Tag Archives: The Washington Post


Colorado Club Q Shooter Identifies as “Non-Binary”?

Earlier this week, court filings by the attorneys for the alleged shooter from the LGBTQ night club in Colorado Springs revealed the shooter is non-binary and goes by "they/them" pronouns and will be addressed by the title Mx.
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The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

An old story tells of a big, successful store with a plaque in the employees’ lounge which read: “Rule #1. The customer’s always right. Rule #2. If you ever think the customer is wrong, reread Rule #1.”

I bring this up because the public school education establishment (to be distinguished from the rank and file teachers, many of whom are dedicated public servants), often treat their customers as if they’re wrong and as if the education elites know better than the dumb parents.

School choice is the ultimate answer to America’s education crisis, and there ought to be bipartisan agreement …

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May God Have Mercy Upon Us and Our Troubled Country

With our nation on a razor’s edge, the days are getting shorter — and darker.

In fact, the winter solstice is coming in a couple of weeks on Dec. 21, marking the shortest day on the calendar and thus the darkest time of the year.
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Uncorking Hate for Pink and Blue Parties

The "gender reveal" has become a growing phenomenon in the world of social media. When expectant parents discover the gender of their unborn baby, they make a big announcement revealing the baby's sex, with cakes and balloons and even pyrotechnics.
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Battle for the Children: The Parental Rights Amendment Versus the United Nations

The U.S. Supreme Court of the United States has consistently upheld the right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children within the guarantee of liberty found in the U.S. Constitution. A subversive movement emanating from the United Nations, however, is seeking to undermine parental authority by, in effect, making children wards of the State. Under the guise of protecting children, globalists are pushing a draconian agenda known as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which if ratified will overrule the authority of parents to act in the best interests of their children.

Standing …

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Hugh Hefner Leaves Behind a Legacy of Sexual Exploitation

Hugh Hefner helped to usher in an era of sexual deviance, porn addiction, objectification of women, and broken relationships between men and women. Hefner, the bachelor hedonist who brought us female exploitation and sex clubs, was a big part of the sexual revolution of the 50's and 60's. Hefner passed away Wednesday at the age of 91.
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America’s Enemies in Hollywood Then and Now

With the war on Islamic terrorism being portrayed as a righteous cause in “American Sniper,” the Clint Eastwood film breaking box office records, a book which documents the days when Hollywood was a mouthpiece for communist propaganda might seem out of date. But Allan H. Ryskind’s book, Hollywood Traitors, is a reminder that Hollywood can’t always be counted on to take America’s side in a war, even a World War when the United States faced dictators by the names of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

The Ryskind book, published by Regnery, documents how the much-maligned …

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