Tag Archives: Ryan T. Anderson


“Trans”-Cult Has Religious Liberty in Its Sights

It’s astonishing that America’s first freedom—the most fundamental of all constitutionally protected rights—is threatened by cross-dressers and others in bondage to disorders related to sexuality. That which has made America great—a beacon of light to oppressed peoples around the world—is being dismantled by those devoted to sexual libertinism. The manifold deleterious effects of the rejection of biblical truth from the public square is transforming America into a place unfit for children, families, or a free and flourishing people. While political “leaders,” including GOP “leaders” cower in their corners if men in dresses look at them cross-eyed, those men in dresses …

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Taxpayer-Funded Libraries Defend Obscenity, Child Corruption and Censorship

How many times have conservatives heard “progressives” claim that the controversial, obscene material they want taught to children is “age-appropriate”?

Government school teachers who are paid by the public want absolute autonomy and absolute anonymity, and that is why we now have adults introducing obscene material to other people’s children.
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The Books You Won’t Hear About During Banned Books Week

This week is Banned Books Week, a week that the American Library Association claims “brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.” However, in a year that saw major corporations engaging in viewpoint discrimination, two books that faced bans this year for daring to question the transgender agenda, When Harry Became Sally by Ryan T. Anderson and Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier, were notably absent from this year’s “Challenged book list.”
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If Leftists Ran the Zoo, Dr. Seuss Would Be Caged

This September 19-25, the displays in public libraries for the American Library Association’s annual Banned Books Week are going to be overflowing with banned books. In addition to Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally, and Abigail Schrier’s book, Irreversible Damage, there will be not one, not two, not three, but SIX Dr. Seuss books.
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Leftist Hive Mind Is Banning Ideas

Democrats have long pretended to be the party that fights to protect the little guy, all the while privately cozying up with Big Business, Big Tech, and Big Brother’s Press to oppress the little guys and gals. Democrat policies decimated the black family and our big cities. Democrats wasted millions of Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars and countless work hours on Russian collusion disinformation and impeachment ruses. And then in de facto collusion with social media mega-millionaires and the corrupt leftist press, the “progressive” hive threw the election to befuddled Biden and his henchwoman.
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Ben Shapiro and Ryan Anderson Discuss SCOTUS ‘Sex’ Redefinition

Conservative writer, podcaster, and attorney Ben Shapiro interviews Ryan T. Anderson, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and founder and editor of Public Discourse on the dire implications of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia that has roiled the political waters, including within the Republican Party. They discuss the likely affect of this decision on Title IX, speech mandates, businesses owned by people of faith, and more. To better understand the profoundly troubling nature of this decision, take 12 minutes to watch and listen to this important discussion.
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Evangelical Leaders’ Devilish Deal

In stunning semi-secretive decisions motivated by fear of religious persecution, the boards of two major evangelical organizations, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), have voted to pass motions that represent an unacceptable compromise with homosexuals and the science-denying “trans” cult. These two influential organizations passed motions that would ask the government to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes in federal anti-discrimination law in exchange for religious liberty protections that many people know would merely be stepping stones yanked out from under people of faith eventually.

According to World

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The Problems with Assisted Suicide

In an excerpt from a panel discussion, Ryan T. Anderson, PhD., author and the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles & Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, discusses four arguments against physician-assisted suicide. A strong pro-life stance must encompass not only the value of life in the womb, but also the value of life at every point from birth to God-appointed death.
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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: More from ‘Public Discourse’ & Autassassinophilia

Last time we covered two recent articles from Public Discourse — here are brief excerpts from three more.

The first is from Ryan T. Anderson — note the important introduction following the title:

How to Think About Discrimination: Race, Sex, and SOGI
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) antidiscrimination laws are unjustified, but if other policies are adopted to address the mistreatment of people who identify as LGBT, they must leave people free to engage in legitimate actions based on the conviction that we are created male and female and that male and female are created for each other.

Here …

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NBA, NFL Choose Sides in Culture War Battles

The NFL and the NBA are tackling issues having nothing to do with football or basketball, and they’re putting a full court press on our freedom.
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A User’s Guide To Free Expression And Bathroom Sanity

As the LGBT lobby moves beyond gay marriage into putting boys in girls’ locker rooms, here are four kinds of laws to keep an eye on.
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The Hysterical Hate for Ryan T. Anderson

The Washington Post published a profile of Ryan T. Anderson, a Heritage Foundation fellow who is a leading intellectual defender of traditional marriage, and a genuinely nice guy.
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States That Voted Against Gay Marriage Now Have It Forced Upon Them

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision not to hear any of the cases on same-sex marriage means, as my colleague Ryan T. Anderson writes, that “lower court rulings that struck down state marriage laws now will go into effect, forcing the redefinition of marriage in [Indiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Oklahoma and Utah] and potentially in other states in the 4th, 7th, and 10th circuits.” That shouldn’t be acceptable—regardless of your position on same-sex marriage.
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MUST-SEE: How Ryan T. Anderson Responded to a Gay Man Who Wants to Redefine Marriage

This is a must-see short video clip to help everyone understand how the debate about same-sex “marriage” is not about equality or discrimination. Ryan T. Anderson is from the Heritage Foundation. Please forward to your email database and networks and share below on social media.

Ryan T. Anderson will be the keynote speaker at the September 24th banquet for Catholic Citizens of Illinois.  The event will be held in Oak Brook, Illinois.  Click HERE for more information.


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