Tag Archives: The New Yorker


Lincoln Park Zoo and Paramount School of the Arts Drag Children Down

Just eight years ago, drag queens were a smallish plague found only in weird clubs catering to weird adults with weird “entertainment” tastes. Then lesbian/unfit mother Michelle Tea's darkened mind spawned a dark idea that she mistook for a brilliant one: drag queen story hours for preschoolers at public libraries. The dark idea has swept the nation in a movement that only a father of lies could love. And now it’s landed in Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, giving new meaning to the zoo’s motto: “Lincoln Park Zoo. For Wildlife. For All.”
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The Good News Paradox of Christian Men and Porn

Pornography is a massive problem in America, and likely around the globe as well.  To understand the $97 billion industry in average daily terms, porn sites get more visits each month in America than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

The pervasiveness of this corrosive material has all sorts of societal ramifications for everyone.  It plays a role in the coarsening of our culture. It leads to relationship problems. It drives an immoral demand that has now made America one of the top sex-trafficking nations in the world.

One must wonder how there could be any good news about this …

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Misuse of ‘Bert and Ernie’ Akin to Child Endangerment

Some pro-family organizations are rankled at the latest attempt by a liberal media outlet to co-opt two of America’s most beloved children’s pop culture icons on behalf of the pro-homosexual movement.

The Muppets Bert and Ernie, perhaps the most recognized characters of the popular U.S. children’s television program Sesame Street, have been used to commemorate last week’s landmark Supreme Court rulings on same-sex “marriage.” The latest issue of The New Yorker magazine shows the duo cuddling on their sofa as they watch a television featuring members of the United States Supreme Court.

The illustration, titled “Moment of Joy,” suggests …

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