Visionary Parenting with Dr. Rob Reinow

Parenting is tough. Aside from having to keep little people (often with sizeable attitudes) alive, parents are also entrusted with the responsibility of training their child in the way he (or she) should go – so that they love the Lord and live it out.

That last one is difficult and can easily fall by the wayside. So whether you’re a new parent who’s struggling, or a confident experienced parent, this sermon by Dr. Rob Reinow from Visionary Family Ministries is a must-see.

Focusing on Deuteronomy 6:5-9, he shares how God created and designed discipleship to take place inside the home and the when and how for parents to instruct their children.

It’s incredibly helpful for parents from any walk of life – give it a watch and share it with parents and grandparents in your circle!

Helping Your Teen Walk With God

The teen years are vitally important for your son or daughter’s spiritual life. Most teens experience dramatic ups and downs in their faith and relationship with God. Your student needs a spiritual connection with you more than ever before.

Whether your student is spiritually thriving or struggling, this seminar with Dr. Rob Rienow will encourage you. You will be equipped with key Scriptures and practical ways that you can build a stronger relationship with your teen so you can help them follow Jesus.

This FREE seminar is sponsored by Wheaton Academy & Visionary Family Ministries

Register here.

Visionary Marriage Conference

God has a mission for you as a husband and wife. Come and discover it. In this conference, married and engaged couples will be inspired to:
• Embrace a compelling, Bible driven mission for their lives together.
• Forgive and work through conflict.
• Partner together to build faith and character in their children.
• Build a multi-generational legacy for Christ and His Kingdom.


Visionary Parenting & Grandparenting Seminar

God blessed you with children for a reason. Come and discover it!

• Catch a vision for the spiritual life of your family
• Create a less chaotic and more peaceful home
• Pass faith and character to your children
• Practice effective Biblical discipline
• Win the hearts of your children

$12/adult, $5/child (Includes dinner& childcare, $30 max cost per family)

Cindy Disney-Gainey
(847) 634-3635

Tech, Faith, & Family Seminar

Your student lives in a world surrounded and infused by technology. Communication is instant. Friendships take place “online” sometimes even more than in “real life.”

This “connected” world brings new opportunities and new dangers. How do we navigate these together as a family?

Join me on Saturday March 7 at Wheaton Academy as we wrestle with these topics in a free seminar, “Technology, Faith and Family”

In our time together I will explore some essential biblical principles that will help your family successfully navigate this new world of technology, social media, and online life.

This is an event for parents and teens, but if your teen cannot attend, parents are still encouraged to come.

RSVP to “events@visionaryfam.com”

Visionary Parenting & Grandparenting

Parenting can be a challenge but the souls of our children are our most important Great Commission calling. God has entrusted you with children for a reason. The biblical purpose of parenting is to do all in our power to impress the hearts of our children with a love for God. Join Rob Rienow from Visionary Family Ministries for a workshop from 4-6 P.M. on how to make disciples in the next generation whether you are a parent or grandparent.

Dinner will follow the workshop. There will be information about ongoing resources and groups in your journey of parenting and grand-parenting. Childcare and dinner for children available for $5 per child. Please RSVP here.


Not So Perfect Mom with Amy Rienow

Many moms feel pressure and guilt from chasing perfection. The list of items on the “I should be a mom who” list is endless! Striving for perfection has a significant effect on the relationships moms are trying to nurture in their homes. Amy Rienow offers encouragement and hope to build healthy relationships with your kids, parenting them well and with joy. She will give practical reminders that will help you embrace each day and make real heart-connections with your children.

Amy Rienow is the mother of seven and the wife of Rob Rienow. She and Rob founded and lead Visionary Family Ministries, a ministry created to equip parents, encourage couples, and help families live for Christ. She is the author of several books including Visionary Marriage, Five Reasons for Spiritual Apathy in Teens, and Shine: Embracing God’s Heart for You. Amy attended University of Illinois, followed by Wheaton College Graduate School where she earned her MA in Clinical Psychology. She is a licensed clinical professional counselor with a heart for motherhood, marriage, and the church!

Visionary Parenting Seminar

This is an event for parents about raising your children Biblically. More details to come in the near future. Please RSVP to Linda Michel: lmichel@wheatonbible.org.

Teens and Tech Seminar


Is there an app for that?

Tech affects everyone, including us and our teens. It can bring both new opportunities and new dangers. So how can we learn to better connect with each other and honor God through our use of it?

You and your 6-12th grade teen(s) are invited to join us on Sunday, September 15th, from 5-8 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran School in Bloomington (1102 W. Hamilton). Dr. Rob Rienow, of Visionary Family Ministries, will lead discussion on Navigating Tech Together. Light dinner will be provided. A parent Q&A time, plus games, music, and fun for the teens will be available at the end of the seminar.

Trinity Lutheran School (map)
1102 West Hamilton Road
Bloomington, IL, 61704

Please register by September 4th. Cost is $5 per person. Scholarships are available. Questions? Contact: Mary Bloebaum.

This event is sponsored by Bethel Lutheran, Morton, Our Redeemer, Bloomington and Trinity Lutheran, Bloomington.