideology, and homosexual porn out of their schools, McDaniel is working tenaciously to curry favor with homosexual “Republicans.”

Once the “RNC Pride Coalition” has fundraised and successfully shoved their kind of Republicans into office—and by “their kind,” I mean those who are ignorant of the critical importance of marriage, of the traditional family structure, and of sexual morality—the speed at which conservative principles and policies will be abandoned will accelerate. And the corruption of culture will continue.

Just as Democrats are too spiritually blind to see how their policies are destroying America, so too is the “RNC Pride Coalition” too spiritually blind to see that there is no greater domestic threat to our First Amendment protections, children, families, and education than the sexuality ideology of the “LGBTQ+” communities. Therefore, there is no greater domestic threat to America’s freedoms and future than partnering with Log Cabin Republicans, thereby strengthening their political and social power.

The announcement was made at a swanky event, offensively named “Spirit of Lincoln Gala,” held at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate where McDaniel gushed,

Conservatives in Log Cabin don’t just share our vision for a free, secure and prosperous America—they enrich it by adding unique perspectives to our party and recruiting even more diverse candidates and supporters to join our cause.

Perhaps McDaniel could be a tad more explicit and transparent. What, pray tell, are the “unique” perspectives that Log Cabin members bring to the GOP? What is the nature of the diversity that the recruited candidates and supporters will bring to “our cause”? How exactly will these “unique” perspectives and unidentified form/s of diversity help the GOP and America?

Homosexual political consultant Richard Grenell, who has worked for George Bush, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump, made this curious claim at the gala where he was given the “Game Changer Award”:

[T]he thing about gay conservatives is that we have normal lives. … We’re not going to make sexual orientation be the be all, end all center of everything that we do.

Grenell didn’t define “normal,” nor did he explain what he was referring to when he said, “normal lives.” If by normal, he means “adherence to a standard that is associated with well-being” or “functioning in a natural way,” the lives of homosexuals are not “normal.” Engaging in sterile homoerotic acts is not normal or natural. Two people of the same sex legally “marrying” in imitation of true marriage is not normal. Renting wombs and purchasing genetic material to create motherless or fatherless children is not normal, right, or good.

And take note, Grenell didn’t say they wouldn’t make sexual orientation an issue. He said they wouldn’t put it at the “center of everything” they do. In other words, they will be making “sexual orientation” an issue.

If anyone doubts what the goals of the “LGBTQ+” community are for the GOP, here’s Grenell hinting at what he views as progress—and it has nothing to do with religious liberty, speech rights, or children’s needs:

Now … we were at an event where the former president of the United States [Trump] and first lady are welcoming us, and hosting 600 influential gays, lesbians and their straight allies. It is phenomenal for me to look back and see this and to champion an organization like Log Cabin.

Unless conservatives get busy and bold, the GOP will hoist aboard the “LGBTQ+” community and toss overboard conservatives and their pesky principles like so much jetsam.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and other GOP Officials to urge them to uphold the GOP Platform on marriage, family and society (pages 31-32). Conservative Christians expect GOP officials to uphold foundational principles critical to the health and future of America, not undermine them.  You can also call the RNC at (202) 863-8500 during business hours to let them know how bad an idea the “RNC Pride Coalition” is.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Foxes in Sheep’s Clothing in the Rainbow-Ish GOP Henhouse

Last week I posted this on my personal Facebook page on which all posts are public:

Here’s why [homosexual] Richard Grenell is a disaster for the Republican Party. Republican cross-sex passer “Gina” Roberts—a biological man who tries to pass as a woman—tweeted about how “incredibly accepted” he felt at the Log Cabin Republican booth at CPAC. Richard Grenell retweeted Roberts’ tweet to which Lauren Witzke responded, “We’re celebrating mental illness now?”

Grenell than replied foolishly, “No. We are celebrating that God made everyone and people being respectful. Try it.”

Quite obviously, God made “Gina” Roberts a man. Therefore, people should respect that—including “Gina” Roberts.

We should treat all fellow humans with respect, but respect does not entail affirmation of delusional thinking, disordered desires, or immoral acts. And while God has made everyone, he does not make all of our desires and beliefs. The fall and Satan make us desire sinful things.

What the GOP doesn’t need are leaders like Grenell who don’t know truth.

To be clear, my post had nothing to do with the controversial Lauren Witzke who ran unsuccessfully against Chris Coons for a U.S. Senate seat in Delaware.

Rather, it was about Grenell’s unhelpful tweet that could be understood to mean, 1. that God created the desire of men to be women, or 2.  that we should celebrate cross-sex impersonation, or 3. that “being respectful” requires the GOP to affirm “trans”-cultic beliefs and practices.

Richard Grenell is seen here being sworn in as President Trump’s ambassador to Germany with his hand on a Bible held by his—Grenell’s—long-time romantic/erotic partner Matt Lashey.

Three days after my post, I received this Facebook message from “Gina” Roberts, the man about whom Grenell was tweeting. Roberts’ message to me kinda makes my point about the danger posed to the GOP by homosexuals and “trans”-cultists:

You are a piece of work. I love your obsession with the LGBT world. I think you need to expand your thinking. You have no idea what you are talking about. Hate is the pervue [sic] of our opponents, Republican [sic]are the party of freedom and acceptance. You might try it.

Before I get to my thoughts about “Gina” Roberts’ feelings, a word about Roberts. He is the California director of the DC Project: Women for Gun Rights. I kid you not. A man is the California director of a women’s gun rights group.

Now, on to my thoughts on Roberts’ feelings.

First, my alleged “obsession” with the “LGBT world” is a reaction to the obsession of homosexual activists and “trans”-cultists, of which Roberts is a member, to proselytize their ontological, teleological, epistemological, moral, and political views to children using government schools and public libraries, while trying to censor all dissenting views.

Second, Roberts engages in the same epithet-hurling that leftists and sexual libertines of all stripes engage in: He falsely accuses me of hating him. Having conservative beliefs on the nature and morality of biological sex-rejection or homosexuality does not constitute hatred of those who believe differently. Perhaps Mr. Roberts hates everyone who believes differently from him, but he ought not impute to others his modus operandi or habits of mind. Many people are fully capable of loving those who hold different beliefs. Most people in this wildly diverse world do it every day.

All people should love their neighbors, and they should hate sin. We should hate acts and ideas that harm children, adults, families, and societies. C.S. Lewis wrote that,

The little human animal will not at first have the right responses. It must be trained to feel pleasure, liking, disgust, and hatred at those things which really are pleasant, likeable, disgusting and hateful.

The same goes for big human animals.

Third, even in a free country, “freedom” is not absolute. That’s why homosexual brothers who are in love are not free to marry legally. That’s why plural marriages are illegal. A healthy society constrains liberty when acts harm the public good.

Fourth, regarding “acceptance”: Did Roberts demonstrate “acceptance” of my views on science-denying “trans”-cultism? Would he “accept” a father being free to legally marry his consenting adult son? Would he “accept” a sadomasochist promoting his “authentic identity” to kindergartners in public schools or to toddlers in public libraries?

Fifth, evidently to Roberts’ mind-expansion means adopting his set of assumptions.

Finally, as near as I can tell, Roberts’ claim that I “have no idea what” I’m talking about is based on the fact that I disagree with his beliefs—which as near as I can tell are based on his subjective feelings. If so, is it his argument that all behaviors impelled by powerful, unchosen, seemingly intractable feelings are always and necessarily moral and should be “accepted” by society? If so, yikes.

The GOP should welcome those who experience unwanted, unchosen homoerotic feelings but recognize that homoerotic acts and same-sex marriage are wrong and destructive to the public order. The same goes for those who experience gender dysphoria but recognize that cross-dressing and bodily mutilation are harmful, immoral acts.

The GOP should no more welcome leaders who affirm homosexual acts, same-sex faux marriage, adoption by homosexuals, and cross-sex impersonation than it would welcome those who support open borders, higher taxes, Critical Race Theory, and reparations for non-slaves. What our leaders hold to be true about homosexuality and biological sex will eventually affect policies on those issues. And policies and laws related to homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation are not peripheral to the public good. They are central. In fact, they are far more important than, for example, tax rates. Our First Amendment protections are eroding because of the “LGB” and “T” ideologies—not because of tax rates.

As for Richard Grenell, he is now the Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy with Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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Fox vs. CNN in Gay GOP Battle

U.S. Republican House Speaker John Boehner (OH), who came under fire from conservatives for resisting the creation of a Benghazi select committee until the scandal got too big to ignore, is under fire from conservatives once again. On Saturday he raised funds for Carl DeMaio, a gay Republican congressional candidate at the center of a scandal to turn the GOP into a gay-friendly political party like the Obama Democrats.

DeMaio, charged with sexual harassment and exhibitionism, is one of the Republican “young guns” getting official Republican money and support. But he has also enjoyed the strong support of Fox News personalities, especially Richard Grenell, a Fox News contributor and homosexual activist who advises his campaign.

The Conservative Review calls DeMaio a “deviant” and wonders whether the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) vetted DeMaio before the Republican Party funneled $1 million into his campaign.

DeMaio probably never anticipated that being labeled “the candidate to watch” in the GOP would turn out this way. His accuser, former staffer Todd Bosnich, said in an exclusive interview with CNN that he came into DeMaio’s office and saw him openly masturbating.

The alleged misconduct went much further than this, however. CNN reported Bosnich said DeMaio “would find him alone and make inappropriate advances, massaging and kissing his neck and groping him.” On another occasion, Bosnich said DeMaio “grabbed my crotch.”

DeMaio, a former member of the San Diego City Council, denies all the charges. But he reportedly had a similar problem when he was accused of masturbating in a San Diego City Hall restroom.

Although House Speaker Boehner is under fire for supporting the controversial candidate, the growing scandal pits two news organizations, Fox and CNN, against each other.

Back in January, Fox News had run a story about DeMaio preparing to “make history” in the congressional race, while Dana Perino, co-host of the channel’s “The Five,” hailed DeMaio for being in a “committed relationship” with another man and the first candidate “to feature his partner in campaign literature.”

“Full disclosure,” said Perino. “I am a former employee of the San Diego City Council, where I worked with Ric Grenell, now again a colleague of mine at Fox News Channel, and who currently consults on the DeMaio campaign.”

Despite this conflict of interest, DeMaio appeared on Fox News with Martha MacCallum and declared, “I don’t think either political party ought to be talking about social issues.”

Yet, his campaign website declares that on social issues:

  • Carl DeMaio supports “marriage equality.”
  • Carl DeMaio supports medical marijuana…
  • Carl DeMaio supports a woman’s right to choose…

Boehner’s fundraising for the controversial candidate comes as prominent San Diego Christians have announced they will cast a “tactical vote” against DeMaio and in support of his Democratic opponent, Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA).

The letter from the Christian leaders, issued before the sex scandal broke wide open, says DeMaio not only supports homosexual “marriage,” but abortion rights. He supports “medical marijuana” and is reported to be open to the idea of legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes.

He also accepts the Obama line on so-called climate change, having declared that “human activity has an impact on the climate,” and that “we must continue to invest in research to determine what is happening, why, and what we can do to mitigate it.”

The Christian leaders declared, “DeMaio is an avowed LGBTQ activist (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning). The LGBTQ movement believes in a genderless society, where God’s order of male and female is denied. Their goal is much greater than that. It is to impose their views upon us, with the intent of abolishing our rights to freedom of religious conscience, coercing us to affirm homosexual practice and to forever alter the historic, natural definition of marriage.”

Despite the sex scandal charges against DeMaio, Boehner and the National Republican Congressional Committee are still in support of this “new generation Republican” candidate.

However, former Arkansas Governor and Republican pro-family leader Mike Huckabee is threatening to leave the GOP over the issue. “If the Republicans want to lose guys like me—and a whole bunch of still God-fearing Bible-believing people—go ahead and just abdicate on this issue, and while you’re at it, go ahead and say abortion doesn’t matter, either,” he said.

CNN’s coverage of the issue has noted the relationship between DeMaio and Fox News contributor Grenell.

After interviewing Bosnich on camera, CNN said it “repeatedly tried to get detailed answers from DeMaio’s campaign,” but that a conference call “was led by hired consultant Richard Grenell, a former Mitt Romney presidential campaign spokesperson and Fox News contributor. Grenell refused to answer questions and accused CNN of being on a partisan witch hunt.”

Grenell is an official of Capitol Media Partners and an open homosexual who appears frequently on Fox News. His areas of expertise include “crisis communications,” and his website declares, “Capitol Media Partners has a proven track record of working with journalists, editors and executives to mitigate developing stories and shape ongoing news coverage. We have extensive contacts and relationships with a variety of national and international reporters across industries and beats.”

But the crisis has been building for DeMaio and Boehner.

CNN noted, “This is not the first time DeMaio has been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior. Last year, a fellow city councilman, Ben Hueso, said he twice caught DeMaio masturbating in a semi-private city hall restroom accessible only to city officials.”

The Wall Street Journal previously reported that then-Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) had given DeMaio $10,000; Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) contributed $5,000; and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) had kicked in $1,000.

Meanwhile, national pro-family leaders have sent a letter to Boehner and other Republican officials opposing official GOP support for candidates like DeMaio who are openly homosexual or pro-abortion.

The letter, signed by Brian S. Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage; Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council; and Tom Minnery, President, CitizenLink, said, “The undersigned organizations are writing to inform you that we actively oppose the election of Republican House of Representative candidates Carl DeMaio (CA-52) and Richard Tisei (MA-6) and Oregon U.S. Senate candidate Monica Wehby and will mount a concerted effort to urge voters to refuse to cast ballots for them in the November election.”

Richard Tisei is a homosexual Republican running for the U.S. House from Massachusetts, while Monica Wehby is a GOP Senate candidate from Oregon who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

The letter said:

This decision was reached only after having exhausted all attempts to convince the Republican leadership of the grave error it was making in advancing candidates who do not hold core Republican beliefs and, in fact, are working to actively alienate the Republican base. We believe that Republican candidates should embrace the full spectrum of conservative principles—economic, national security and social issues—that have defined our party since President Reagan led us to a transformative victory. While we acknowledge that a national party must accommodate varying points of view on matters of prudence, we also believe a party must stand for certain core principles that it expects its candidates to defend.

Referring to the National Republican Congressional Committee supporting candidates like DeMaio, Tony Perkins has said it appears that “some of the GOP want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” this November.

Sounding optimistic, candidates DeMaio and Tisei have formed a joint fundraising committee called the Equality Leadership Fund, and plan to “build a foundation for other gay Republicans to use in their campaigns for office.”

But that depends on Republicans voting for and electing these candidates.

Pro-family advocate Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says Republican “big shots” have failed to take into account  the number of social conservatives who will “walk away from the GOP or simply not vote,” as result of the party nominating candidates like DeMaio.

This article was originally posted at the Accuracy in Media website.