Tag Archives: Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation


Survey Finds 7 in 10 Millennials Support Socialism

A recent survey has found 70 percent of Millennials say they are likely to vote for a Socialist. The survey conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation also found just one in two have a favorable view of Capitalism.

According to the survey breakdown, 50 percent of Millennials say they are “somewhat likely” and 20 percent say they are “extremely likely” to vote for a socialist candidate, an increase of 10 percent over last year. The good news is 53 percent of Americans overall are hesitant about voting for a “democratic socialist,” which is an increase of 6 percent …

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Many Americans Just Don’t Know . . . While Others Must Have Forgotten

Less than 20 years into the 21st Century and it seems that many Americans have either forgotten, or simply do not know about, what could arguably be described as the largest worldwide scourge of the 20th Century.  Roughly 97 million people died in two world wars.  However, more than 100 million people died under the governing system of Communism in what many historians have called the bloodiest century in the history of man.

Each year the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation commissions a poll of Americans to find out what they know about Socialism, Marxism and Communism, the …

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