Tag Archives: Salvatore Cordileone


Pelosi Durbin and the Denial of Communion

A question that’s been roiling the Catholic Church for years is whether Nancy Pelosi and Dick Durbin and other Catholic politicians should be denied Communion since they support the legalized killing of children in the womb.
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The Almighty and Abortion

As the debate over abortion rages, with the U.S. Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that God is in favor of abortion? But some do. Or how can they claim that the issue is important, but not really that important?
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Government and Teachers Oppose Archbishop Cordileone and Catholic Doctrine

Last month, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone published a statement on Catholic teaching derived from the Catechism of the Catholic Church that he intends to add to the faculty and staff handbook that governs four Catholic high schools in his diocese. This much-needed statement has generated a nationwide dust-up. He has received both support and opposition, but as usual the usual “progressive” suspects are the most cacophonous.

Here’s an excerpt from Cordileone’s statement, which makes clear what is required of administrators, faculty, and staff:

As effective professionals in a Catholic School setting, we all—administrators, faculty and staff—are  required and

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