Tag Archives: social contagion


Is China Using TikTok to Control the Minds of Our Children?

Alex Marlow, News Editor-in-Chief at the rightwing website Breitbart.com, recently made the claim that “TikTok is Chinese mind control,” pointing to how it has captivated the “increasingly A.D.D. American mind” with its constant scrolling. Is there any truth to this claim? And is TikTok more dangerous than we realize, not just because of the mindless distraction it provides but because of its content?

Ironically, although TikTok was developed by a Chinese company and is owned by a Chinese company, it is banned in China, along with a number of other, major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and …

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A Plea to Exit Public Schools ASAP

While claiming they don’t believe homoerotic attraction is biologically determined, far too many conservatives act as if they do so believe. If conservatives really disbelieved the assertion by leftists that homoerotic attraction is biologically determined, they—that is, conservatives—would be far more vigorously opposed to their children being “educated” in public schools. If conservatives really believed that a child’s environment can contribute to the development of homoerotic attraction (and later to volitional homoerotic activity), then they would remove them immediately from any context that introduces them to positive ideas and images of homoeroticism, including especially public schools.

Here in Illinois, such …

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