Tag Archives: tolerance


The Intolerance of the Tolerance Culture

After two decades of hearing the virtues of tolerance and diversity, American society has become increasingly intolerant, and because of that, less diverse when it comes to the ability to offer opinions in public and private discourse.
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Leftists Have Intolerance and Bigotry All Wrong

In light of being accused of “intolerance” and “bigotry” on IFI’s Facebook page by purportedly tolerant and unbigoted “progressives,” I think some clarification of the meaning of tolerance and bigotry is in order. And while I’m at it, I’ll say a little sumpin’ sumpin’ about anger—again.

Save this. You may need it.

The first definition of “tolerance” in the Oxford English Dictionary is “the action or practice of enduring pain or hardship; the power or capacity of enduring.” Another definition is “the disposition to be patient with or indulgent to the opinions or practices of others; freedom from bigotry or …

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What the World Needs Now is Some Conservative Civil Disobedience

Arguably, the most tyrannical, divisive, hateful, destructive political movement in the country will once again urge children and teens to disrupt government schools for an entire day on Friday April 12, 2019. And for the 23rd year in row, spineless Christians will take it on the chin. They tolerate the intolerable—not for principled reasons—but out of cowardice. 
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PODCAST: What the World Needs Now is Some Conservative Civil Disobedience

Arguably, the most tyrannical, divisive, hateful, destructive political movement in the country will once again urge children and teens to disrupt government schools for an entire day on Friday April 12, 2019. And for the 23rd year in row, spineless Christians will take it on the chin. They tolerate the intolerable—not for principled reasons—but out of cowardice.

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Prager University Short Video: So, You Think You’re Tolerant?

How would you define tolerance? The essence of the standard societal and dictionary definitions boils down to this – tolerance is the ability or willingness to live among and get along with people whose opinions and behavior are different, even antithetical, to one’s own.

It is interesting to note that Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines “tolerance” as: The power or capacity of enduring; or the act of enduring.

Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, states, “Whatever differences we have, tolerating others’ opinions is a prerequisite of a functioning and free society.” If what he says is true, …

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What is Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?

It’s probably too much to hope for, but perhaps the day of reckoning for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has come. Perhaps the shooting last week at the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington D.C. will bring scrutiny to and condemnation of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s pernicious “hate group” list on which the Family Research Council (FRC), American Family Association (AFA), and we, the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), are included.

All three organizations are included on the SPLC’s ever-expanding list of hate groups that also includes “neo-Nazi” groups, ”racist skinhead” groups, and the Ku Klux Klan. FRC, AFA, …

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DOS Protest Keeps Students from Learning in School

On Friday, April 20, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will encourage students to remain silent for an entire school day in solidarity with the radical lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) agenda.
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