Tag Archives: Tony McCombie


Illinois Public Schools Battle Plague of Violence, Sexual Abuse

Lawmakers and union bosses are increasingly speaking out against the violence and rampant sexual abuse that plagues children in government schools across Illinois and beyond. Laws have even been proposed and passed to supposedly deal with the escalating crisis.

However, nothing is being done to address the root causes of the problem: godlessness, hopelessness, and the lack of accountability for students and adults, all of which permeate government-controlled “education” today.
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Outrageous Acts of IL House Progressives to Pass Kill-Babies-Bill

This afternoon, the Illinois House of Representatives voted 64-50 (with 4 voting present) to pass abortion expansion (SB 25) in our state. "Pro-choice" lawmakers proudly and boldly championing baby slaughter in the name of women's so-called "health."
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