Illinois Democrats Seek the Abolition of Sex-Segregated Bathrooms

The compulsory sexual integration of private spaces here in the Land of Degeneracy Lincoln continues apace, aided and abetted by rich men with perverse sexual fetishes, academicians with disordered sexual desires, and unprincipled, ignorant Democrat Lawmakers.

Two months ago, I first warned about a screwball amendment (HB 3195) to the “Equitable Restrooms Act,” which has now been passed by the muck-making bureaucracy we call the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 63-43 and is now being considered by the Illinois Senate. Here’s a section of that screwball, privacy-denying amendment:

The purpose of this Section is to promote the privacy, safety, and gender inclusivity of all Illinois residents and visitors. …

Any multiple-occupancy restroom may be converted into an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom. If a multiple-occupancy restroom is to be converted into an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom and a multiple-occupancy restroom serving a different gender is located adjacent or in proximity to the all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom, then both multiple-occupancy restrooms must be converted into all-gender multiple-occupancy restrooms. …

If an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom is newly constructed, a newly constructed or previously existing restroom located adjacent or in proximity to the newly constructed all-gender multiple-occupancy restrooms must also be designated as an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom. (emphasis added)

If passed, this wholly partisan amendment will mandate that if an existing single-sex multiple-occupancy bathroom is converted to a co-ed multiple occupancy bathroom, any nearby single-sex multiple-occupancy bathroom must be converted to a co-ed bathroom as well.

Further, if a new co-ed multiple-occupancy bathroom is constructed, any bathroom nearby must also be a co-ed bathroom.

How long before the conscience-deformed swampsters propose a bill requiring that all new and existing multiple-occupancy bathrooms must be co-ed? Incrementally, the left will ban all single-sex multiple-occupancy bathrooms (and locker rooms) in deference to their overlords: “trans”-cultists.

As I have said repeatedly (and with increasing frustration), the end game for the “trans”- cult is not unrestricted access to opposite-sex private spaces for a handful of delusional cross-sex impersonators. The end game is the eradication of all public recognition of sex differences, which means no private spaces for anyone. No private spaces for girls and women. No private spaces for boys and men.

“Trans”-cultists believe girls and women should have no single-sex multiple-occupancy bathrooms (or locker rooms) available to them anywhere. And “trans”-cultists believe boys and men should have no single-sex multiple-occupancy bathrooms (or locker rooms) available to them.

This proposed amendment makes the fatuous claim that its purpose is to promote the “privacy” and “safety” of girls and women. How exactly are the privacy and safety of girls and women who live in or visit Illinois promoted by allowing biological males into previously all-female bathrooms?

Cross-dressing men like “Martine” Rothblatt and “Jennifer” Pritzker use their wealth and political power to normalize their deviant sexual fetishes. Some may remember that the big burly RINO “Jennifer” Pritzker published an editorial threatening that if the GOP didn’t capitulate to his demands that the GOP affirm “trans”-cultism he would take his filthy lucre and stomp home in his man-sized stilettoes.

Both Pritzker and the eccentric Rothblatt—who has created his own religion which teaches that “death is optional,” as well as a creepy “humanoid robotic” bust of his actual wife programmed with hours of his wife’s “memories, feelings, and beliefs”—are pouring money into academia to promote their “trans”-cultic beliefs and practices.

Unfortunately, they’re not alone in using academia to promote “trans”-cultism. Just this week, the Chicago Tribune—almost always on the wrong side of history—had a splashy piece announcing the opening of the Chicago-based Center for Applied Transgender Studies, which “aims to combat misinformation and lack of trans-led research.”

By now, many Americans know what leftists mean when they refer to “misinformation.” They mean information they hate. And I think many Americans know by now what leftists mean when they refer to “trans”-led research. They don’t mean well-constructed, objective research. They mean research whose results are pre-ordained, including poorly constructed “social” science research.

The founder, TJ Billard, is a foolish assistant professor at Northwestern University—a man who self-identifies as a “non-binary” “scholar of political communication and media activism” who wants adults to refer to him by the pronouns “they/them.” #eyeroll.

The managing director of the Center for Applied Transgender Studies is also a sexually confused man who goes by Erique Zhang (formerly Eric Zhang), who also expects to be referred to by plural pronouns.

In an interview with the equally foolish Joan Esposito, Billard expressed his hope that the center, composed of him, his two co-founders, “17 senior research fellows and 10 junior fellows” would influence public policy, presumably including policies pertaining to the sexual integration of private spaces.

“Trans”-cultists seek to impose on the world their metaphysical claims and dubious psychological beliefs in the hope of having their feelings and fetishes treated as healthy, normal, and essential components of their “authentic identities.”

Central to their science-denying de facto Gnostic religion are two beliefs: 1. human spirits merely inhabit manipulable bodies, and 2. physical embodiment as male or female—i.e., biological sex—has no intrinsic meaning and, therefore, sex-segregated spaces in which humans undress, shower, and tend to intimate bodily functions are nonsensical or worse.

But society has no obligation to act as if the false ontological and moral assumptions of “trans”-cultists and their ideological allies are true. And, by the way, we don’t have to capitulate to their language commands.

Please, fight this destructive bill.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state senator to ask him/her to vote against HB 3195 and the foolish agenda that fails to recognize biological facts. Ask them to protect the privacy, dignity and safety of all Illinois citizens.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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