Six Degrees of Separation Between Hoaxster Sam Brinton and IL State Rep. Sam Yingling

*Reader Discretion Advised*

Who’d a thunk there was any connection between Joe Biden’s uber-creepy new nuclear waste disposal expert Sam Brinton and Illinois State Representative Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach) other than their first names? As it happens, there is. But first some background on the creepy Sam Brinton who was recently appointed “deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the U.S. Department of Energy” by the transphiliac Biden administration that hasn’t yet met a sexual perversion it didn’t love.

Brinton is a 34-year-old “gender non-binary” person who demonstrates his non-binariness by combining men’s and women’s clothing—thereby reflecting the binariness of his non-binary identity.

Brinton first identified as “gay,” but now his immutable “sexual orientation” has changed, and he—er, I mean “they”—identify as bisexual. He’s also into kink as he shared at a sex talk he gave at Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017:

[Brinton] left us with countless anecdotes, like how he enjoys tying up his significant other like a table, and eating his dinner on him while he watches Star Trek. Upon being asked about how long he knew he was into kink, he explained that it wasn’t necessarily from birth, but that his kinks manifested in nonsexual ways. Once he started having sex, he got bored with the idea that he couldn’t control the whole experience, which led him to the idea of domination. He also expanded on his experiences with pup play, the differences between kinks and fetishes, and how to safely choke one’s partner.

We then moved onto demonstrations. Brinton taught us about bondage, starting with wrist restraints and ending with harnesses. … He also passed out ropes to the audience and encouraged us to practice on each other.

When the demonstrations ended, he invited us to come play with his toys or talk to him more. The entire audience went up to the stage, and Brinton graciously explained the purpose and proper usage of each toy. He even demonstrated the use of a carbon fiber rod on those who were interested, and the marks he left on my arm lasted for a few days. He told us more stories, some about working in Washington, D.C., the few times he helped Michelle Obama pick out shoes, his efforts to end conversion therapy, and his experiences as a dominatrix.

While Brinton “completed a dual Master of Science degree program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in nuclear engineering and the technology and policy program,” he is better known—or, rather, infamous for—his nationwide crusade to make what he deceitfully calls “conversion therapy” illegal. So fanatically committed is Brinton to this crusade that he sashays in stilettos all about the country lying about it.

Brinton has claimed that he was a victim of torture via “conversion therapy”—the term those tricksy homosexual activists prefer—but his allegations suffer from shape-shifting and lack of proof.

For example, in 2010 Brinton alleged that just before seventh grade, he was sent to “conversion therapy” where his hands were tied down and “blocks of ice were placed” on his hands while pictures of men holding hands “were shown” to him.

By 2014 when he testified before the U.N.’s Committee on Torture, his story (and delivery) had changed. He still claimed that his hands were tied down and blocks of ice were placed on them, but he wasn’t shown pictures of men holding hands. Oh, no, in this incarnation of his story he was shown “erotic pictures of men.” Additionally, he claimed the torturous therapy occurred when he was ten years old.

When he testified before the U.N. committee at age 26, he was choking back faux-tears even though he’d been telling this story publicly for years. But four years earlier when he was 22, no tears, not a voice quiver to be heard.

Depending on the context, Brinton has alleged that he was either 10 or 12, when he was tortured by “a doctor,” or “not a doctor,” or a “religious therapist,” or a “licensed psychotherapist.” And at various points, he has claimed he was in this torturous therapy for “two to three years,” and yet he says he cannot recall the name of this therapist.

In addition to painful ice treatment, Brinton claims copper heating coils were wrapped around his hands and the heat turned on, “tiny needles” were “stuck into” his fingers, and that he received “electric shocks” by the nameless therapist. Even homosexuals doubt his story.

Btw, this kind of therapy is accurately called “aversion therapy”—not conversion therapy. And no licensed therapists do it on anyone, let alone children.

Talk therapy that seeks to uncover reasons for disordered feelings and dysfunctional behaviors is called counseling.

Brinton also claims that prior to torture therapy, he was taken to the emergency room seven times from beatings by his father that—Brinton claims—his parents said were from accidental falls. If that happened, surely there would be records of his emergency room visits.

Brinton squealed his delight about this appointment:

I’ll even be (to my knowledge) the first gender fluid person in federal government leadership. … You cannot fathom how excited I am. … so so so excited.

While the crossdressing, glittery, ruby stiletto-wearing Brinton squeals about his new appointment, the oppressive regime in China can see our soft bellies exposed for the death stroke.

What Brinton will do with our nuclear waste is far less important than what he’s doing and has done to our broken children living and moving and having their being in a sea of corruption and confusion.

Kinda makes sense that our prevaricating president would appoint a prevaricator to a high-level government post. #BirdsOfAFeather

And this brings us to Sam Yingling’s connection to Sam Brinton. Yingling is a leftwing religious bigot who calls theologically orthodox Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox beliefs about homosexuality “bigotry.” He’s also a staunch advocate for the non-existent moral and constitutional “right” of mothers to have their offspring killed.

And now Yingling seeks to further the anti-autonomy/anti-choice efforts of hoaxster Sam Brinton by proposing a bill (HB 5162) that would prevent any state money from going to organizations that help people sort out the possible reasons for their homoerotic attractions and gender confusion.

If passed, Yingling’s bill, which just yesterday passed out of committee by a vote of 5 to 3, will do the following:

Provides that the State shall not expend or invest any public funds in any organization, nonprofit organization, religious organization, or any other entity that performs conversion therapy. Provides that any public funds owed by the State to an organization performing conversion therapy shall be withheld from such organization, and any contract between the State and that organization shall be void.

The bill doesn’t define “conversion therapy,” but presumably, Yingling will define it in such a way that prevents state money from going to any entity that may help clients construct a sexual or gender identity consistent with their conservative beliefs and values. Only counseling that helps clients construct an identity consistent with leftist beliefs and values about homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation will receive state funds.

In other words, state funds will be used only to affirm leftist assumptions. So much for self-determination and choice.

And to heck with children, teens, and adults whose same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria are symptoms of molestation and trauma or result from peer or social media influence.

Professionals will remain able to access state funds to help gender dysphoric persons reject their unwanted bodies but will not be able to access state funds to help gender dysphoric persons reject their unwanted feelings—not even if that’s the path the client seeks to pursue.

Yep, just six degrees of separation between creepy hoaxster Sam Brinton, expert in waste, and Sam Yingling, supporter of human slaughter and post-birth harm to children.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state representative to ask him or her to vote “NO” to HB 5162. Urge them to reject religious bigotry and state-sanctioned discrimination.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:



Legalizing Counterfeit Birth Certificates

Illinois House Committee Approves HB 1785
Falsified Birth Certificates

This morning, the Illinois House Human Services Committee held a hearing on a highly controversial proposal that would legalize fraud through the alteration of birth certificates by gender-dysphoric persons who wish to have the government reinforce their deceit.

The bill passed on a party line vote: 7 Democrats voted yea, while 4 Republicans voted no.

State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago), who represents a segment of Chicago’s gay community, is one of three openly homosexual members of the Illinois General Assembly and an LGBT activist, is once again pushing this deceit, as he did last session.

HB 1785 would amend the Vital Records Act to allow transgender Illinoisans to easily change their gender and name on their birth certificate. According to HB 1785, all that would be needed is for a licensed health care worker or mental health professional to issue a declaration that the gender dysphoric person has undergone “gender transition treatment,” which doesn’t necessarily include surgery.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send an email message to your state representative to ask him/her to reject HB 1785 and uphold birth certificates as legal documents.  The state of Illinois has no duty or right to make it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates.  Ask your lawmaker to vote NO to the Birth Certificate Designation Act, HB 1785.

IFI’s Laurie Higgins‘ rightly pointed out in an article earlier this year:

[I]t’s critical to remember that cross-dressing, hormone-doping, and surgical mutilations do not turn males into females or vice versa. Compassion and a commitment to truth dictate that we must not treat students who take cross-sex hormones as if they are in reality the sex they are not.

And the government should never be required to participate in a science-denying fiction.

It is staggering to see a modern civilization snookered into accepting (or pretending to accept) the science-denying superstition that surgical tinkering and hormone-doping can turn a man into a woman or vice versa. The ordinary men and women behind the curtain promoting this superstition know full well that no human’s sex can change, so they had to invent new language to confuse and deceive…

Please take action today to let your state representative know what you think of this legislation.  The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.

Please also note that this bill is cosponsored by State Representatives Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago), Emanuel Chris Welch (D-Westchester), Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach), Cynthia Soto (D-Chicago), La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago), Silvana Tabares (D-Chicago), Ann Williams (D-Chicago), Carol Ammons (D-Champaign), Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston), Litesa Wallace (D-Rockford), Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), Theresa Mah (D-Chicago), Lou Lang (D-Skokie), and Laura Fine (D-Glenview).

Organizations lobbying in favor of this legislation include:  the ACLU of Illinois, Equality Illinois, Trans-Life Center, and Safe Schools Alliance.

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