Last Call for IFI Voter Guides

With less than four weeks before the
November 3rd General Election, it’s time to get serious!

This is our last call for bulk Voter Guide orders for the upcoming General Election. If you want multiple copies for your church, friends, and neighbors, click HERE or call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328 during normal business hours. We will mail the Voter Guides to you as soon as we are able.

If you currently DO NOT receive our newsletters by snail mail and you’d like a printed copy of the IFI Voter Guide, please feel free to call our office to give us your address.

Knowing what the candidates believe is critical, especially in the state legislature where two or three votes can decide issues concerning both life and religious freedom.

As Christians in this great nation, it is our duty to elect into office men and women who share our values — the uniquely Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Therefore, it is our responsibility to become informed on all electoral races and issues and to vote according to those values.

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to like-minded family and friends!

General Election Voter Guides Are Going Quickly — Order in Bulk Today!

Early Voting is already underway and IFI’s 2018 General Election Voter Guide booklets are going fast!  In case you’re not aware, early voting has been proven to win elections for pro-family candidates! And we cannot ignore the fact that early voting is growing in popularity!

If you haven’t yet placed a bulk order for Voter Guides, please give us a call at the IFI office today at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to email us your order.

These non-partisan Voter Guides comply with IRS guidelines and are legal for churches to distribute. Or you may simply want them to pass along to neighbors, co-workers and family.

Check our online version as it is being updated regularly.

It’s critical that people be informed voters when they cast their ballots in the November General Election.  Candidates for Governor, Attorney General, Illinois General Assembly and 18 members of the U.S. House of Representatives are up for election.

We are coming down to the wire.  The election is only three weeks away.  So don’t delay. Call us at (708) 781-9328 or email us today.

Do you and your friends know where the state-wide and federal candidates stand on taxpayer funding of abortion, conscience rights, defunding Planned Parenthood, “recreational” marijuana and religious liberty? These Voter Guides will be the only source of information for many to make an informed decision.

But thousands of other Illinois citizens don’t know about the IFI Voter Guide. You can help provide them with this critical information, in the cause of good government, to make informed choices about all the state and federal candidates on the ballot.

We want Illinois citizens to have access to the IFI Voter Guide and we need your help in getting it into the hands of as many voters as we can, so order a dozen or more and give them to your friends, family and co-workers.

Americans have been given incredible blessings and freedoms; and as a result, we have a responsibility to participate in elections. Thank God we have an opportunity to cast our ballot for men and women whose values represent our own.

With your participation, together we will make a great impact in the state of Illinois and our republic, one vote at a time.

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Voter Guides Are Going Quickly – Order in Bulk Today!

Early Voting is already underway and the printed IFI Voter Guides are going fast!  In case you’re not aware, early voting has been proven to win elections for pro-family candidates! And every vote is valuable!

If you haven’t yet placed a bulk order for Voter Guides, please give us a call at the IFI office today at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to email us your order.

These non-partisan Voter Guides comply with IRS guidelines and are legal for churches to distribute. Or you may simply want them to pass along to neighbors, co-workers and family.

Check our online version as it is being updated regularly.

It’s critical that people be informed voters when they cast their ballots in the March 20th Primary Election.  Not only are there eight sets of candidates running for Governor/Lt. Governor, many more candidates are running for seats in the Illinois House and Illinois Senate.  Add to that the fact that all 18 seats of the U.S. House of Representative are up for election too.

We are coming down to the wire.  The election is only five weeks away.  So don’t delay. Call us at (708) 781-9328 or email us today.

Do you and your friends know where the state-wide and federal candidates stand on abortion, conscience rights, tax funding for Planned Parenthood, expanded gambling, income taxes, “recreational” marijuana and religious liberty? These Voter Guides will be the only source of information for many to make an informed decision.

But thousands of other Illinois citizens don’t know about the IFI Voter Guide. You can help provide them with this critical information, in the cause of good government, to make informed choices about all the state and federal candidates on the ballot.

We want Illinois citizens to have access to the IFI Voter Guide and we need your help in getting it into the hands of as many voters as we can, so order a dozen or more and give them to your friends, family and co-workers.

Americans have been given incredible blessings and freedoms; and as a result, we have a responsibility to participate in elections. Thank God we have an opportunity to cast our ballot for men and women whose values represent our own.

With your participation, together we will make a great impact in the state of Illinois and our republic, one vote at a time.

IFI depends on the support of concerned-citizens like you. Donate now

-and, please-


Order Bulk Voter Guides Now

We are currently taking orders for our 2014 Primary Election Voter Guide. The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide helps voters know more about the positions of candidates who are seeking your vote on March 18, 2014. Release date for the Voter Guide is scheduled for mid February but we are now taking bulk pre-orders. 

Take ACTION: To pre-order by email click HERE. You can also call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328.

Suggested Donation: $25 for 100.

Hopefully all of your friends, neighbors and fellow church congregants are registered to vote (registration deadline is Feb. 18th). Help educate Illinois voters by distributing IFI’s 2014 Voter Guide. These Voter Guides are non-partisan educational pieces that report the positions of candidates on important issues such as life, marriage and other issues that directly affect your family. These Guides do not endorse or oppose any candidate or political party and are legal for distribution in churches under IRS guidelines. 

The IFI staff will be busy contacting churches to encourage them to engage in the civic process. Many have already committed to distributing the Voter Guide. However, Illinois is a very large state and we need your help to get the IFI Voter Guide into every church that is concerned about the direction our state and nation are heading. Would you ask your pastor if your church will take the IFI Voter Guide? 

If you are able to help please click HERE to let us know. Whether you want to take the IFI Voter Guides to your church, set up a distribution point in your area or be the contact person for your city or county, we need your help.

Spread the Word!

Do you have friends or acquaintances who could benefit from IFI’s informational emails? If you do, please forward this IFI email to them and encourage them to join our e-mail list! 

It is only because of concerned citizens like you that we are able to continue promoting pro-family values in the Land of Lincoln. 

Thank you for helping us to reach more families!

Mainstream Media Or Lamestream Media Regarding Information About Political Candidates & Issues

IFI Voter Guides Help Voters Make Informed Decisions At The Poll

There are those who believe America is at its zenith as a nation. They claim “tolerance”–which was a result of the cultural revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s–has made the United States a better place to live. I strongly disagree with this assessment–which mostly comes from liberals who feel the sexual revolution has liberated men and women and that diversity has created a more “just” nation. They see the Judeo-Christian ethic as a mechanism which binds the true expression of self–both on the individual and societal level. I could not disagree more with this myopic view of our country.

I still believe in the vision our Founding Fathers had when they created a nation that was radically different from anything the world had ever seen before. But there are forces which are bringing America to its ruin.

The mainstream media has played a significant role by misinforming the public regarding issues that truly matter. The dominant press, in many ways, has abandoned the true tenets of journalism. This is reflected in recent polling which indicates more than 70% of the American public no longer trusts the dominant media. Some claim the Internet is responsible for the fact so many print publications are going out of business. Also, some assert the falling viewership of television news, including that of the three major networks, is a result of cable TV’s 24 hour news cycle. However, these are simply excuses which hold no merit. Americans believe, and rightfully so, the press has an agenda which advances a liberal worldview contrary to their own.

The reason why many newspapers and network news divisions across the country are in dire financial straits is because these journalistic entities have lost touch with the American people. The facts are: Polling indicates 50% of the American public considers themselves conservative. In contrast, over 90% of the journalistic community is radically liberal. Therefore, this has created a disconnect between the public and the dominant press. Conservative cable news networks like the FOX News Channel are flourishing, while other cable networks including CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC are losing propositions financially. Their ratings continue to plummet while FOX News’ ratings soar.

However, the dominant press still has a tremendous influence on the public. Because most Americans work hard every day and have little time to research issues like health care reform and its impact on their lives, they turn to the major networks for information even though they look at the information with a jaundiced eye. Clearly, our nation is at a turning point like never before in our history. Subsequently, the decisions that are made during the next few voting cycles may determine whether our country will remain that “Shining city on a hill.” I believe the choices that will be made in the voting booth in the near future, be they Democrat or Republican, should result from the public obtaining as much information as they can regarding who they send to Springfield and who they elect to represent them in Washington , D.C.

But where and who can the public trust to provide them with the facts needed to make informed decisions in the voting booth?

The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) Voter Guides, which are currently available, is one way to learn about political candidates in order to make an educated decision regarding the future of America. The Voter Guides are non-partisan. Voters can see where a candidate stands on issues they care about. The IFI Voter Guides can be distributed at churches because they are non-partisan and completely legal under IRS guidelines for distribution in churches.

The IFI Voter Guides can be obtained by downloading them from the web site or by calling the Illinois Family Institute at (708) 781-9328.

The IFI has a Voter Guide for each of Illinois’ 19 Congressional Districts. You can look up your Congressional District HERE or call IFI. The full version of the IFI 2010 Primary Election Voter Guide is available for download HERE. Bulk Voter Guides can be obtained by contacting IFI.

The Illinois Family Institute Voter Guides are a good first step to find candidates who share your values. At this important time in America’s history, we need to do all we can to make informed decisions which will impact our lives, the lives of our children and their children as well.

Americans are wise people. It is no accident that we live in a nation that is truly blessed. Millions have paid the price with their blood for our freedoms. We owe it to the generations before us to do as much as we can to preserve the liberty and the inalienable rights given to us by God. These rights do not come from governments, but government can surely take them away.

The February 2nd Republican and Democratic primaries and the general election in November will have an impact on the road America will take. Standing on the sidelines simply won’t do. Letting someone else make the decisions for us will not do either. Ignorance may be the greatest foe of liberty.