Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Et assumenda odit aut consequatur fugit id fugit libero. Aut pariatur ducimus ut voluptatibus neque et fuga quaerat id provident nemo ex repellendus accusantium aut consequatur accusantium nam suscipit fugiat. Nam galisum molestiae sit asperiores...
2022 Matching Challenge Update
By David E. Smith   |   12.31.22
Dear Friends, We’re almost there! Many of you have given sacrificially, and through December 31st these donations will be doubled up to $260,000 through the generosity of amazing supporters who agree with the work being done at Illinois Family Institute...
36 Hours to Go! More Than Halfway There …
By David E. Smith   |   12.30.22
I am excited to share some good news with you about the $260,000 matching challenge we wrote about two weeks ago: The response to this challenge has been slower than in years past, but we are making progress toward meeting the goal before we hit midnight on Saturday evening.
On #GivingTuesday, Support YOUR Values
By David E. Smith   |   11.29.22
Everyone knows that Christmastime is the season of giving. God gave the gift of His only Son. The Wise Men brought gifts to His glory. And we still celebrate the season by giving gifts to others.
By David E. Smith   |   11.11.22
There are dozens of great pro-life films and documentaries that have been produced over the past several decades, but there is a new one out that we want to make sure is on your "must watch" list. It is called "The Matter of Life," and it is a powerful and informative documentary about abortion in the United States. In fact, we think it is so important that we are hosting showings of this film in various locations throughout the state...
Polls Are Open!
By David E. Smith   |   11.08.22
Citizens across the state of Illinois will be casting their votes in today's General Election. Pro-family candidates need your vote. Values Voters must stand up and be counted. Our voice in this midterm election - and in every election - is critical.  So, if you haven't already voted in this election cycle, please make sure you get to the polls today!
IFI Prayer Team: Election Season Call to Prayer
All believers are called to pray at all times and in all situations.

We are to pray without ceasing.

Jesus taught us to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.
Christian Influence in Society? Yes. A Theocracy? No.
By Walker Wildmon   |   09.20.22
The light of our lives and the light of our message should illuminate our surroundings. Our good deeds and our biblically based values should disseminate love and truth. At the same time, we are not called to take over society and impose our faith on the nation.
LAST CALL: Meet Kevin & Sam Sorbo at IFI’s October Banquet!
By David E. Smith   |   09.05.22
The "Early Bird Special" for the IFI Annual Banquet expires on Monday, so please don't delay, sign up today!
2022 Primary Election Voter Resources
By Kathy Valente   |   06.27.22
For vital information about state and federal candidates, the IFI Voter Guide is possibly the best source in the state of Illinois! The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide will help you learn more about the candidates on the June 28th ballot and their positions on important issues that directly affect your family and the culture around us. (We also have other resources on this page.)
COVID Information Center
Dr. Robert Malone Says COVID-19 Censorship ‘Prevented Informed Consent’
Written by Paiten Iselin and Gabriela Pariseau — MRC (March 7, 2023) The harms of Big Tech’s COVD-19 censorship continue to ripple throughout America, vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone told MRC...
2021 Matching Challenge Update
By David E. Smith   |   12.29.21
Dear Friends, We’re almost there! Many of you have given sacrificially, and through December 31st these donations will be doubled up to $150,000 through the generosity of amazing supporters who agree with the work being done at IFI. I can’t...
IFI Featured Video
The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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