Tag Archives: William Barr


Are Public Schools Modern Religious Institutions?

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave an outstanding speech a couple of weeks ago covering several key points on education and religious freedom. Barr raises the thought-provoking question asking if today’s public schools have become religious schools promoting the orthodoxy of secularism.
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Department of Justice Defends Capitol Hill Baptist Church Against D.C. Mayor’s COVID-19 Restrictions

Attorney General William Barr and the U.S. Department of Justice have filed an official "statement of interest" backing the Capitol Hill Baptist Church lawsuit against D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

The lawsuit alleges that Bowser has acted unfairly in the application of a ban on outdoor church services that exceed 100 people. The DOJ sided with the church, writing that the actions of D.C. officials have violated the 1st and 5th Amendments, as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
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Freedom Versus Tyranny on Display

Why is it safe to wait in a car for a liquor store to open but dangerous to wait in a car to hear morning prayers?
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Religious Activities and COVID-19

If the Governor’s Order prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people in a room, or his subsequent “stay at home” order, has resulted in embers of your church being unable to worship; typical events like funerals, marriages, baptisms being unable to proceed; or substantial financial losses due to decline in donations‍ and if you sincerely believe that restarting in-person church meetings is essential to your church’s ministry, we would like to talk to you about filing a law suit on your behalf.
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