Chicago Tribune: Shill for Human Slaughter

In an 804-word news article appearing in the Chicago Tribune on Friday, Jan. 10, the day before the Chicago March for Life, “reporter” Angie Leventis Lourgos provided these scant details about the event:

What: March for Life Chicago march and rally

When: Saturday, 1-3 p.m.

Where: Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington St. The march will head east on Washington Street, then south on Michigan Avenue and end at the Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center, 520 S. Michigan Ave.

For more information: www.marchforlife-chicago.org

Contrast that with Lourgos’ 1070-word “news” article appearing in the Chicago Tribune on Friday, Jan. 17, the day before the Women’s March, and titled “What you need to know about the Women’s March”—which presumes that someone “needs” to know about the Women’s March—in which Lourgos provided these details about the event:

What: Women’s March Chicago 2020

When: Saturday. Grant Park opens for the event at 9 a.m. and the march begins at 11 a.m. (This year’s event is a march-only format, with no formal rally or other programming preceding the march.)

Where: Main entrance at Ida B. Wells and Columbus drives. Accessible entrance at Columbus Drive and Monroe Street.

March route: The march will begin at Columbus Drive and Jackson Street, ending at Federal Plaza. The city has asked that marchers disperse immediately afterward.

Social media: #WomensMarchChicago2020, #WomensMarchChi2020, #MakeItCount

March route [online version]: Participants will gather on Jackson Street at Columbus Drive. They will march west on Jackson to Michigan Avenue, then north to Adams Street and then west on Adams to Federal Plaza. Organizers expect marchers to disband at Federal Plaza.

Street closures: Columbus Drive from Monroe Street to Ida B. Wells Drive, and Columbus to Lake Shore Drive will be closed from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, according to the city. Once the march begins, rolling closures will be implemented along Michigan Avenue from Randolph Street to Van Buren Street, and closures on Jackson Street are expected to be implemented as far west as LaSalle Street. Additional street closures might be implemented to ensure public safety.

Public transportation: Metra isn’t adding any service but conductors have been notified that more patrons with disabilities might be traveling. The Chicago Transit Authority will have longer trains on the Brown, Blue, Orange, Green and Purple lines, as well as more frequent service on the Red Line. There will be additional bus service on the 147 Outer Drive Express route.

ADA Paratransit drop-off/pick-up: The location for participants with disabilities is on Monroe Street, east of Columbus Drive.

Ride services: Drop-offs and pickups are prohibited on Lake Shore Drive, and the city says this will be strictly enforced. Ride-share vehicles can’t stop, stand or park in bus or bike lanes, sidewalk crossings, bridges or any other areas.

Weather: Forecasts say several inches of snow accumulation is possible Friday. On Saturday, the high temperature is expected to be 37 degrees, with rain possibly mixed with snow showers before 2 p.m., according to the National Weather Service. The city’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications has arranged for four CTA warming buses to be available at the event if conditions warrant.

Security: The Chicago Police Department will have uniformed and plainclothes officers at the event to ensure the safety of participants, pedestrians and motorists. The Office of Emergency Management and Communications will also be monitoring the event.

For more information: www.womensmarchchicago.org

Wowzer. Lourgos evidently thinks readers need to know a boatload of details about the Women’s Strut for Slaughter. Point of clarification, the word counts I provided do not include the details for each event.

Ironically, the Women’s March this year will “honor marchers with disabilities”—you know, those with the kind of imperfections that pro-feticide marchers use to justify killings in the womb.

Eric Tenfelde and wife

Another irony: Lourgos begins with a quote from a man—you know, the humans who are told by feticide-celebrants that they have no right to an opinion on the legalized slaughter of the unborn. I guess if men are all warm and tingly on the inside and spout creepy, unmanly stuff about celebrating human slaughter like Eric Tenfelde does, they have permission to speak. Here’s how he describes his first Women’s March:

Being outside in January and feeling warm on the inside from energy and people around me expressing their American freedom. Expressing myself with costume and signage and celebrating everyone else’s expressions. Praising others and being praised. Leading chants and shouting the chants of others.”

Andrew Clancey, another marching man like Tenfelde, demonstrated his unmanliness when recalling his first Women’s March three years ago at which he held a sign that said, “I [heart] Nasty Women.” He told Lourgos that “one of his favorite march memories was taking a picture with a woman wearing a shirt that said ‘Nasty Woman’ on it.”

Word to Tenfelde and Clancey, men are supposed to protect children—not celebrate the right to have them killed. And men are supposed to honor the dignity of women—not celebrate their “nastiness” or their slaughter of their own children—children who have fathers too.

Lourgos reports that “the march will also be led by many elected female politicians,” including lesbian Mayor Lori Lightfoot; eager recreational pot-purchaser Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton; and hate-crime hoax ally Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

Well, at least no one can say our unscrupulous Chicago leaders lack diversity.

Lourgos included this tweet from Lightfoot—not in the article about the Women’s March—no, not there. There were no quotes from anyone critical of the Women’s March or its destructive goals. Lourgos included this quote from Lightfoot in her article about the March for Life:

I support a big tent but there’s no room under the flaps for anyone who is actively seeking to deny women control over our bodies.”

Lightfoot conveniently omitted mention of the other bodies—the tiny bodies of vulnerable innocents in the womb. Lightfoot’s tent is so small and so exclusive that only those who shout and celebrate the dismemberment of humans in the womb are allowed in. Do civilized people really want to set foot in a tent drenched in the blood of those deemed unwanted, inconvenient, or unworthy of life?

And Lightfoot pretends to support the marginalized among us. Yeah, right.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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Do You Think the Left Even Knows It is Eating Itself?

Written by Peter Heck

It can’t continue.  It won’t continue.  Jesus said it, Lincoln plagiarized it, and it’s still true: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

It was always a foregone conclusion that the left’s cultural revolution was never going to end well for society.  But what so many people who consider themselves progressive never paused to consider, apparently, was that revolutions rarely end well for the revolutionaries.  It’s almost axiomatic that as a revolution unfolds, even if it meets with initial successes, various factions will form and begin devouring one another.

Just days ago this story broke – one that is almost too stupid to even take time to comment on (I say almost because obviously I found value in pointing to it as a case study in the very phenomenon I’m addressing):

Organizers of a Women’s March rally slated for Northern California next month have canceled the event, saying they were concerned that participants would have been “overwhelmingly white.”

In a news release, organizers for the march in Eureka – about 270 miles north of San Francisco – said Friday the “decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march.”

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” the news release continued.

So here we see a march supposedly dedicated to addressing concerns of “women” being shut down because it didn’t sufficiently meet some woke criteria for racial and ethnic diversity.  White women aren’t quite women enough apparently.  The left eats itself.

This woke cannibalism is occurring in the progressive church movement as well.  I recently came across this stunningly absurd challenge to pastors by Kaitlin Curtice, a contributor to progressive Christian organizations Sojourners and the Red Letter Christians:

“Pastors, In 2019, do you think you could quote 52 non-white-dudes in your sermons, especially if you’re a white dude?”

Apparently it didn’t dawn on Kaitlin – a contributor to pseudo-Christian organizations, no less – that any pastor who quotes the Bible in his sermons is quoting non-white-dudes…every week.  But regardless, notice again what is important isn’t the soundness of one’s theology, it’s a diversity component, the “woke quotient” that matters.

But it gets worse than the wokeness.  Take the intellectually vapid, morally rudderless, and ethically confused blind crusade towards sexual anarchy and you’re set for a doozy of an implosion.  The foundational acronym LGBT spells disaster from the start, after all.

Homosexual dogma (the L’s and the G’s) have imposed by cultural fiat the assumption that sexual orientation and attraction is innate, unchangeable, and fixed.  This “born that way” philosophy was the basis and justification for the claims to marriage rights, adoption rights, and more.

But transgender dogma (the T’s) are attempting to impose by cultural fiat the assumption that sexual identity is a social construct.  If you don’t see a scientific inconsistency between “your attractions can’t ever change but your sex can change daily” then you’re not paying attention.

And let’s not leave out the often-overlooked bisexual dogma (the B’s).  Their very identifier implies that there are two genders.  Meanwhile, transgender dogma is currently battling that proposition as bigoted and dehumanizing.  In other words, the very acronym upon which the movement is predicated (LGBT) is, by their own definition, transphobic.


This article was originally published at PeterHeck.com

Women’s March Plans New Event, But Rejects Human Rights

Written by Liberty McArtor

On January 21, 2017, the Women’s March on Washington became the largest march in American history. On January 21, 2018, Women’s March, the organization behind last year’s historic protest, will hold an anniversary event in Nevada. Like last year, similar events will be held in cities around the nation.

This year’s event is called “Power to the Polls.” According to the website, it’ll “launch a national voter registration tour” and “channel the energy and activism of the Women’s March into tangible strategies and concrete wins in 2018.”

But something else is happening on January 21. It’s Sanctity of Life Sunday. Every year around this time, pro-lifers observe the anniversary of Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. Often it’s with sermons about the value of life, and education on how to get hands-on in the pro-life movement. It’s sometimes marked with a presidential proclamation.

There are plenty of problems with Women’s March and its events. But the fact that Sanctity of Life Sunday falls on the same day as its next event highlights the worst problem of all.

Human Rights are Human Rights

Let me put politics aside for a moment. To be honest, I sympathize with Women’s March’s desire to lift up the marginalized. Though its solutions are often misguided, the organization’s desire to fight for minority communities, disabled people, immigrants and others is clear. Those involved want to make life better for people who have traditionally struggled and held little influence.

And this is where — politics still aside — the movement is choked by sad irony.

While claiming to exalt the marginalized, members marginalize the most vulnerable group of all: unborn children. They brush aside the very group that we as women, by our biology, have the privilege of carrying, nurturing and bringing into the world.

If any Women’s Marchers are reading this, they probably rolled their eyes at that last sentence. Maybe they’d say I care more about fetuses who haven’t been born yet than real-live people. That’s false.

Human rights have to start in the womb, otherwise they’re meaningless outside it.

Here’s the deal: you can’t value any human life if you rob it of its inherent right to exist.

The Women’s March website lists several “unity principles.” Among them are statements like “Women’s rights are human rights,” and “LGBTQIA rights are human rights.” But it fails to include the most obvious statement of all: Human rights are human rights.

The Other Women

This is why so many women cannot join in Women’s March events. It’s not just that Women’s March rejects pro-lifers — which the organization has done at an official level, by the way. It’s that, despite touting so many “human rights,” the movement has rejected the most basic human right.

There are plenty of other reasons to criticize Women’s March and its efforts. Their affiliation with an anti-American, terrorist-supporting activist, for one. The fact that they include as “women” people who are biologically male and only undermine true women’s causes, for another. And the fact that the only women they care about promoting are those who will further an extremely progressive agenda.

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But the fact that they reject the most basic human right — life — and evangelize for the cause, is the most telling.

So on January 21, thousands, or maybe millions, of women will gather around the nation for the “Power to the Polls” event. But millions of others will gather in churches. They’ll gather in pregnancy centers, shelters and ministries. They’ll be helping women and their babies to not only make it, but thrive.

And they’ll be praying. Praying for the restoration of the most basic human right, and the liberation of America’s women from this lie that unborn life is the enemy.

This article originally posted on the Stream.org.

Women’s March for Death and Deviance

lauries-chinwags_thumbnail*Caution: Content May Not Be Suitable for Younger Readers*

A blaring, front-page headline in the Chicago Tribune about the women’s march for death and deviant sexuality marred the Sunday morning of many Illinoisans—once again justifying the subterranean position the mainstream press occupies in the view of many Americans.

The Trib reported that an estimated 500,000 mostly women “staged an enormous, raucous rally…to send a potent message of defiance to…President Trump.”

I wonder how the Trib reported the 2013 March for Life in Washington that drew an estimated 650,000. And does anyone believe the coverage would have been less feverish and sycophantic if the numbers for the death and deviance march had been 400,000 or 200,000?

The statements made by protesters yesterday affirming a non-existent moral right of women to have their offspring killed is more abhorrent than any of the abhorrent things Trump has said.

Extolling the legal right to have incipient human life exterminated in the womb is incalculably abhorrent. What we can calculate, however, is how many human lives have been killed in wombs in the U.S. since 1973: 59, 738, 680.

The Trib cited the “show of star power absent from inauguration festivities,” so let’s take a glimpse at what inaugural attendees missed.

Plasticized sexagenarian sex symbol Madonna offered this inspirational stem-winder:

Welcome to the revolution of love, to the rebellion, to our refusal as women to accept this new age of tyranny where not just women are endangered but all marginalized people….It took us this darkness to wake us the f*** up….And to our detractors that insist that this March will never add up to anything, f*** you. F*** you….Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything….I choose love.  

Let’s not forget these patriotic words from women’s role model Madonna at a public event just a month before the election:

If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a b***job. OK? I’m really good. I’m not a douche, and I’m not a tool. I take my time, I have a lot of eye contact, and I do swallow.

Pregnant Natalie Portman made this extraordinarily ironic statement:

We need to take inspiration from nature, and remember that we hold the mystery of life, and the seed of every possibility within our bodies….We need to demand freedom from fear over our bodies and control over our own bodies…. [F]rom the bottom of both hearts beating inside my miraculous female body, I want to thank our new president. You just started the revolution.

Cognizant of the beating heart of another human within her womb—the mystery of life, the miraculous body of another whose seed too contains within it possibility—Portman seeks to protect women’s legal right to kill it.

Then the always melodramatic Ashley Judd recited the words of 19-year-old Nina Donovan. Here’s just a taste of her distasteful spoken words:

I am a nasty woman. I’m as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in Cheetos dust. A man whose words are a distract to America. Electoral college-sanctioned, hate-speech contaminating this national anthem….Blacks are still in shackles and graves, just for being black. Slavery has been reinterpreted as the prison system in front of people who see melanin as animal skin….I didn’t know devils could be resurrected but I feel Hitler in these streets. A mustache traded for a toupee. Nazis renamed the Cabinet Electoral Conversion Therapy, the new gas chambers shaming the gay out of America….I am not as nasty as homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege….Yeah, I’m a nasty woman—a loud, vulgar, proud woman.

And our p***ies ain’t for grabbing. Our p***ies are for our pleasure. They are for birthing new generations of filthy, vulgar, nasty, proud, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, you name it, for new generations of nasty women. So if you a nasty woman, or you love one who is, let me hear you say, hell yeah.

Someone needs to tell Ashley Judd that Bill Clinton did a whole lot worse than grabbing “p***ies,” and Hillary defended him while victimizing his victims.

Indulge me in a paraphrase of “nasty woman” Donovan’s words spoken by “nasty woman” Judd:

I’m a grieving woman. I’m grieving that “nasty women” speak in words that distract, delude, and degrade America and destroy American lives. Mainstream press-sanctioned, deplorable-speech and lies contaminating our national anthem….Blacks still in shackles and graves because their fathers abandoned them. Slavery has been reinterpreted as the welfare system by people who see melanin as victimskin….I didn’t know devils could be resurrected but I feel Hitler in our baby abattoirs. The final solution traded for “choice.” Mengele renamed “sex re-assigners,” castrating men out of manhood. I grieve for the victims of gender-obliterators, homofascists, and race-baiters whose lies deny that true identity is found in Christ alone—not in sexual deception or melanin.

I grieve for women who think empowerment is found in the illusions of Hollywood and delusions of actors. I grieve for women who learn about womanhood from “nasty women” like Madonna who made a living by objectifying herself. I grieve for women who are not birthing the life that grew within them and would have called them “mother.”

So, if you are one of these women or love one of these women—whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, you name it, know that there are thousands of other women and men who grieve and pray for you.


Read more recent articles from Laurie:

New Trier High School Avoids Diversity Like the Plague

Highlights Magazine for Children Affirms Homoeroticism

Cub Scouts Reject Girl Who Wishes She Were a Boy


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