Tag Archives: technology


Tech, Faith, & Family Seminar

Your student lives in a world surrounded and infused by technology. Communication is instant. Friendships take place “online” sometimes even more than in “real life.” This “connected” world brings new opportunities and new dangers. How do we navigate these together as a family?
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The Smartphone Generation

Jean Twenge is a researcher who has looked at data on over 11 million youth as part of a new generational study.  The millennial generation is timing out as a new, unnamed generation appears.  These young people could be called the smartphone generation born around 2000.  Today’s 18 year olds are the first to grow up spending time much differently than generations before them, due in large part, to the rise of the iPhone.

Twenge has called them iGen.  In fact, she has written a book based upon her study of today’s youth titled:  “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids

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