The Mississippi Compromise of 2022

A Lawless Decision Finally About to Be Overruled

The U.S. Supreme Court appears to be poised, absent dereliction of duty or cowardice, to overrule one of the most wicked, unlawful, and murderous decisions it has ever issued.

In overturning (destroying, really) Roe v. Wade (410 U.S. 113), the Court will have done much to restore judicial integrity, but not enough.

In 1820, amid the attempt to end slavery in the United States, a compromise for admitting the State of Missouri to the Union was reached. While imposing some limits to official political support for slavery, the Missouri Compromise of 1820, in effect, continued the U.S. Government’s official endorsement of the systematic enslavement and forced servitude of large numbers of kidnapped Africans.

Likewise, in 1854, this compromise was replaced with another [1]; to let the States decide for themselves whether or not to allow the majority to enslave the minority. Opposition to this replacement (proposed by Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas) was the basis for formation of the Republican Party and the rise in prominence of Abraham Lincoln.

Once again, the unalienable Right to Liberty of these People, was officially alienated from them with the explicit consent of The United States of America!

Today, according to the verified initial draft of Justice Samuel Alito‘s majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center [2] (better described as Jackson Unwanted Children’s Death Center), the Court rightly demolishes both Roe [3], and its descendant Planned Parenthood v. Casey (505 U.S. 833).

In the Dobbs draft though, the Court continues to sanction the States’ unconstitutional denial of certain persons’ Right to Life at the hands of those more powerful. States may not lawfully do so. I call it the Mississippi Compromise of 2022.

According to one list of deaths at the hands of tyrannical dictators, the United States’ denial of the Right to Life of 63,000,000 children unwanted by their mothers since the Roe v. Wade decision—boys and girls whose only crime was being too small to be defended—places post-1973 America in second place (behind only Mao’s Communist China and ahead of Stalin’s Socialist Russia and Hitler’s National Socialist Germany) [4].

Justice Alito’s draft several times vaguely refers “the rule of law.”

The foundation of any American Rule of Law must be what we, the People of the United States, declared to all mankind to be “self-evident” truth, in support of our revolution from England, simply that:

  • All mankind is created, equal.
  • The Creator has given rights to man (endowed with) which cannot be removed (unalienable).
  • Governments, such as that we were about to form, are instituted for the purpose of securing those rights (which include Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) deriving their power from the consent of the governed.
  • The governed have a right to overthrow governments which do not follow the Rule of Law.

The Court’s draft states, that abortion “presents a profound moral question,” but as Justice Alito proves, science has answered that question (i.e., “is there a human in a pregnant mother’s womb?”), in the affirmative.

The question therefore really becomes a profoundly immoral one, “will government permit the stronger Person (parent) to extinguish the life of the weaker (unborn child)?”

The draft purports to “return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.” This is tyranny of the majority.

Neither the U.S. Constitution, nor the Rule of the Law permits such injustice. Neither the People nor their representatives can ever possess such authority:

For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. (Romans 13:3-4)

According to the Rule of Law, every human being has a self-evident, God-given, unalienable Right to Life, which is to be secured by any legitimate government. From the moment of conception, we are now scientifically able to identify precisely, the existence of a human being. Therefore, we (i.e., all branches of government, and the governed, by whose consent they rule) must secure this right to every human being within our authority:

This will of his (mankind’s) Maker is called the law of nature … no human laws are of any validity if contrary to this. (William Blackstone [5])

As the draft indicates, the U.S. Constitution most certainly does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion, as Roe and Casey did. Neither though, does it permit the citizens of each State to deny persons within their borders, their human Right to Life!

The unalienable Right to Life of every human being within the borders of the United States of America must be secured by the equal protection of the laws of all governments within the Union. The court has the duty under the U.S. Constitution (several places) and the American Rule of Law to so rule.

This is only a first draft. Let us continue to pray, more fervently than ever, that the Court will revise this draft and finally affirm the U.S. Constitution and American Rule of Law: that all States must, to the best of their ability, secure the Right to Life for all people within its jurisdiction.

[1] Note that these “compromises” occurred while the nation was still operating under the American Rule of Law, based upon the law of the Creator, and therefore came from Congress. The legal profession soon thereafter adopted positive law (foundation of law is judicial decisions, therefore improperly expanding role of judiciary), so this similar “compromise” is now coming from the Court.

[2] https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21835435/scotus-initial-draft.pdf

[3] As demonstrated by the Court’s draft opinion, lawyers, including those who approve of the result, have always known Roe was a bad decision, but modern law schools leave no concept of a decision being ‘bad’ law, since cases determine the law.

[4] https://about-history.com/list-of-dictatorships-by-death-toll-the-top-10-biggest-killers-in-history/

[5]  Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Law was the third most cited source in the writings of the founders. https://oll.libertyfund.org/page/founding-father-s-library

Incoherent Leftists, Abortion, and SB 1564

Leftists in our leftist-controlled state are seeking to amend the “Health Care Right of Conscience” law so as to deny the right of conscience of medical professionals who oppose feticide, artificial contraception, and certain end-of-life protocols that intentionally and prematurely end lives.

Senate Bill 1564 (SB 1564) has passed both houses in Springfield, and as soon as Illinois Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) sends it to Governor Bruce Rauner, he will have 60 days to decide if he will sign it into law or veto it.

This law would, for example, compel medical professionals who oppose feticide to help women find abattoirs and doctors committed to the practice of feticide. And this law would undermine the free exercise of religion by forcing those medical professionals whose commitment to life derives from their faith—including those who work in pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

IFI is hearing the usual irrational arguments from leftists about choice and the inability of society to agree on when the “product of conception” becomes human and/or is entitled not to be exterminated. Leftists say that because there is no consensus about when the product of conception between two humans becomes a human and/or deserves protection, the government should allow each individual to decide for herself. Ironically, leftists believe that each individual doctor should be legally prohibited from making a similar decision and acting in accordance with that decision.

A rational society cannot rationally encode in law the proposition that the product of conception between two humans is at once human and not human or at once deserving of the right merely to exist and undeserving of the right merely to exist. When leftists proclaim that every woman should have the right to decide whether to end the life of the product of conception between two humans that is growing within her, they must have concluded either that the life being nourished is not human–which is objectively false–or that it is undeserving of protection. To say it matters not whether feticide is practiced or not makes them sound eerily like Stephen Douglas who said he didn’t care whether slavery was voted up or down.

Some years ago, Northwestern University law professor Andrew Koppelman expressed his desire that abortion be rare. If the growing things being nourished by women’s bodies are not human or are so devoid of personhood as to be undeserving of constitutional protection, why wish their destruction to be rare?

If, as the left claims, there is uncertainty about when the product of conception between two humans becomes human, how ghastly it is to err on the side that presumes it becomes a person at birth (or at some other arbitrary point) and then one day discover they were wrong.

As a thought experiment, imagine a law that compelled Americans in the antebellum South who knew that African Americans were humans equal in all respects to whites to facilitate slavery. Oh, wait, we don’t have to imagine it. With the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Democrats sought–as they are seeking now–to force Americans to violate their consciences in the service of a grievous moral injustice that denies a group of weak, vulnerable humans their dignity, their freedom, and their rights.

Until the day when Americans restore moral sanity to our legal and cultural landscape by recognizing that the unborn have a right to be protected from the merciless and lethal assaults of abortionists, our laws should at least protect the rights of those who cannot, will not, and should not be forced to facilitate evil.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to Illinois Governor Rauner, urging him to uphold religious freedom and conscience rights for medical personnel in Illinois.  Ask him to veto SB 1564 and the tyranny it represents.

After you send an email, please also call the Governor’s office at (217) 782-0244 or (312) 814-2121. Once you’ve done this, please pray that Gov. Rauner and his staff will understand how coercive and unjust this legislation is.

Thank you!

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