Tag Archives: School Choice


SCOTUS Upholds Religious Freedom in Education Choice

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a decisive victory for religious freedom and school choice this morning in a 6-3 ruling in the Carson v. Makin case.
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SCOTUS Will Hear Potentially Landmark Maine School Choice Case

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a potentially landmark case challenging a Maine law that bans families from participating in a student-aid program if they choose to send their children to religious schools.
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The Only Good Choice for Illinois Families is School Choice

As parents, we have plenty of concerns as we do our best to raise our children. From the moment they are born, God has entrusted us to make the best choices for them regarding everything from their basic human needs to what kind of communities we live in and how our children are educated.
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Important Information on Taxes and Scholarships!

In August 2017, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Invest in Kids Act as part of a budget package and allocated $75 million for scholarships through tax-credit contributions. This legislation funds scholarships for qualifying low-income students to attend the nonpublic school of their choice.

The Children’s Tuition Fund of Illinois (listed as ACSI Children Education Fund on the state website) is officially authorized to serve students, schools, and contributors as a Scholarship Granting Organization and began accepting contributions on January 2, 2018. Your contribution can help private Christian schools across the state and, in the process, help families escape government …

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PragerU Video: School Choice Saved My Life

Giving parents the ability to choose which schools their children attend can turn lives around. Just ask Denisha Merriweather, whose life was transformed thanks to the opportunity to attend private school through a voucher program.
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Colonel Allen West on The Military, Foreign Affairs and School Choice

In an interview posted at the Accuracy in Media website, Colonel Allen West delivers what conservatives have come to expect from him since his arrival on the national political scene back in 2010 when he was elected to Congress from Florida.
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The Battle Over Vouchers in Indiana

By Alicia Constant — World Magazine

More Indiana parents are choosing to send their children to private and parochial schools in the state, which has enacted the nation’s largest school voucher program.

More than 3,200 students received vouchers to attend private schools this year-with nearly 70 percent of them attending Catholic schools.

Catholic schools are in the minority among Indiana private schools but received a majority of vouchers because many are venerable and already have state accreditation. They also have more space: One Catholic school in South Bend had seen enrollment dwindle from 702 students in 1953 to 135 last …

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School Choice Bill in Springfield

State Senator Matt Murphy (R-Palatine) has introduced SB 1932, the “School Choice Act,” which would provide to parents vouchers worth up to $3,800 or the actual tuition of a private school, whichever is less. Vouchers would be available to students in grades 1-8 who attend “low performing” or “overcrowded” schools in the Chicago School District 299.

Low-performing schools are those that rank in the lowest 10 percent in terms of the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test, and “overcrowded” schools are those that have 70 percent or more low-income students and are …

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New Bill to Require Parents to Register Their Children with the State

Contact Sen. Maloney and your State Senator ask them to drop this unwarranted expansion of government.

A deeply troubling bill (SB 136) has been proposed in the Illinois General Assembly by State Senator Edward D. Maloney (D-Chicago) that will affect all children in non-public schools, including home schools.

Existing school code permits the voluntary registration of non-public school students with the state. If SB 136 were to pass, it would compel all parents or legal guardians of home or privately schooled students to register with the state. Registration that is now voluntary would become compulsory. The arguments used …

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Lawmakers Vote Down School Choice Bill

Illinois’ General Assembly failed to help failing students in the state’s worst schools on Wednesday afternoon.

Landmark school choice legislation was rejected by lawmakers from both parties Wednesday. This common sense bill would have allowed approximately 22,000 children from Chicago’s worst-performing and most-overcrowded elementary schools to transfer to private or parochial schools. Each student would have received approximately $3,700 in state money to specifically cover tuition costs at those schools. (Chicago public schools currently spend more than $11,000 per student.)

IFI’s Laurie Higgins says the vote came up short in the House despite a bipartisan effort. “It fell just 12 …

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School Choice Bill Vote Pending

The Illinois General Assembly is winding up its work for this Spring session, and will try to adjourn for the summer by Friday of this week. That means that things will be moving very quickly this week. We will try to keep you posted on the issues that concern you and your family. (As a result, you may get multiple email alerts this week.)

One of those bills that we are working hard to see passed is a common sense bill that would create school choice for parents of grade school children in Chicago’s worst 49 schools. SB 2494 would …

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