Efforts to Stop UN World “Health” Power Grab Accelerate

Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.

Last week, governments from around the world sent delegates to the annual World Health Assembly in Geneva. They will be meeting until May 30. The main objective of this year’s confab is to radically extend the organization’s power over healthcare and citizens under the guise of improving “health” and fighting future disease outbreaks in a coordinated global fashion. Critics say it is a dangerous plan to centralize power in a corrupt agency controlled by Beijing.

There are two primary methods of attack. First, using COVID and possible future pandemics as a pretext, the WHO is pushing for a new “International Pandemic Accord.” The scheme was being called a treaty until it became obvious to all involved it would never get two-thirds support in the U.S. Senate, as required for ratification of all treaties. The WHO hopes to have the details worked out by next year’s World Health Assembly.

The second prong in the attack involves amendments to the so-called International Health Regulations, or IHR. Because these are considered mere changes to an existing treaty, globalists at the WHO and in the Biden administration — not to mention the Communist Party of China lurking behind the scenes — also see this as a vehicle for empowering the global “health” apparatus without pesky interference from Congress.

But critics are working on ways to fight back. The Sovereignty Coalition, formed to fight the WHO assault on self-government, brings together a broad alliance of conservative leaders, organizations, and lawmakers united in the effort to preserve and restore national sovereignty. In fact, the coalition is calling for an American exit from the WHO entirely.

Signatories include hundreds of America’s most prominent conservative leaders as well as doctors and other medical professionals. Leading organizations in the medical freedom movement and the broader conservative movement also signed on including Daily Clout, Eagle Forum, Liberty Counsel Action, Tea Party Patriots Action, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, ConservativeHQ, Act for America, and more.

Last week around 20 lawmakers and leaders held a press conference outside Capitol Hill calling for an end to the WHO’s scheming. Illinois’ own U.S. Representative Mary Miller, a Republican, was among those speaking out. “Our hard-earned taxpayer dollars should not support a globalist organization that is controlled by China, undermines our national sovereignty, and threatens our rights,” Rep. Miller said, echoing the concerns of many of her colleagues and constituents.

“President Trump made the right decision to cut all funding and participation in this organization, and it is foolish for the Biden Administration to place trust in an institution that repeated China’s deceptive narratives regarding the origins of the pandemic in Wuhan,” she added. “I stand proudly with my colleagues in calling for the United States to withdraw from the corrupt WHO. In Congress, I will always work to protect our nation’s sovereignty, preserve our rights and freedoms, and ensure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.”

Other lawmakers who spoke at the press conference and denounced the WHO and Biden’s support for the power grab included U.S. Representatives Ralph Norman (SC-05), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Chris Smith (NJ-04), Harriet Hageman (WY), Tim Burchett (TN-02), Brian Babin (TX-36), Andy Biggs (AZ-05) (sponsor of H.R. 79), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Thomas Tiffany (WI-07), Chip Roy (TX-21), Eli Crane (AZ-02),  Paul Gosar (AZ-09),  Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Eric Burlison (MO-07),  Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-08), Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Clay Higgins (LA-03), and more.

Watch the press conference here:

Sovereignty Coalition co-founders Reggie LittleJohn and Frank Gaffney were there, too. In a statement posted on their website, the leaders and the signatories noted that the WHO was effectively under CCP control and was being used to advance a “post-Constitutional-America and ‘global governance’ dominated by the Party.” “The CCP’s hegemonic ambitions have no place for a powerful United States of America, human freedom or personal sovereignty,” the group explained. The WHO is also doing the bidding of Big Pharma and billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates, one of the outfits top financiers, the coalition said.

Speaking at the start of the WHO’s annual meeting, former communist terrorist and current WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insisted that the organization needed even more power. “We cannot simply carry on as we did before,” said Ghebreyesus, who was installed with strongarm tactics by the CCP. “The pandemic accord that member states are now negotiating must be a historic agreement to make a paradigm shift in global health security, recognizing that our fates are interwoven.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, former leader of the Socialist International global alliance of communist and socialist political parties, echoed the call for a stronger globalist regime. “I hope the current negotiations on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response result in a strong multilateral approach that saves lives,” said Guterres, who has also been a vocal advocate of the World Economic Forum-led “Great Reset” being opposed by countless millions around the world.

Blasting the WHO’s response to COVID, the Sovereignty Coalition said it was “outrageous” that the Biden administration was scheming to hand over even more power—without even Senate approval. “These accords would effectively repose in Dr. Tedros the authority unilaterally to dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and to order how affected nations must respond,” the coalition said in a statement, noting that these authorities would purport to allow America’s enemies to deprive Americans of their rights.

In light of all the problems with the schemes being negotiated as well as the systemic issues plaguing WHO, the Sovereignty Coalition said enough was enough. “The United States must end its membership in, cease funding of and submitting to the World Health Organization before the WHO is granted the authority effectively to compel compliance with the public health dictates of Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus or any other unelected, unaccountable international bureaucrat,” the alliance declared.

At the state level, efforts to stop the WHO are gaining steam as well. A new bill in the South Carolina legislature, H.4246, would nullify the power grab by banning any state or local cooperation with the effort. “This is the rightful remedy,” SC Representative Josiah Magnuson told me, blasting the fact that Biden was not even planning to seek the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate as required by the Constitution of all treaties. “If this does go into effect, we’re going to have the framework here to resist.”

Former President Donald Trump removed the U.S. government from the WHO, but Joe Biden promptly rejoined when taking power. Republicans in the U.S. House, though, have the opportunity to defund the global body in the upcoming budget. With outrage surrounding the WHO and its leadership growing rapidly amid the attempted power grab, it may be tough for elected officials in the United States to continue supporting it. The next year will be critical in that battle.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your U.S. Representative to encourage them to support legislative actions to withdrawal the U.S. from the The World Health Organization (WHO). This U.N. agency is effectively controlled by Communist Chinese Party and other subversive globalist interests, but it is actively seeking greater, totalitarian control over its member nations. This is a serious threat to our national sovereignty and our individual liberty.

Ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 79, the “WHO Withdrawal Act,” H.R. 343, the “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act,” and S. 444, the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” to stop the implementation and/or enforcement of the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty.

WHO Pushes Sex Perversion for BABIES

Following in the footsteps of perverted sex maniac Alfred Kinsey responsible for the sexual abuse and torture of countless children, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)is pushing the grotesque view that babies and children under 4-years old should be masturbating while exploring sexuality and gender — and that governments should encourage this. Yes, seriously.

Despite being peddled for years by the WHO, political leaders are only just now getting around to condemning the abusive UN WHO “guidance” as governments push it on victims of public schools. A scandal surrounding the bizarre recommendations from the global organization has reached a fever pitch in Wales and the broader United Kingdom.

Conservative Shadow Minister for Education in Wales Laura Anne Jones called on the self-styled planetary “health” body to “rescind the advice immediately.” “We must stop this pushing of harmful gender ideology into sex education in Wales and the UK, with immediate effect,” said Jones, calling on Welsh authorities to “distance themselves” from the “disturbing” UN guidance.

Under the WHO recommendations directed at European policymakers, first released over a decade ago but only now being cited in school curricula in the UK, children under 4 years of age are encouraged to “ask questions about sexuality” and “explore gender identities.” According to the WHO, children need to “gain an awareness of gender identity” for reasons that were not made clear.

The UN scheme also calls on governments to teach these tiny tots about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation.” The organization has even released highly disturbing videos of adults teaching very young children about masturbation that very much look like grooming of children by pedophiles.

The approach to sex traces directly back to pervert Kinsey, who used taxpayer dollars to train pedophiles to “scientifically” abuse and rape children. Under the guise of “research,” Kinsey’s pedophiles brutally abused and raped children including babies and then concluded that they were “sexual” from birth. The horrific data documenting this abuse was in Kinsey’s book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.

Critics expressed outrage. Tanya Carter with the Safe Schools Alliance called for an “urgent inquiry” into links between the perversion being pushed by the UN and the sex “education” curriculum being used in the UK. “We call upon them to revise their standards to align with a safeguarding-first approach that protects children while allowing them to develop a healthy and age-appropriate understanding of sex,” the group said.

The organization also condemned the agenda of the UN and its agencies — especially for attempting to normalize child rape. “We find it extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned to the work of unethical individuals and organizations, including those promoting the acceptance of pedophilia,” the Alliance said.

This is the same WHO that is currently working with the Biden administration on a historic power grab. Under the guise of a new “International Pandemic Treaty” and amendments to the “International Health Regulations,” the global body is seeking to become the top global authority on everything related to international “health emergencies.” Critics are fighting back hard.

UN education agency UNESCO, in partnership with the WHO and UNICEF, has similarly come under fire for promoting horrific “international technical guidance” on what they euphemistically refer to as “comprehensive sexuality education.” The standards call for sexualizing Kindergarten children. By age 5, the standards teach children unspeakable perversion.

Promoting this sort of sick perversion to children is horrific enough. It should be considered a crime punishable by law. Doing it with tax money through government is a crime against humanity. It is past time for Congress and governments around the world to defund and disband the predatory UN and the WHO for good. The innocence of children depends on it.

This article was originally published by Freedom Project Media.

The Path to Medical Freedom

Information is power” and the Medical Freedom vs. Medical Tyranny Forum hosted by Illinois Family Institute was clearly an evening of empowerment! Attended by an estimated 500 people–young and old alike–the audience, rapt with attention, benefitted from the insights of Dr. Mark Zumhagen, MD and Dr. Simone Gold, MD,FD, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).

Dr. Zumhagen started off the forum with an analysis of the war between science that acknowledges God and science that denies God. Illustrating this fact were the two chairs on the stage–one containing a Bible and one empty–a poignant example of the degradation that has ensued since God was removed from science dating back to 1859. Previous to this, scientists operated in an open system, a system where not only the natural realm but also the spiritual realm was taken into consideration. According to Zumhagen’s sources, Isaac Newton spent half his life studying the scriptures! His scientific study was conducted through the lens of the Creator’s truth–”in the beginning were the particles” (Gen. 1:1).

Watch his presentation here:

Dr. Zumhagen explains that without Scriptural truth, scientists are viewing science through the limited lens of Darwinian “truth” are left unable to answer these essential questions.

  • How do we get something from nothing?
  • How do we get life from non-life?
  • How do we get consciousness from non-consciousness ?
  • Why is there information in every cell and more importantly – where did it come from?

Having clearly and succinctly taken his audience through the process of “digging down to the roots,” Dr. Zumhagen left the audience with these points for action as one pursues a medical treatment plan and provider:

  • Which chair is the provider you are considering sitting in?
  • Always hang on tightly to the truth “you are made in the image of God”
  • Remember: science is corrupt because it has no moral framework

And finally and most pertinent to the forum, truth is the ONLY thing that will keep us safe and free!

Dr. Simone Gold

Carrying on the idea of “information is power,” Dr. Gold provided energy-packed insight around this idea penned by Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, ironically on January 6, 1816:

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Watch her amazing presentation here:

Dr. Gold is dedicating her time and energy to ensure Americans are not ignorant so they can remain free. Likening the current situation to the year 1777 in the War for Independence, Dr. Gold noted the battles ahead will most effectively be fought and won as we as individuals increase our understanding and effectively use our limited time and resources. One of the points that needs to be won is to get judges to rule in favor of the Constitutional right to body autonomy. Thanks to the efforts of AFLDS, this was accomplished in part through the victory of keeping vaccine mandates from becoming law.

This is key because one of the most effective ways for a government to take over a people is through medical tyranny– a weapon of government warned against as far back as 1961 by Ronald Reagan:

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism has been by way of medicine….If you don’t do this, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was like in America when men were free.

Clearly, the next threat we will face to our liberty will be a “public safety issue;” and with the Biden administration on the brink of turning over our medical sovereignty as a nation to the World Health Organization (WHO), according to Gold, an organization controlled by China. This control dates back to 2003 when China was humiliated by the WHO. China vowed to never face that humiliation again, and they apparently have succeeded. As it stands at present, they are being praised by WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for their “containment” of the virus. This containment includes welding apartment building doors shut to keep people inside.

Also horrific to the concept of the United States’ handing over its sovereignty when the WHO deems there to be a “health emergency” is the WHO’s own definition of what constitutes a crisis. The WHO sees health as the mental, physical, or social well-being of a community. Under this definition, everything belongs to public health.

Having laid a foundation for removing some of our ignorance about the battle we are up against, Dr. Gold went on to assure the audience there IS a way forward. That way is for each individual to stop looking for a politician to come in and rescue us. That way is for each individual to become an ambassador for truth. AFLDS is providing the following resources to equip truth ambassadors:

  • Gold Care Health and Wellness Centers
    -Mission – to bring ethical doctors to communities.
    -awareness that we can’t feed the beast (medical insurance)
  • Breaking news – a 120-second news clip every day
  • Citizen Corps – local leadership bringing like-minded people together
  • League of Lions – youth organization dedicated to (counter the current culture that is against healthy masculinity)

Dr. Gold left the audience with these admonitions:

  • Become a subscriber to aflds.org
  • Examine how you are spending your money and who you are supporting with it.

Choose places to spend your money with those that are protecting your interests.

  • Be mindful of the truth God is preeminent
  • As you seek to win others with truth, do not make individual issues the focus (experimental shots, masks, etc.). Rather, make Constitutionally protected liberties the focus.

Her final charge:

“I call you to action. I call you to truth. I call you to joy and the love of life, liberty, God, and Country. This is a revolution of love as much as a revolution of science. The facts are on our side. We just need you to stand up and fight for what is right.”

The Left Targets Children With Down Syndrome

The leftist assault on life is unbridled. In 1992 then-President Bill Clinton said that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” This idea was repeated in 2008 by Hillary Clinton. Since the early days of legalized abortion, the left has assured Americans and the rest of the world that abortion was only suited for extreme cases and rarely implemented. However, in recent years they have changed their rhetoric.

Abortion advocates are now arguing that the word “rare” causes a stigma and the Democratic party removed the phrase from their platform in 2012. Now abortion advocates instead prefer to use the term “unapologetic.” It should not shock us that the world is unrepentant of the sin of abortion. However, it is shocking that the left is targeting more individuals and no longer hiding their eugenics agenda to eliminate the most vulnerable among us.

The World Health Organization recently put out both a Tweet and Facebook post that created a list of birth defects, stating that “Most birth defects can be prevented and treated with access to quality maternal and newborn care. Yet, every year, they cause the deaths of close to 250,000 babies within just 1 month of birth.” Although this may seem like an innocuous statement, WHO went on to list Down Syndrome as a so-called preventable birth defect. Down’s Syndrome is not a birth defect, and the only way to prevent a child from having the chromosomal variant is abortion.

Countries worldwide have increasingly targeted children with Down Syndrome and other genetic anomalies. In Denmark, since offering chromosomal testing to women, nearly 95 percent of pregnancies determined to be of a Down Syndrome child are aborted. In Iceland, that number is almost 100 percent. Health officials worldwide are suggesting to women that they would not want to bring a child with Down Syndrome into the world. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are 6,000 children a year born with Down Syndrome or about 1 in every 700 births in America. Imagine if the United States adopted such a devastating policy as Denmark and Iceland. We would eliminate the potential of these children’s lives.

Some of the arguments that the left makes in favor of aborting children diagnosed with Down Syndrome is that they will negatively affect the parent’s relationship and other siblings, create a financial burden, and not have a productive or happy life. These are all myths that the Global Down Syndrome Foundation and other advocates are trying to dispel. If given a chance, children with Down Syndrome can have productive and happy lives and enrich the lives of their family and friends.

Determining the value of a life based on a medical diagnosis is a dangerous and slippery slope. If we decide that children in the womb with Down Syndrome have no value, what stops the world from determining that those born with this, and other diagnoses also lack value. The very idea of determining value in life has led to some of the worst examples of eugenics in history.

Sadly, there is a growing number of individuals on the left with this very agenda. They would have the world believe that suffering can be eliminated by ending the lives of babies inside and outside of the womb. This statement is not merely rhetoric; Maryland just introduced a bill to allow for the murder of a child up to 28 days of age to go without legal charges brought against the murderer. The possibility of individuals killing children unexpectedly born with genetic disorders under such a law is very high.

Take ACTION: If you are concerned about the increased push from the left to justify the murder of Down Syndrome babies in and outside the womb, please contact your state and federal representatives to ask them to support life, as well as supporting the rights and protection for those with Down Syndrome and other medical diagnoses.

History is undoubtedly repeating itself as we follow the path of the Nazis and determine who is allowed to live and unapologetically eliminating all others. We must recognize that all life has value regardless of the medical label applied to that baby. God creates life, and each life he creates should be cherished.

Psalms 139:13-14a teaches us:

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

IFI’s Rescuing Our Children Forums

One month ago, the IFI Team set off on a five day, eight stop tour of the state of Illinois. Our mission was to reach parents, grandparents and church leaders with an urgent message.  These “Rescuing Our Children” forums featured bold presentations about the perpetual academic failures of our public schools, and worse, the intentional anti-Christian indoctrination that intensifies year after year.

One has to look no farther than the Illinois Capitol for evidence of this malfeasance. The 102nd General Assembly finished their spring session on May 31st. State lawmakers have introduced more than 7,000 bills this year, 600 of them have or are making their way to Governor Pritzker’s desk. It grieves me to report that our state lawmakers actually approved legislation to place female hygiene products in boys bathrooms in schools state wide. Yes, you read that correctly.

They passed legislation requiring county clerks to issue new marriage certificates to reflect legal name changes for transgender and non-binary individuals.

They approved of “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards,” which will infuse the assumptions of Critical Race Theory/ identity politics/BLM into all teacher-training programs, all Professional Education Licensing (PEL), and indirectly into all public school classrooms.

So instead of focusing on academic standards, our government schools are making sure that teachers are trained in Marxist and sexual social engineering.

Let me draw your attention to this pamphlet that we’ve prepared for you. This list of the largest 40 school districts in Illinois clearly demonstrates how our government schools are failing students in English Language Arts, Math and Science while spending an enormous amount of your tax dollars per student. The proficiency rates are embarrassing. But even worse, the graduation rates in most school districts far exceed the academic performances of students.

Perhaps the most troubling bill that state lawmakers passed this year was SB 818 – “Comprehensive” sex education for K-12. The term “comprehensive” as a way to describe legislation should alarm you. It is a indication that government officials have big plans to invade a new corner of your childrens’ lives beginning in kindergarten.

This proposal requires that highly objectionable sex ed material be forced on the impressionable minds of children who attend public school, as young as 5 years-old! This new legislation would require all public schools—including charter schools—to align teaching on “personal health and safety” with the “National Sex Education Standards,” Some of the contributing organizations that helped devise these standards are really all you need to know:  Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, Gender Spectrum, PFLAG, LGBTQIA Resource Center, Intersex Society of North America, Race Forward, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, Trans Student Educational Resources, and the World Health Organization.

The intention of global elites is to create “world core” standards. Alex Newman, Executive Director of Public School Exit, points out in his 40 minute presentation that these include socialism and communism–both failed experiments in other parts of the world–as well as the ever-expanding sexual education. Having laid the groundwork in sex ed classes and drag queen story hours at libraries, now schools are attempting to hide sex change services from parents, and educational materials go so far as to teach about the pedophilia present in ancient Greece.

Furthermore, these schools are teaching Islamic and Buddhist principles, while banning prayer in schools, as part of the “global education” that schools are moving toward. Ultimately, they hope for a “world core curriculum” that will have the same standards for every child in every school in the world. This is why government schools were created and has always been the goal, Newman says, and is a sign to parents: get your children out of government schools.

Please take time to listen to Mr. Newman’s entire video presentation:

The Rev. Ceasar LeFlore followed Mr. Newman’s presentation to urge attendees to consider Christ-centered education choices.

In his presentation, Rev. LeFlore discusses the many options that parents have for educating their children if they take them out of public schools. The public schools are indoctrinating our children, he reminds us, with liberal, sexually perverted, postmodern agendas, and the time they spend there far outweighs the short time that they spend in church on Sundays. While it is important for them to know reading, writing, and arithmetic, it is far more important that they know the truths of the Kingdom of God, and this is not something that they will ever learn in public schools. With this in mind, Rev. LeFlore speaks on numerous resources for educating our children with a focus on teaching them God’s ways.

Please take time to listen to Rev. LeFlore’s entire video presentation:

Between now and Labor Day, you can double the impact of your tax deductible donation
while helping us fund this critical effort!

Please help us meet and/or surpass a rare summertime matching challenge that has been made through the generosity of faithful supporters. These donors are working with us to offer a $40,000 dollar-for-dollar matching challenge to help us raise $80,000 for “Rescuing the Children” initiative here in Illinois!

Even During a National Medical Emergency, the Abortion Industry Still Thinks It’s “Essential”

Written by Patricia Mosley

As part of their COVID-19 response, the U.K. initially approved new measures to allow women to take the complete abortion pill regimen at home. Now, it appears that this measure has been reversed. The reasoning given was, “This was published in error. There will be no changes to abortion regulations.”

The abortion pill is a two-drug regimen that is basically a do-it-yourself method anyways, but normally, the woman would have some type of interaction with a physician by taking the first pill (mifepristone) under their supervision at the clinic and then going home to take the second drug (misoprostol) 24-48 hours later.

Because the U.K. considers abortion an “essential service” amid the pandemic, their response was to completely place the burden of abortion on women. These women would have been popping both pills at home with no physician oversight.

But this is what the abortion industry all over the world has been calling for even before the current pandemic—for abortions to be unrestricted, unregulated, and do-it-yourself. Gone are the days when they were calling for “safe, legal, and rare” to protect against desperate women performing their own “back-alley” abortions. Now abortion pills are the new back-alley method, credentialed by the world’s most prestigious medical institutions.

Because the U.S. has FDA restrictions (REMs) on the abortion pill (U.S. brand “Mifeprex”), it cannot be a “complete” DIY method, but either way, restrictions or no restrictions, the abortion pill method is set up to be an at-home, multi-day, traumatic process that comes with the risk of serious complications.

Chemical abortions carry four times the rate of complications compared to surgical abortions. The two side effects observed to be more prevalent during chemical abortions than surgical abortions were hemorrhage and incomplete abortion. An incomplete abortion means there needed to be surgical intervention to extract any remaining parts of the unborn child from the woman’s uterus. Prolonged hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion can occur. It’s already been reported to the FDA that over 500 blood transfusions, over a thousand hospitalizations, and 24 deaths took place as result of Mifeprex. And that is just what’s been reported.

Fortunately right now, the U.S. has strong pro-life leadership from the top down, so at a national level it’s unlikely that we will see abortion be declared an “essential service” at a time like this. However, that will not stop the abortion industry from demanding that it should be. Some states have already deemed abortion “essential.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and their allies have already put out a statement complaining that abortions are being left out of essential health care services that need to remain open at this time. Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio is at war with the state Attorney General and Health Department as they continue to perform abortions even though they have been directly ordered not to.

Planned Parenthood claims they can still achieve the goal of conserving medical resources for essential health care personnel combatting COVID-19 by remaining open. How would they do this? They didn’t explain.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to deduce that the abortion industry is likely dispensing abortion pills to pregnant women who are past the FDA-approved gestational age limit of 10 weeks. The abortion industry has already been experimenting with performing abortions past 13 weeks on vulnerable women in Burkina FasoColumbia, and Mexico.

Even the once abortion-neutral humanitarian aid group Doctors Without Borders (DWB), with the approval of the World Health Organization, has instructional guidelines on how women can perform their own drug-based abortion up to 22 weeks!

Although they claim these instructional videos are for training their medical workers, they acknowledge that they expect women to go to the site in order to learn how to induce their own abortions.

The fact that chemical abortions already carry significant complications and that the rate of those complications only increase as the gestational age of the pregnancy increases shows that Doctors Without Borders are bordering on medical malpractice.

The complications that can arise from taking the abortion pill place women in life-threatening situations that may require follow-up visits to the abortion clinic and the emergency room. We are now likely to see scenarios where women who have taken the abortion pill regimen will need blood transfusions, treatment for infections, and possible follow-up surgery to complete the abortion, which means they will need to go to the emergency room and wait for treatment next to possible victims of the coronavirus pandemic. How is this conserving medical resources? How is this protecting the safety and health of women?

Thankfully, there are still some reputable medical leaders, such as AAPLOG, who refuse to put women in this type of danger by categorizing abortion as an “essential service.”

Killing innocent children in the womb should never be considered any type of “service,” in the midst of a pandemic or not. By encouraging women to self-manage an abortion up to 22 weeks and calling do-it-yourself abortion a “paid” service, the abortion industry has been and is currently showing us that they have no regard for human dignity whatsoever—for the child or the mother.

This article was originally published at the FRCblog.com.

When Abortion Politics Overrode Women’s Health

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
Spread Awareness of the Abortion Breast Cancer Link

In 1996, Dr. Joel Brind along with colleagues at Penn State Medical College published a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed literature on the connection between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer. Based on 23 studies, it found a 30 percent higher rate of breast cancer for women with abortion histories. Six years later, in February 2003, the National Cancer Institute officially declared the abortion breast cancer link nonexistent. Clear-thinking people know risk factors are complex and that study results are subject to interpretation, but which is it? Some say the abortion-breast cancer link is real; some say it’s not. Who should we believe? Hold that thought.

When Canadian journalist Punam Kumar Gill first heard about risks associated with abortion, she thought it was all pro-life propaganda. But when she heard that some 40-50 million women worldwide have abortions every year, even as a lifelong pro-choice feminist she thought the sheer numbers called for a closer look into the matter. What if there really were critical health risks following abortion? And what were women being told before consenting to one? Shouldn’t the risks at least be discussed rather than dismissed as anti-abortion strategy?

A Quest for Truth

As a just-the-facts-please kind of journalist, Gill set out to find out the truth for the sake of women’s health. First, she talked to doctors. Dr. David Grimes, an Ob-Gyn and abortionist seemed perturbed at the question: “There are no long-term consequences from abortion, either reproductive or otherwise,” he said rather tersely. “And that includes psychological effects as well.” It’s “an old dog that they keep on flogging,” he continued. There’s a small group of people who hold that view, and their common theme is “religiosity.”

She also consulted Dr. Brind, who emphasized the research findings. Yes, I’m pro-life, he said, but the politics of abortion shouldn’t come into play on this. What should matter is that women have accurate information with which to make an informed choice. That made sense to Gill, as that was what she was after as well.

Next, she visited breast cancer surgeon Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, who, like Brind, has been criticized for going against the medical establishment on this. Lanfranchi started collecting complete reproductive histories on her patients after seeing mention of the link in a textbook, and it’s not about politics for her either: “This is about having fewer patients in my office that are thirty years old with breast cancer,” she said bluntly. She mentioned two patients with “very aggressive breast cancers.” One had had seven pregnancies and five abortions. The other had had five pregnancies and three abortions. “They both died very quickly,” she said.

The Mystery Deepens

Dr. Grimes had emphasized that his opinion was the same as that of all the medical organizations, so Gill looked there next. She contacted the American Cancer Society, the Canadian Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the World Health Organization (WHO), the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and its counterparts in the UK and Canada, RCOG and SOGC. But no one would give her an interview. Not. A. Single. One. The case was closed, they all said, and each referred her to their respective websites.

Now things were starting to feel suspicious. If the jury was in, then why wouldn’t any of them stand behind their position and speak to her?

She kept digging. It turned out, all of their websites referred to an NCI conference that had taken place in 2003. It was then 2016. Had there been no subsequent research into this matter in thirteen years? She travelled to the National Cancer Institute, hoping to persuade someone to talk to her, but upon arrival she was swiftly escorted off the grounds. Things were now approaching scandalous, but she was not one to go away quietly.

She returned to Dr. Brind. As a longtime participant in this debate, he knew some history that wasn’t on the NCI website. At one time, he said, the NCI position accurately reflected the equivocal nature of the debate. Some studies showed a link; some didn’t, and the NCI forthrightly informed the public about the discrepancies and ongoing investigations. That changed in 2001 after Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach came on as NCI director. Soon after his arrival, Brind explained, a letter had arrived on his desk for him to sign. The letter had been signed by twenty-eight congressmembers, and it requested that the NCI website be updated to say that there was no link between abortion and breast cancer, as this was what the congressmembers understood to be accurate scientifically.

Just pause a moment, and let that sink in. If what Dr. Brind said is true, then we have a situation in America where congressmembers requested that a particular medical opinion be issued as the official, government-endorsed position on a risk factor for a terminal disease. And the head of the medical organization complied with the request.

Much could be said about this, but at the very least, those who want more government involvement in health care might want to reconsider their faith in government.

And the Mystery Remains

Back to 2016: Gill was on a mission, now. She found a recording of the 2003 conference and went through it frame by frame. Several things were odd about it. Here are just three: First, in his introduction, Dr. von Eschenbach told attendees that the abortion- breast cancer question was not the topic or purpose of the conference, but it was the reason they were there. Second, in spite of the assertion that some one hundred experts had been cited as declaring the case closed, only a small handful of them were scientists who had actually done research directly related to the subject. Third, only one of them presented–Dr. Leslie Bernstein, Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California. She was given twenty minutes, and she said the data showed no connection.

So that was it. Before February 2003, the data was inconclusive. After February 2003, the matter was settled. There were contradictory findings… until there were not. Make of it what you will, and choose for yourself who you’re going to believe. Gill documented all of this and more in her excellent 2016 film Hush: Start a Healthy Conversation, which she characterizes as pro-information and pro-women’s health.

And the Beat Goes On

Dr. Brind recently reported on meta-analyses from China (2013) and South Asia (2018), that found heightened post-abortion breast cancer rates ranging from 44 percent to 151 percent. Meanwhile, Western public health organizations–the NCI, the American Cancer Society, ACOG, RCOG, the Canadian Cancer Society, WHO, and Susan G. Komen (that one is especially perverse, given that it’s specifically about breast cancer)–continue to maintain, based on 2003 “information,” that there is no link between abortion and breast cancer. Well, and Planned Parenthood, of course, that bastion of medical ethics and women’s health.

For the rest of us though, October has been designated as “Breast Cancer Awareness” month. What better time than now to become informed, promote women’s health, and engage in a healthier conversation? Check out the excellent work of Ms. Gill for yourself, and spread some awareness of the mystery of the abortion-breast cancer link.

A Night With Rev. Franklin Graham!
At this year’s annual IFI banquet, our keynote speaker will be none other than Rev. Franklin Graham, President & CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Christian evangelist & missionary. This year’s event will be at the Tinley Park Convention Center on Nov. 1st. You don’t want to miss this special evening!

Learn more HERE.

Stuff You Should Know About “Trans”-Cultism

Despite a lack of evidence proving the safety and efficacy of chemical and surgical interventions and social “transitioning” for those who experience gender dysphoria, “progressives” plow forward mutilating the healthy bodies and manipulating the psychology of children who feel they are or wish they were the sex they are not.

The science-denying, incoherent “trans” ideology affects all of society. The end game for “trans” activists and others in cultic thrall to this superstition is not access for a few boys and girls or men and women to opposite-sex private spaces and sports. The end game is the eradication of all public recognition of sex differences everywhere for everyone. Think about what that means:

  • It means children will be raised under the delusion that their anatomy signifies nothing. All that matters is “gender identity.” It means society will tell them that no one—not doctors, parents, or anyone else—knows if they’re male or female.
  • It means putting at risk the psychological welfare of students, particularly younger students and those already struggling with other issues, including autism; depression; anxiety; body dysmorphia; eating disorders; OCD; and the effects of molestation, family dysfunction, and bullying. Introducing the “trans” ideology, which teaches the disordered nonsense that a boy can be a girl or vice versa, to at-risk children will confuse and disturb them and will provide a distorted lens through which they may misinterpret their experiences.
  • It means that we must all pretend that humans with congenital penises and fake breasts sashaying through our women’s locker rooms in the altogether are women. (Many who identify as “trans” don’t believe surgery is necessary to pass as the opposite sex, which is why you’ll hear terms like “chestfeeding men” or claims like “women can have penises.”)
  • It means that at public pools, beaches, and parks, our children will see topless women who pretend to be men but opt to keep their breasts.
  • It means that men’s roommates in semi-private hospital rooms may be biological women. And it means women who seek sanctuary from abusive boyfriends and husbands in shelters may be forced to share rooms or private facilities with biological men.
  • It means many of us will lose jobs if we refuse to refer to colleagues by incorrect pronouns, which is to say, if we refuse to lie.
  • It means that our taxes will continue to subsidize the indoctrination of children with the “trans” ideology through government schools
  • And it means the sterilization and mutilation of the healthy bodies of children.

Since the “trans” ideology is metastasizing throughout the sinews of American life—including our schools—all stakeholders must understand the “trans” orthodoxy better. In previous articles, I provided questions that anyone who affirms the “trans” ideology should be asked.[1] In this article, I provide information of which many are unaware, that may be useful to anyone opposing co-ed private spaces in schools, and that should make society reevaluate the barbaric path we’re treading:

  • At birth, doctors identify the sex of babies. They do not assign them a “gender.” A person’s sex can never change. Biological sex is not a disorder, illness, deficiency, shortcoming, or error. Scientists and other medical professionals have recognized that biological sex is a neutral, objective, and immutable fact of human nature. Likewise, puberty is neither a disease nor a disorder.
  • There is no conclusive, research-based evidence proving that if there is incongruence between one’s objective, immutable, biological sex (and its attendant healthy, normally functioning anatomy and physiology) and one’s subjective, internal sense of being male or female that the problem resides in the body rather than the mind.
  • The article “Hormone Therapy for the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria” in the May 19, 2014 issue of the highly respected Hayes Directory reports that the use of hormones and surgery to treat gender dysphoria in adults is based on “very low quality of evidence” and that the use of hormones and surgery to treat gender dysphoria in children and adolescents has no evidence base.[2]
  • There are health risks and complications attendant to the use of puberty-suppressing drugs. Boys whose puberty is suppressed will have micro-penises which present surgical problems if they should one day seek vaginoplasty (i.e., there isn’t enough skin to turn into “vaginas,” so more complicated and risky procedures must be used). The health risks of the off-label use of puberty-blockers for the treatment of gender-dysphoria include the arrest of bone growth, decrease in bone density, the “prevention of sex-steroid-dependent organization and maturation of the adolescent brain, and the inhibition of fertility by preventing the development of gonadal tissue and mature gametes for the duration of treatment.”
  • “There is an obvious self-fulfilling nature to encouraging a young boy with GD to socially impersonate a girl and then institute pubertal suppression. Given the well-established phenomenon of neuroplasticity, the repeated behavior of impersonating a girl alters the structure and function of the boy’s brain in some way—potentially in a way that will make identity alignment with his biologic sex less likely. This, together with the suppression of puberty that prevents further endogenous masculinization of his brain, causes him to remain a gender non-conforming prepubertal boy disguised as a prepubertal girl.”[3]
  • Some of the effects of the off-label use of cross-sex hormones are permanent and long-term risks are unknown:

Sterility and voice changes are permanent for both men and women.

An interagency statement published by the World Health Organization states that “sterilization should only be provided with the full, free and informed consent of the individual” and that “sterilization refers not just to interventions where the intention is to limit fertility… but also to situations where loss of fertility is a secondary outcome…. Sterilization without full, free and informed consent has been variously described by international, regional and national human rights bodies as an involuntary, coercive and/or forced practice, and as a violation of fundamental human rights, including the right to health, the right to information, the right to privacy.”[4] Since parents or guardians must provide consent for hormonal interventions, and since parents are not being made aware of the experimental nature of the off-label use of hormones for the treatment of gender dysphoria, or of the fact that most children with gender dysphoria outgrow it by late adolescence if otherwise supported through natural puberty, parents and guardians are unable to provide fully informed.

For biologically healthy men who take estrogen to treat their subjective, internal feelings about their sex, there is an “increased risk of liver disease, increased risk of blood clots (risk of death or permanent damage), increased risk of diabetes and of headaches/migraines, heart disease, increased risk of gallstones, and increased risk of noncancerous tumour of the pituitary gland.”[5] Breast tissue growth in men who take estrogen is permanent.

For biologically healthy women who take testosterone to treat their subjective, internal feelings about their sex, there is an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and possibly of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or uterine cancer. Taking testosterone can have a “destabilizing effect” on “bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia.”[6] “Male”-pattern baldness and body and facial hair growth in women who take testosterone are permanent.

  • Surgery (e.g., mastectomy, orchiectomy [i.e., castration]) is irreversible.
  • Men who choose penile inversion vaginoplasty are castrated and their penises inverted to fashion a fake vagina (aka “neo-vagina”). For the rest of their lives, surgeons recommend that they use vaginal dilators once a week. Since the skin of fake vaginas is not vaginal tissue, men must also douche 2-3 times per week for the rest of their lives.
  • Some men are unable to have inversion vaginoplasty. For example, because 18-year-old boy and reality TV star Jazz Jennings, who was recently castrated, started puberty blockers so young, his penis was the size of a prepubertal boy’s penis, and, therefore, too small to provide enough skin for a fake vagina. In these cases, skin from the colon or small bowel is used:

This technique… is naturally self-lubricating…. Since the secretion is digestive there is a risk of malodor and frequent secretions, and secretions are constant rather than only with arousal. Wearing panty liners or pads may be necessary for the long term. Bacterial overgrowth (diversion colitis) is common and may present with a greenish discharge…. The bowel lining is also not as durable as skin. Use of intestinal tissue also places the vagina at risk of diseases of the bowel including inflammatory bowel disease, arterio-venous malformations (AVM) or neoplasms [i.e., abnormal growths].[7]

  • The Christian Medical and Dental Association “believes that prescribing hormonal treatments to children or adolescents to disrupt normal sexual development for the purpose of gender reassignment is ethically impermissible, whether requested by the child or the parent.”[8]
  • The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) “urges health care professionals to adhere to genetic science and sexual complementarity over ideology in the treatment of gender dysphoria (GD) in children. This includes especially avoiding puberty suppression and the use of cross-sex hormones in children with GD. One’s sex is not a social construct, but an unchangeable biological reality.”[9]
  • Neuroscientist, professor of neurology at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of The Teenage Brain, Dr. Frances Jensen, explains that,

Teenagers do have frontal lobes, which are the seat of our executive, adult-like functioning like impulse control, judgment and empathy. But the frontal lobes haven’t been connected with fast-acting connections yet…. But there is another part of the brain that is fully active in adolescents, and that’s the limbic system. And that is the seat of risk, reward, impulsivity, sexual behavior and emotion. So they are built to be novelty-seeking at this point in their lives. Their frontal lobe isn’t able to say, “That’s a bad idea, don’t do that.” That’s not happening to the extent it will in adulthood.

  • The oft-cited suicide rate of 41% for those who identify as “trans” is based on an erroneous understanding of a study by the Williams Institute—an understanding that ignores the acknowledged and serious limitations of the study.[10] There is no evidence that surgery or chemical disruption of normal, natural and healthy development or processes reduces the incidence of suicide.[11] J. Michael Bailey, Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University, and Dr. Raymond Blanchard, former psychologist in the Adult Gender Identity Clinic of Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) from 1980–1995 and the Head of CAMH’s Clinical Sexology Services from 1995–2010, have written the following[12]:

Children (most commonly, adolescents) who threaten to commit suicide rarely do so, although they are more likely to kill themselves than children who do not threaten suicide.

Mental health problems, including suicide, are associated with some forms of gender dysphoria. But suicide is rare even among gender dysphoric persons.

There is no persuasive evidence that gender transition reduces gender dysphoric children’s likelihood of killing themselves.

The idea that mental health problems–including suicidality–are caused by gender dysphoria rather than the other way around (i.e., mental health and personality issues cause a vulnerability to experience gender dysphoria) is currently popular and politically correct. It is, however, unproven and as likely to be false as true.

  • There is no phenomenon of women trapped in men’s bodies or vice versa, or of men having women’s brains or vice versa. Science has not proven that the brains of transgender individuals are “wired differently” than others with the same biological sex. In other words, there is no conclusive evidence of a “female brain” being contained in a male body or vice versa.[13] In fact, it is impossible for an opposite-sexed brain to be “trapped” in the wrong body. Every brain cell of a male fetus has a Y chromosome; female fetal brains do not. This makes their brains intrinsically different. Additionally, at 8 weeks gestation, male fetuses have every cell of their body—including every brain cell—bathed by a testosterone surge secreted by their testes. Female fetuses lack testes; none of their cells—including their brain cells—experience this endogenous testosterone surge.
  • “[C]urrent studies on associations between brain structure and transgender identity are small, methodologically limited, inconclusive, and sometimes Even if they were more methodologically reliable, they would be insufficient to demonstrate that brain structure is a cause, rather than an effect, of the gender-identity behavior. They would likewise lack predictive power, the real challenge for any theory in science.”[14]
  • Desistance is “the tendency for gender dysphoria to resolve itself as a child gets older and older.”[15] The best research to date suggests that without social or medical “transition” most (60[16]-90%[17]) gender-dysphoric children will come to accept their biological sex after passing naturally through puberty. [18] While “12- 27% of ‘gender variant’ children persist in gender dysphoria; that percentage rises to 40% amongst those who visit gender clinics.” Research shows that persistence rates rise significantly among those who are given puberty-blockers and “gender-affirmative psychotherapy,” thus suggesting that such interventions lead minors “to commit more strongly to sex reassignment than they might have if they had received a different diagnosis or a different course of treatment.”[19]
  • Detransitioning is the process by which someone who has been identifying as the opposite sex, presenting himself or herself as the opposite sex, taking cross-sex hormones, and possibly had surgery rejects his or her “trans” identity and accepts his or her objective, immutable biological sex. The American College of Pediatricians confirms what “detransitioners” assert: There are many possible post-natal, environmental causes for gender dysphoria: Family and peer relationships, one’s school and neighborhood, the experience of any form of abuse, media exposure, chronic illness, war, and natural disasters are all examples of environmental factors that impact an individual’s emotional, social, and psychological development.[20]
  • “Mounting evidence over the last decade points to increased rates of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and autism traits among children and adults with gender dysphoria…. It is possible that some of the psychological characteristics common in children with ASD—including cognitive deficits, tendencies toward obsessive preoccupations, or difficulties learning from other people—complicate the formation of gender identity.”[21] A study published in May 2018 “further confirmed a possible association between ASD and the wish to be of the opposite gender by establishing increased endorsement of this wish in adolescents and adults with ASD compared to the general population controls.”[22]
  • J. Michael Bailey and Dr. Raymond Blanchard explain the phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD):

The typical case of ROGD involves an adolescent or young adult female whose social world outside the family glorifies transgender phenomena and exaggerates their prevalence. Furthermore, it likely includes a heavy dose of internet involvement. The adolescent female acquires the conviction that she is transgender. (Not uncommonly, others in her peer group acquire the same conviction.) These peer groups encouraged each other to believe that all unhappiness, anxiety, and life problems are likely due to their being transgender, and that gender transition is the only solution. Subsequently, there may be a rush towards gender transition…. We believe that ROGD is a socially contagious phenomenon in which a young person–typically a natal female–comes to believe that she has a condition that she does not have. ROGD is not about discovering gender dysphoria that was there all along; rather, it is about falsely coming to believe that one’s problems have been due to gender dysphoria previously hidden (from the self and others). Let us be clear: People with ROGD do have a kind of gender dysphoria, but it is gender dysphoria due to persuasion of those especially vulnerable to a false idea.[23]

  • Brown University Researcher Dr. Lisa Littman conducted a survey of parents whose children developed Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. Littman writes,

In recent years, a number of parents have been reporting in online discussion groups… that their adolescent and young adult (AYA) children, who have had no histories of childhood gender identity issues, experienced a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. Parents have described clusters of gender dysphoria outbreaks occurring in pre-existing friend groups with multiple or even all members of a friend group becoming gender dysphoric and transgender-identified in a pattern that seems statistically unlikely based on previous research. Parents describe a process of immersion in social media, such as “binge-watching” Youtube transition videos and excessive use of Tumblr, immediately preceding their child becoming gender dysphoric. These descriptions… raise the question of whether social influences may be contributing to or even driving these occurrences of gender dysphoria in some populations of adolescents and young adults…. The worsening of mental well-being and parent-child relationships and behaviors that isolate teens from their parents, families, non-transgender friends and mainstream sources of information are particularly concerning. More research is needed to better understand rapid-onset gender dysphoria, its implications, and scope.”[24]

  • The number of children “being referred for transitioning treatment” in England has increased 4,400% for girls and 1,250% for boys, which has resulted in calls from members of Parliament for an investigation.[25]
  • Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) shares several features with gender dysphoria. BIID is a condition in which “Sufferers… experience a mismatch between their physically healthy body and the body with which they identify. They identify as disabled. They often desire a specific amputation to achieve the disabled body they want.”[26] As with some cases of gender dysphoria, scientists say there is evidence for neurological involvement as a cause of the experience of BIID,[27] and yet physicians largely oppose elective amputations of healthy anatomical parts:

According to the principle of nonmaleficence physicians must not perform amputations without a medical indication because amputations bear great risks and often have severe consequences besides the disability…. for example, infections [or] thromboses.  Even though some physicians perform harmful surgeries as breast enlargement surgeries, this cannot justify surgeries that are even more harmful. Even if amputations would be a possible therapy for BIID, they would be risky experimental therapies that could be justified only if they promised lifesaving or the cure of severe diseases and if an alternative therapy would not be available. At least the first condition is not fulfilled in the case of BIID, and probably the second is not fulfilled either. Above all, an amputation causes an irreversible damage that could not be healed, even if the patient’s body image would be restored spontaneously or through a new therapy…. But since all psychiatrists who have investigated BIID patients found that the amputation desire is either obsessive or based on a monothematic delusion, and since neurological studies support the hypothesis of a brain disorder (which is also supported by the most influential advocates of elective amputations), elective amputations have to be regarded as severe bodily injuries of patients.[28]

  • The American College of Pediatricians, a national medical association of licensed physicians and healthcare professionals who specialize in the care of infants, children, and adolescents” and that split from the American Academy of Pediatrics because of its politicization of the practice of medicine, describes puberty-suppression, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries variously referred to as sex-change, sex reassignment, gender reassignment and gender confirmation surgeries as child abuse.”
  • Lisa Simons, pediatrician at Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, stated in a PBS Frontline documentary that “‘The bottom line is we don’t really know how sex hormones impact any adolescent’s brain development….’ What’s lacking, she said, are specific studies that look at the neurocognitive effects of puberty blockers.” [29]
  • Kenneth Zucker, one of the world’s leading authorities on gender dysphoria, states that,

Identity is a process. It is complicated. It takes a long period of time… to know who a child really is…. There are different pathways that can lead to gender dysphoria…. It’s an intellectual and clinical mistake to think that there’s one single cause that explains all gender dysphoria…. Just because little kids say something doesn’t necessarily mean that you accept it, or that it’s true, or that it’s in the best interest of the child…. Little kids can present with extreme gender dysphoria, but that doesn’t mean they’re all going to grow up to continue to have gender dysphoria.[30]

  • Eric Vilain, a geneticist at UCLA who specializes in sexual development and sex differences in the brain, says the studies on twins are mixed and that, on the whole, “there is no evidence of a biological influence on transsexualism yet.”[31]
  • Sheila Jeffreys, lesbian feminist scholar, warns against the “transgendering” of children: “Those who do not conform to correct gender stereotypes are being sterilized and they’re being sterilized as children.”[32]
  • Heather Brunskell-Evans, social theorist, philosopher, and Senior Research Fellow at King’s College, London, UK, and Michele Moore, Professor of Inclusive Education and Editor-in-Chief of the world-leading journal Disability & Society, critique the “transgender” ideology:

[O]ur central contention is that transgender children don’t exist. Although we argue that ‘the transgender child’ is a fabrication, we do not disavow that some children and adolescents experience gender dysphoria and that concerned and loving parents will do anything to alleviate their children’s distress. It is because of children’s bodily discomfort that we argue it is important families and support services are informed by appropriate models for understanding gender. Our analysis of transgenderism demonstrates it is a new phenomenon, since dissatisfaction with assigned gender takes different forms in different historical contexts. The ‘transgender child’ is a relatively new historical figure, brought into being by a coalition of pressure groups, political activists and knowledge makers…. Bizarrely, in transgender theory, biology is said to be a social construct but gender is regarded as an inherent property located ‘somewhere’ in the brain or soul or other undefined area of the body. We reverse these propositions with the concept that it is gender, not biology, which is a social construct. From our theoretical perspective, the sexed body is material and biological, and gender is the externally imposed set of norms that prescribe and proscribe desirable behaviours for children. Our objection to transgenderism is that it confines children to traditional views about gender.[33]

  • Stephanie Davies-Arias, writer, communication skills expert, and pediatric transition critic, writes that “changing your sex to match your ‘gender identity’ reinforces the very stereotypes which [transgender] organisations claim to be challenging… as, in increasing numbers, boys who love princess culture become ‘girls’ and short-haired football-loving girls become ‘boys’. Promoted as a ‘progressive’ social justice movement based on ‘accepting difference’, transgender ideology in fact takes that difference and stamps it out. It says that the sexist stereotypes of ‘gender’ are the true distinction between boys and girls and biological sex is an illusion.”[34]
  • Increasing numbers of young men and women experience “sex-change regret” and are “detransitioning.” Unfortunately, some effects of “medical transitions” are irreversible. A BBC documentary includes “Luke,” a young biological woman who regrets taking cross-sex hormones and having a double mastectomy at age 20 shares her experience:

The assumption from the outset was that if I said I was transgender, then I must be. Nobody, at any point, questioned my motives. The only cure for this would be hormones and surgery…. I became very self-conscious of my body. I was developing breasts and periods which, for me, felt like there was an alien crawling out of the inside of my body.  I became very depressed. I thought the only explanation for my gender dysphoria must be that I was actually a man. I was struggling with self-harm and had attempted suicide on a number of occasions and was very much told by the community that if you don’t transition, you will self-harm and you will kill yourself. I became convinced that my options were transition or die. I didn’t understand that the degree of disconnect from and hatred of my body could be considered a mental health problem…. The darkest moment was when I realized that I had actually looked normal for a girl. That I had actually been slim and pretty. That my body hadn’t been grotesque the way I thought it was. Now, as a result of having transitioned, I will always have a female body that is freakish. I will always have a flat chest and a beard and there’s nothing I can do about that…. Nobody wants to question the received knowledge that transition is the only option because nobody wants to be the one person that puts their head up and says “hang on, I don’t think this is all right”.… If I was talking to a gender-dysphoric girl who hated her body the way I hated mine, I would tell her to get out into the mud, to climb trees, to find ways of inhabiting her body on her terms.[35]

  • While the American Academy of Pediatrics has formally endorsed chemical and surgical interventions and social “transitioning” for children and teens who wish they were the sex they are not, no one knows exactly how many of the 67,000 academy members agree with this position since only about 55 members created and voted on it. [36]

It is unconscionable for anyone who cares about children and the future of America to remain ignorant of and silent on this issue.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:



[1] https://staging.illinoisfamily.org/homosexuality/questions-restrooms-locker-rooms-leftists-must-answer/

[2] http://www.hayesinc.com/hayes/htareports/directory/sex-reassignment-surgery-for-the-treatment-of-gender-dysphoria/. Accessed 3.24.16.

[3] http://www.jpands.or g/vol21no2/cretella.pdf

[4] http://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/201405_sterilization_en.pdf

[5] https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

[6] https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_FTM.pdf

[7] http://transhealth.ucsf.edu/trans?page=guidelines-vaginoplasty

[8] https://www.cmda.org/resources/publication/transgender-identification-ethics-statement

[9] http://www.cathmed.org/assets/files/Gender_Dysphoria_Treatment_of_Minors.pdf

[10] http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf

[11] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043071/

[12] https://4thwavenow.com/2017/09/08/suicide-or-transition-the-only-options-for-gender-dysphoric-kids/comment-page-1/

[13] L Mayer, P McHugh, “Part Three: Gender Identity,” The New Atlantis, https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/part-three-gender-identity-sexuality-and-gender

[14] https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/part-three-gender-identity-sexuality-and-gender

[15] https://www.thecut.com/2016/07/whats-missing-from-the-conversation-about-transgender-kids.html

[16] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18981931

[17] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18194003

[18] http://www.sexologytoday.org/2016/01/do-trans-kids-stay-trans-when-they-grow_99.html

[19] https://www.thenewatlantis.com/docLib/20170619_TNA52HruzMayerMcHugh.pdf

[20] https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children

[21] https://www.forbes.com/sites/zhanavrangalova/2017/11/15/growing-evidence-for-a-link-between-gender-dysphoria-and-autism-spectrum-disorders/#26953173153e

[22] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-018-1218-3

[23] https://4thwavenow.com/2017/12/07/gender-dysphoria-is-not-one-thing/

[24] https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0202330

[25] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2018/09/16/minister-orders-inquiry-4000-per-cent-rise-children-wanting/

[26] https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/body-integrity-identity-disorder-the-condition-where-sufferers-want-to-be-disabled-a6680306.html

[27] http://scienceblogs.com/neurophilosophy/2009/03/27/voluntary-amputation-extra-phantom-limbs/


[29] https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/when-transgender-kids-transition-medical-risks-are-both-known-and-unknown/

[30] https://vimeo.com/247163584

[31] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/11/a-boys-life/307059/

[32] https://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/sheila-jeffreys-the-mccarthyism-of-transgender-and-the-sterilization-of-transgender-children/

[33] http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/64273

[34] http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/64273

[35] https://vimeo.com/247163584 

[36] https://staging.illinoisfamily.org/homosexuality/55-members-of-american-academy-of-pediatrics-devise-destructive-trans-policy/ 

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