Tag Archives: Transgender Ideology


Questions for Sex-Eradicationists, Lawmakers, and School Leaders

The radical “Equality” Act—the pet project of sex-eradicationists (also known as “trans”-cultists)—is now in the U.S. Senate. The act would force the federal government to treat the nonsensical notion that spirit humans can be “trapped” in the wrong material bodies as if those disordered feelings constitute a reality equivalent to biological sex and one about which no one may make judgments. In other words, the Equality Act would enshrine in federal law a Gnostic superstition.
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Dr. Michelle Cretella: Child Abuse, Female Erasure & the Death of ALL Human Rights

In this presentation Dr. Michelle Cretella addresses the distinction between the scientific, biological reality of sex vs. the manmade, social construct of gender. She also details the wide-ranging, disastrous consequences that will result if conservatives and Christians remain passive in the face of the erroneous transgender ideology that is embraced and promoted in many pediatricians’ offices, our children’s classrooms, and in the media – especially media targeted to children and youth under the age of 18.
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