Tag Archives: Tracey Salvatore


District 211 Colluder/Female Impersonator LaSaia Wade Allegedly Steals from His Non-Profit

A transgender activist known as a leading voice for transgender people in Chicago, Illinois, has been fired from the LGBTQ center the activist founded after allegedly diverting the organization's funds to "unknown" bank accounts.
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The Worst School Board in Illinois Gets Sued

Two administrators and five school board members in District 211, the largest high school district in Illinois, are being sued by Judicial Watch on behalf of a teacher who was fired for expressing criticism of the 2020 BLM/Antifa insurrections that devastated American cities. The defendants are director of human resources, James A. Britton; District 211 superintendent, Lisa A. Small; and board members, Robert J. LeFevre Jr., Anna Klimkowicz, Steven Rosenblum, Edward M. Yung, and the worst of the worst, Kim Cavill.  Two board members, Mark Cramer and Peter Dombrowski, had the good …

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What All Conservatives Must Learn from District 211 “Trans” Activism

Folks, if you hope to defeat “trans” activism in your public schools, public libraries, the Springfield Swamp, and halls of Congress, you must first find those old rubbery spines that have been gathering dust in your attics. Then muster some courage to speak truth to Leftists who have been winning gold medals in epithet-hurling. Their tongues are now the strongest part of their bodies, while apparently their brains are the weakest. Try getting them to answer a few foundational questions that emerge from their incoherent, science-denying “trans”-ideology and watch them bob and weave, evasively changing subjects in between screeching “hater” …

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Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections

Last Thursday night, District 211—the largest high school district in the state with 12,000 students and five high schools—held a board meeting to discuss Superintendent Daniel Cates’ boneheaded proposal to allow students who “identify” as the opposite sex to have unrestricted access to the locker rooms of opposite-sex peers. Expecting a large crowd, the district moved the meeting to Palatine High School. The Daily Herald reported that 25 speakers were randomly selected, 16 of whom opposed the proposal, which is well over 50 percent.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Religious Liberty, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections