Tag Archives: SB 25


What Are Gov. Pritzker’s Priorities?

In the midst of the COVID-19 craziness, it is alarming to recognize there are many who are willing to use our current health crisis for their own gain and/or agenda. As these snollygosters and media types grandstand, I cannot help but think of Rahm Emanuel’s infamous quote, “never let a crisis go to waste.”

Ironically, Emanuel first used that phrase in 2008 during the nation’s financial crash and then again last week in response to our nation’s coronavirus emergency. Is it a repackaging of one of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, in which he writes “in the …

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With Lethal Words, Abortion Apologists Attempt New Cover-Ups

Euphemistic language is an essential tool of all efforts to promote evil as good. Watch anti-life, anti-woman, anti-human-rights "feminist" Sophie Lewis defend human slaughter through such absurd language-torturing that it would be comical if it weren't serving such an evil end.
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Thomas More Society Fights Pro-Life Discrimination in NY

A federal lawsuit has been filed against New York City and the state, too, over their effort to include abortion in civil rights protections.
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2019 Session Recap and Perspective

If you follow politics and public policy at all, you know well the saying, "elections have consequences." Well, during this most recent General Assembly session (January-May), and especially the last two weeks, we have seen those consequences in spades, as super majorities in both the Illinois Senate and Illinois House passed far-reaching agenda items that can only be described extreme, duplicitous, and destructive.
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Pray, Pray, Pray & Call, Call, Call

As you may know, our state lawmakers returned to the Capitol late Sunday afternoon to begin their last week of regular session, which is scheduled to end on Friday, May 31st. At 6:08 PM, SB 25 (House Amendment 1) was posted and then scheduled for a hearing at 7:08 PM. This proposal, sponsored by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) is very similar to the extreme abortion expansion legislation filed by her earlier this year.

It should be noted that this bill was posted and scheduled in the absolute minimum amount of time required to be considered in the …

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