Tag Archives: Thomas Paprocki


Satanic Display in the Illinois Capitol Rotunda

Christmas is a time of reflection on the gift of Christ and the salvation that He provides through the cross. For generations, Americans have displayed nativity scenes in front of churches and in public settings. Yet, these displays have not gone without opposition. In Illinois, the Satanic Temple of Illinois constructed a display in the Capitol rotunda, near the nativity display. Despite their dark representation, the light of Christ remains on full display and the gospel is proclaimed.
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Illinois Pro-Lifers Answer the Call

As the oldest teenage daughter of Illinois Family Institute’s executive director, I have had the privilege of visiting Springfield for a great number of events. But this past Wednesday was perhaps the most important event I’ve volunteered for as I witnessed over four thousand pro-life Illinoisans converge on our state capitol to oppose two extreme abortion bills currently pending in the General Assembly.
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Thank Illinois’ Catholic Bishops for Admonishing Gov. Quinn

The Bishops of the Illinois Catholic Conference recently released a strong, but appropriate statement admonishing Governor Pat Quinn for his decision to present an abortion-rights leadership award at an upcoming luncheon. This luncheon will raise funds for Personal PAC — the state’s largest political action committee whose main goal is electing pro-abortion candidates to state and local office in Illinois.

Personal PAC’s President and CEO is Terry Cosgrove, the same Terry Cosgrove who sits on the Illinois Human Rights Commission. Cosgrove was nominated to sit on this commission by Governor Quinn. (Read more about this HERE.)

Personal PAC …

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