Tag Archives: Standing in the Word Ministries


Pastor Sues Sheriff and State’s Attorney to Ensure Religious Liberty

A suit to enjoin the Grundy County State’s Attorney and Sheriff from enforcing Governor JB Pritzker’s worship restrictions has been filed by a local church. The continuing worship restrictions are contained in Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020-32. Pastor Gionvennatti is seeking court protection to ensure that all citizens’ constitutional rights are affirmed without question and that religious liberties are not ever again infringed by egregious government overreach.
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The National Day of Pray is Vitally Important This Year

This National Day of Prayer May 7, 2020 will be like no other. Since its inception in May 1952 under President Harry S. Truman, the day has been observed with large public events. While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shutdown of all public events, but prayer and the event will still go on. The event has moved online and prayer has never been more important.
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