Tag Archives: Ryan Bomberger


Ryan Bomberger: Adopted and Loved

Ryan Bomberger, cofounder of The Radiance Foundation calls out the lies about abortion and "race" as he celebrates the beauty of adoption. Ryan is one of those "exceptions" cases that defines the injustice of abortion, yet he was adopted and loved. Life is a precious, precious gift. Whether planned or unplanned, every human life has purpose.
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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: Being A Deliberate Pro-Life Advocate

In the wake of SCOTUS decision to strike down Roe v. Wade and the so-called "right" to abortion, we praise God for how dozens of states in the nation have moved to ban or greatly restrict this heinous practice. In blue states like Illinois however, those who love death are busy establishing new death chambers, expanding to strategic new locations and inviting people over the state line to destroy innocent human life. As we once again recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January 22, 2023), Christ followers must respond intentionally, bringing both salt and light to this desperate situation.
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Critical Race Theory: It’s A Cancer, Not A Cure

I’m half white and half black. My melanin doesn’t change my worth or my propensity to sin. Yet we live in a culture where we are told that our skin color confers upon us a status that is fixed, assigned by an elite class of humans who call themselves “scholars.” They want us to see everything through the broken lens of “race”—a human construct that has only served to dehumanize us throughout history. As a person with brown skin, I reject my assigned “status” and refuse to see everything through that distorted prism.
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Bomberger: Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb

Ryan Bomberger, Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, recently spoke, by invitation, at an on-campus event hosted by the Wheaton College Republicans. In a presentation entitled Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb, Mr. Bomberger shares his compelling personal story and addresses the connection between race and abortion by utilizing video clips and fact-based graphics to illustrate this social injustice that specifically and disproportionately targets the black community.

As a self-proclaimed factivist, Bomberger speaks the truth – informed by Scripture and biblical principles – regarding the hypocritical alliance between Black Lives Matter …

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“Black Lives Matter” … or do they?

Anyone browsing social media or watching network news is likely to be familiar with #BlackLivesMatter, #ICantBreathe or #HandsupWalkOut. They are terms that express the angst fueling a continuing clash between minority protesters and law enforcement after the tragic deaths of Florida’s Trayvon Martin, Ferguson’s Michael Brown and New York City’s Eric Garner.

For the past several weeks, those hashtag terms have been splashed on protest signs as part of a nationwide outcry against racial profiling, social injustice and raw bigotry.

But while attention has focused on slain Black males, there has been little attention to the deaths of …

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