He Has Defeated Death!
Descanso del Primero de Mayo
Los legisladores del estado de Illinois están de vacaciones de primavera durante las próximas dos semanas. Muchos de ellos han anunciado horas de trabajo “en el distrito”. Este es un buen momento para obtener una cita con el representante y el senador de su estado para hablarles sobre sus preocupaciones, especialmente sus preocupaciones sobre estos dos extremos proyectos de ley en contra de las vidas en la matriz que podrían ampliar el alcance del aborto en nuestro estado:
- HB 2495 y SB 1942, nombradas erróneamente las Leyes de Salud Reproductiva y patrocinadas por la Representante Estatal Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) y la Senadora Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake), revocarán la Ley Sobre el Aborto de Illinois de 1975, revocarán la Ley de Prohibición del Aborto de Nacimientos Parciales, y eliminará todas y cada una de las regulaciones sobre las clínicas que practican abortos. Estas provisiones son tan extremas que permiten que personas que no son médicos cometan abortos en lugares que no son clínicas médicas.
- HB 2467 y SB 1594, patrocinados por el Representante Estatal Chris Emmanuel Welch (D-Westchester) y la Senadora Elgie Sims (D-Chicago), revocarán la Ley de Aviso de Aborto de los Padres de 1995, que solo requiere notificación, no consentimiento, y por lo tanto permite a jóvenes el obtener abortos secretos.
La buena noticia es que los dos proyectos de ley de la Cámara de Representantes se han estancado durante la sesión actual. La mala noticia es que la SB 1594 ha salido de un comité del senado y activistas pro-aborto en Planned Parenthood están planeando un día de cabildeo para el 1 de mayo con la esperanza de influenciar algún impulso para estos proyectos de ley.
No se le debe pasar a nadie que nuestros oponentes izquierdistas eligieron el 1 de mayo – “Día de mayo” para este día de acción. El “Día de mayo” también se conoce como el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y es reconocido por los socialistas y marxistas de todo el mundo, frequentemente con desfiles militares y / o protestas políticas. (Leer más AQUI.)
En respuesta al dia de cabildeo de estos activistas pro-aborto, el Illinois Family Institute está invitando a todos nuestros suscriptores a que se unan a nosotros ese día para inundar el Capitolio con llamadas telefónicas para representar a los todavia no nacidos. Les estamos pidiendo a usted y a sus amigos de ideas aliadas que se unan a nosotros en “May Day Meltdown“. Esperamos interrumpir las líneas telefónicas con llamadas a las oficinas de los legisladores estatales con suplicaciones apasionadas para eliminar estos proyectos de ley. Si todos nuestros suscriptores hicieran tres llamadas durante el las horas de negocio del 1 de mayo, una al Gobernador JB Pritzker, una al senador y una al representante de su estado, eso enviaría un mensaje claro y firme de que no nos iremos y no permaneceremos en silencio.
Así que marque sus calendarios para “May Day Meltdown” el 1 de mayo. Haga clic AQUÍ para obtener la información de contacto de sus líderes políticos. El senador y representante de su estado son los últimos dos que se ven en la página.
Mientras espera que llegue el 1 de mayo, hay algo más que puede hacer ahora mismo:
Tome ACCIÓN: haga clic AQUÍ para enviar un mensaje al senador de su estado, al representante estatal y al gobernador Pritzker. Pídales que dejen de apuntarles, como tiro al blanco, a los niños inocentes que todavia no han nacido y a las mujeres vulnerables de Illinois. Solicite al senador de su estado, al representante estatal y al gobernador Pritzker que se opongan a todas las leyes contra la vida.
Planned Parenthood, ACLU y Personal PAC se han unido con el Gobernador JB Pritzker y varios legisladores en un asalto total contra niños que aun estan por nacer.
Stand Firm!
The Inalienable Right to Life!
La Perversion Llamada La Ley de Igualdad
Cualquier legislador que respalde la Ley de Igualdad, cuyo nombre es asquerosamente erróneo, cuya aprobación es la máxima prioridad legislativa de la Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes Nancy Pelosi, es ignorante, cobarde, estúpido, malvado o todo lo previamente dicho.
La Ley de Igualdad busca enmendar la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 al agregar la “orientación sexual” (que en realidad solo significa homosexualidad y bisexualidad) y la “identidad de género” como condiciones protegidas. Además, tambien desafía la Ley de Restauración de la Libertad Religiosa (RFRA), esencialmente neutralizándola. Según los National Religious Broadcasters, la aprobación de la Ley de Igualdad, el cual “no tiene una exención efectiva para empleadores religiosos…. en realidad elimina cualquier recurso a RFRA en demandas judiciales derivadas de sus nuevas provisiones “.
Si se aprueba, la Ley de Igualdad requeriría que la ley federal reconozca los sentimientos subjetivos y desordenados y las conductas desviadas como características protegidas. La ley federal reconocería absurdamente el homoerotismo y el enmascaramiento del sexo cruzado como condiciones que deben tratarse igual a la raza y el sexo biológico, que son condiciones objetivas, hereditarias al 100% que, en todos los casos, son inmutables y no tienen implicaciones de comportamiento.
Primero, una palabra sobre palabras:
El término “orientación sexual” es una construcción retórica izquierdista que se utiliza para presentar la heterosexualidad y la homosexualidad idénticamente. Los izquierdistas creen que las dos condiciones son la otra cara de la misma moneda de la sexualidad y que son iguales en estatus moral. Pero esa visión es un supuesto discutible, no un hecho. En verdad, la homosexualidad (y la bisexualidad) representan el desorden del deseo sexual humano. En cualquier sentido objetivo, todos los humanos son heterosexuales en el sentido de que la especie se reproduce heterosexualmente.
No hay una característica que define objetivamente la homosexualidad. Son solo sentimientos, nada más que sentimientos, y actos sexuales elegidos libremente. Y, dado que lo es, no pasará mucho tiempo antes de que otros grupos que colocan los sentimientos sexuales desordenados y los actos sexuales elegidos libremente en el centro de su identidad peticiónen su inclusión como una “orientación sexual” en las leyes y políticas contra la discriminación.
¿Por qué es que los homosexuales y los imitadores entre los sexos son los únicos grupos constituidos por sentimientos subjetivos y actos volitivos que son reconocidos como grupos protegidos? ¿Por qué la Atracción Sexual Genética (es decir, el incesto), el poliamor, la zoofilia (es decir, la bestialidad), el BDSM, el infantilismo, el voyeurismo y la Atracción Menor (es decir, la pedofilia y la pederastia) deben reconocerse como características protegidas? Al pensarlo, ¿por qué la ley no reconoce los matrimonios de hermanos, hermanas o cinco personas de géneros variados o sin género como matrimonios? El amor es amor, o eso nos dicen.
Si las personas van a entender correctamente los problemas culturales relacionados con la homosexualidad y el enmascaramiento cruzado del sexo, deben dejar de usar los términos “orientación sexual”, “gay” y “transgénero”. Esos términos incluyen, defienden y difunden un conjunto de suposiciones falsas y destructivas sobre la naturaleza y la moralidad del homoerotismo y el enmascaramiento entre sexos, y se utilizan para transformar nuestro panorama moral y político, incluida la erradicación de los derechos de la Primera Enmienda.
Una vez que la ley está obligada a proteger a dos grupos a base de sus sentimientos sexuales internos subjetivos y comportamientos sexuales volitivos, abrimos una Caja de Pandora de males que inevitablemente dará lugar a conflictos entre los nuevos derechos legales de aquellos que abrazan la desviación sexual como “identidad” y 1. los derechos de la Primera Enmienda de quienes rechazan la desviación sexual, 2. el derecho moral de las empresas a exigir baños, vestuarios y duchas que correspondan al sexo biológico, 3. el derecho de las empresas a negarse a contratar o despedir a una persona que elige hacerse pasar por el sexo opuesto, y 4. el derecho de las escuelas públicas a negarse a contratar o despedir a un empleado que elige hacerse pasar por el sexo opuesto.
No hay nada intrínsecamente injusto en tratar a las personas de manera diferente en función de sus elecciones volitivas. No hay nada injusto en tratar a las mujeres biológicas como diferentes a los hombres biológicos que se hacen pasar por mujeres. Y es manifiestamente justo y apropiado que una organización o empresa despida a personas como Thomas Donnelly, un miembro de defensa y seguridad nacional del American Enterprise Institute y aficionado al BDSM que ahora se hace pasar por una mujer llamada “Giselle.” https://makeoverswithelizabethtaylor.com/ cliente-fotos / giselle /
Al igual que la prohibición legal de la discriminación basada en sentimientos y actos homoeróticos entra en conflicto con la prohibición legal de la discriminación religiosa, también lo será la prohibición legal de la discriminación basada en los sentimientos de masculinidad y feminidad y los actos relacionados con esos sentimientos que se ponen en marcha en conflicto con las prohibiciones religiosas y la discriminación sexual. Es moralmente e intelectualmente insostenible que los sentimientos subjetivos y los actos volitivos reemplazen tanto al sexo biológico como a la religión como una clase protegida.
El solo hecho de apegar la palabra “igualdad” a la legislación no la transforma mágicamente en algo bueno y no la convierte en igualdad. La Ley de Igualdad, como la ERA, no se trata de la igualdad. La Ley de Igualdad, como la ERA, sirve a los intereses tiránicos de la comunidad “LGBTQQAP”. Y ambos serán utilizados para negar los derechos de las mujeres y los cristianos.
Aun las feministas radicales ven la amenaza que representa para las mujeres la Ley de Igualdad. Kara Danksy, asesora principal del Centro para la Justicia de la ACLU y miembra de la junta directiva del Frente de Liberación Femenista radical feminista, dijo esto en un foro organizado por la Fundación Heritage:
Si interpretamos la palabra sexo como identidad de género, lo que estamos diciendo es que las mujeres y las niñas no existen como una categoría digna de protección de sus derechos civiles. Las feministas han estado luchando por cientos de años en este país y por miles de años en otros lugares … por los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas en muchos ámbitos, pero, para mis propósitos, en el ámbito legal y político. Y hemos ganado victorias realmente importantes. Y no quiero verlas retiradas.
¿Alguien mira alrededor del mundo y de la historia y ve que los homosexuales y las personas sexualmente delirantes contribuyen más bien que los cristianos teológicamente ortodoxos cuyos derechos a ejercer la religión libremente, hablar libremente y asociarse se están deshaciendo lentamente? Cuando los desviados sexuales ganen el día, esto ya no será América, y el mundo será un lugar más oscuro.
Prayer & Fasting for Illinois
Illinois HB 3023: Creating Target-Rich Environments
UPDATE: The sponsor of HB 3023 has “tabled” this bill.
This proposal is dead for the session.
America was birthed as adventurous. Persecuted people braved an Atlantic crossing to establish new lives with new opportunities and freedoms in a wild and unknown land. Initially, many had the blessing of England and the Crown, and were seen as emissaries founding new colonies for the glory of England and The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For the Pilgrims and the Puritans, and some other Protestant families, this new land was a merciful opportunity to live and worship away from the ever-increasing tyranny of King George III.
Government schools rarely mention the devout beginnings of our nation. Consider a distributed tract published by the Virginia Company (circa 1606) titled, “True and Sincere Declaration of the Purposes and Ends of the Plantation” which stated their purpose:
First to preach and baptize into Christian religion and by the propagation the Gospel, to recover out of the arms of the devil a number of poor and miserable souls wrapped up unto death in almost invincible ignorance; to endeavor the fulfilling and accomplishments of the number of the elect which shall be gathered from out of all corners of the earth; and add to our mite the treasury of heaven.
Even the new King James applauded and encouraged the spiritual mission in 1606:
We greatly commend and graciously accept their desires for the furtherance of so noble a work, which may, by the providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the glory of His Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God and may in time bring the infidels and savages living in those parts to human civility and a settled, quiet government.
However, by 1775, George III, a young and poorly advised monarch, “turned the screws against the Americans. To cut off the colonists’ ability to resist at the source, George III decreed a ban on export of arms and ammunition to America, with orders to his Royal governors to prohibit the import thereof in the colonies. At the same time, General Gage instituted general searches and seizures for arms and gunpowder…” [The Founders’ Second Amendment]
On April 19, 1775, the Shot Heard Round the World propelled America into a revolution. As noted in a 2018 article, Stephen P. Halbrook (foremost authority on the Second Amendment in America) writes in his excellent (and indispensable) book, The Founders’ Second Amendment: Origins of the right to Bear Arms:
The militiamen of Lexington and Concord consisted of all able-bodied males aged 16 through 60, from its gentlemen and yeomen to its laborers and apprentices, excluding the town’s Harvard students and a dozen African American slaves. All provided their own arms except for a few poor men who had to borrow them.
Women and children assisted the militiamen in preparing for the conflict. On the eve of the clash, Militia Colonel James Barrett’s 15-year-old granddaughter Meliscent taught the other young women of the town how to assemble cartridges.
. . .
The patriots made good many shots at various distances. The Redcoats fired more rounds per hit than did the Americans. Some 50 Americans were killed, 39 wounded, and 5 missing, for a total of 94 casualties. According to Gage, the Redcoats suffered 65 killed, 157 wounded, and 27 missing, for a total of 272 casualties.
The patriots exhibited excellent marksmanship for shooting flintlocks in anger, many for the first time in their lives.
Again, knowing this history equips us with the context of our Second Amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment bolstered the First Amendment which bestowed the Free Exercise clause.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
As the U.S. Constitution was being debated and written, there were those who thought it inconceivable that future leaders and government bodies would ever seek to disarm the populace. After all, a high price — the blood of patriots — had secured America’s independence from the tyranny of King George, and they all well-remembered the indispensable part firearms played in the costly victory.
According to some historians, an armed citizenry also precluded Japan attacking the U.S. mainland following the Pearl Harbor attack. The well-known, though debated, quote by Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, “…an American behind every blade of grass with a rifle.”
Thus, America has a storied tradition (Roe v. Wade notwithstanding), of protecting life. Our Founders wrote our Constitution from a biblical worldview which condemned murder — the killing of innocents — but supported killing as an act of protecting innocents.
Thou shalt not kill [murder innocents]. [Exodus 20:13]
Today the socialist Left pushes daily to eradicate our national history of protecting life AND of an armed citizenry warding off governmental tyranny.
An unarmed populace makes a controllable populace, and control is the end game.
Illinois State Representative Yehiel “Mark” Kalish (D-Skokie) has introduced House Bill 3023, which would prohibit good citizens who hold valid concealed carry permits from exercising their 2nd Amendment civil right at their church or other place of worship.
Illinoisan patriots/Christians must react and react strongly. Note — there are already far too many locations in Illinois where citizens are not able to exercise their concealed carry rights (incomplete list):
- a public or private elementary or secondary school
- a preschool or child care facility
- a circuit court, appellate court, or the Supreme Court, or any building or portion of a building under the control of the Supreme Court
- a public or private hospital or hospital affiliate, mental health facility, or nursing home
- any bus, train, or form of transportation paid for in whole or in part with public funds
- any public playground
- any public park, athletic area, or athletic facility
Illinois leftists, with anti-conceal carry legislation, create target-rich environments for thugs, terrorists, and other ne’er-do-wells. Under HB 3023, churches and churchgoers become soft targets.
HB 3023 countermands our U.S. Constitution — specifically our Second Amendment rights — as well as our God-given right and instruction to protect innocent life.
And of course, HB 3023, in addition to being absolutely dangerous, enables the Left to more fully control conservatives and Christians in every aspect of their faith and lives.
Citizens of Illinois must NOT be silent! We must contact our representatives and demand our public servants reject this horrible bill and repel any future attempt to disarm lawful citizens!
Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state representative to ask him/her to reject HB 3023. Ask them not to strip law abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves, their families and their church family.
You may want to remind your state representative that the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the 22nd section of Article 1 of the Illinois Constitution both guarantee the civil right of law abiding citizens to “keep and bear arms.”
America’s history remembered includes the heroic actions of ordinary citizens standing up to tyranny. Those Americans equipped themselves first with prayer, then with firearms.
We would do well to remember the lessons learned, of victories that secured the liberty we enjoy today to live and worship freely.
Remain vigilant. Remain prayerful. And speak up against any and all unconstitutional and ungodly measures!
IFI Worldview Conference!
On Saturday, March 16, 2019, the Illinois Family Institute will be hosting our annual Worldview Conference. This coming year, we will focus on the “transgender” revolution. We already have commitments from Dr. Michelle Cretella, President of the American College of Pediatricians; Walt Heyer, former “transgender” and contributor to Public Discourse; Denise Schick, Founder and Director of Help 4 Families, and daughter of a man who “identified” as a woman; and Doug Wilson, who is a Senior Fellow of Theology at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, and pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho .
The Transgender Ideology:
What Is It? Where Will It Lead? What is the Church’s Role?
Click here for more information.
Más Extremismo Sobre el Aborto Para Illinois
En respuesta a la ley de aborto “peligrosa” y ” la innecesaria ley de aborto la cual requiere notificacion a los padres” y “buscando proteger la abilidad de todas las personas …” (enlace a ) Planned Parenthood, ACLU y Personal PAC han unido sus fuerzas, una vez más, para erradicar todos y cada uno de los límites para matar bebés en Illinois.
Por dónde empezar…
El empujón proviene de la oficina del gobernador JB Pritzker y se ha materializado en forma de 2 proyectos de ley. El contenido del proyecto aún no se ha sometido, pero la intención es muy clara.
La representante estatal Kelly Cassidy, patrocinadora primaria de la Cámara de Representantes de la Ley de Salud Reproductiva, en una conferencia de prensa, dice, “Sabemos que hoy existe un movimiento que busca limitar el acceso a la atención de salud reproductiva. Queremos reflejar nuestros valores en Illinois y confiar en las mujeres “.
Temiendo que Roe v. Wade sea anulado, harán todo a su alcance para preservar la matanza masiva de bebés en Illinois. Según los que hablaron en la conferencia de prensa, su propuesta intentará hacer lo siguiente:
- Revocar la Ley de Aborto de Illinois de 1975 incluyendo las sanciones penales para los médicos que practican abortos.
- Revocar la Prohibición del Aborto de Nacimiento Parcial, que permite matar a los bebés hasta el momento del nacimiento.
- Eliminar cualquier y todas las regulaciones en las clínicas que cometen abortos.
- Revocar la Ley de Notificación a los Padres de 1995.
El senador estatal Elgie Sims (D-Chicago), padre de 2 hijas, es el patrocinador principal del proyecto de ley para abolir el Acta de Notificación de Aborto de los Padres de 1995. Esta ley solo requiere notificación, no consentimiento. Pero los defensores a favor del aborto no quieren que nada, ni siquiera los padres, impidan la abilidad de una niña y su derecho al pedir que maten a su bebé. Liz Higgins, Directora Asociada Médica de Planned Parenthood, declaró: “Planned Parenthood y nuestros socios no van a permitir que esto se convierta en un país donde las personas ya no puedan acceder al aborto.” Incluyendo a nuestras hijas jóvenes.
A esto se le tiene que poner un alto. Planned Parenthood y la ACLU están motivados y no se detendrán ante nada para cumplir su vil esquema. Si no hacemos todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para bloquear la aprobación de estos proyectos de ley, resultará en la destrucción de innumerables más vidas inocentes.
Esta pregunta debe ser considerada. ¿Cuánto tiempo más detendrá Dios su ira, la cual esta sobre este estado por derramar sangre inocente?
Tome acción: ¡Por favor hable! Este extremismo concerniente al aborto debe ser detenido. Pídale a sus legisladores estatales y al gobernador Pritzker que voten en contra de proyectos de ley HB 2495 y HB 2467. Haga clic AQUÍ para enviar su mensaje.
Pastor’s Breakfast in Oak Brook Regarding Marijuana Legalization
Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders,
Illinois Family Institute is hosting an important Pastor’s Breakfast on Monday, January 28th in Oak Brook regarding the proposal to legalize recreational marijuana in our state. There are many consequences for our churches and communities to consider. The colossal costs to society must be thoroughly deliberated before we embrace legalization. Once you investigate the many different aspects of this policy, it is our hope that you will be alarmed at the significant ramifications to families, students, communities, the market place, law enforcement, the environment, first responders, emergency medicine, etc.
Your congregation and community should understand the negative repercussions of this policy before state lawmakers approve recreational marijuana, because it is the public who will reap the fallout. Please join us to learn more about what is going on in states that have already legalized marijuana. Colorado, California and Washington can give us a glimpse of what may be coming our way in the very near future. We believe that the consequences far outweigh the perceived benefits.
Please contact us if you have any questions, by phone at (708) 781-9328.Click here for a PDF flyer.
The new session of the Illinois General Assembly has already begun. Unless there is an deafening hue and cry from citizens across the state, this policy will be foisted on us all with little to no regulation. If you’d like to know what that looks like, please watch or listen to this presentation by Jo McGuire.
Please also read these recent articles in major publications sounding the alarm about the trend to legalize marijuana:
What Advocates of Legalizing Pot Don’t Want You to Know (The New York Times)
Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think (Wall Street Journal)
Is Marijuana as Safe as We Think (The New Yorker)
Please pray that our state lawmakers will listen to the objections and concerns of industry leaders, law enforcement officials, clergy members, educators, parents and grandparents in this once great state. May God have mercy on us!
Unashamed of the Gospel
Embracing Infanticide
Everyday is a March for Life
The March for Life Chicago and Washington have come and gone. But for real pro-life advocates, everyday is a March for Life.
Selling Weed to the Public
With the information we have provided, we hope that you will become armed with solid facts in the event your state lawmakers hold a town hall meeting to tell you the benefits of legalizing high potency marijuana.
Please don’t ignore this issue and try to convince yourself that legalization will have no impact on your family.
The information below exposes what other states are experiencing. This is information that Big Marijuana and its proponents do NOT want you to know.
PLEASE DON’T GET OVERWHELMED! Browse the topics and choose which issue concerns you most. You don’t have to be an expert on everything.
Even without this overwhelming evidence, a simple question should be asked of lawmakers.
Moody’s Investors Service investigated states that have legalized and discovered marijuana sales “make up a relatively small share of state general fund revenues…”
California lawmakers have proposed a bill this year to slash taxes on legal marijuana in an effort to compete with the growing black market.
After 6 years of legalization, the tax windfall Colorado lawmakers were expecting is less than 1 percent for each year since legalization. (Page 124)
For every dollar Colorado gains in tax revenue, it costs at least $4.50 to mitigate the negative effects on society. (Page 4)
In 2013, the year Colorado legalized high potency marijuana, there were 47 traffic fatalities where the driver tested positive for marijuana. In 2016, that number rose to 123 – a 145% increase. (Pages 14, 28)
A May 2016 report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association found that 22.3% of fatally injured motorists tested positive for marijuana, a number which has “increased substantially” in recent years. Experts say the numbers are vastly under reported because if they tested positive for alcohol, no further testing was done.
AAA News Room reported that fatal car crashes involving drivers who recently used marijuana doubled in Washington after legalization.
Seventy six percent of total Colorado DUIDs involve marijuana. Source: Colorado State Patrol 2016 (1:02:19)
There were 71 Colorado traffic deaths related to marijuana in 2013, the year of legalization. In 2016, the number rose to 147. (1:03:47)
“Driving while high on marijuana causing spike in fatal accidents.”
In 2016, 76% of total DUIDs involved marijuana and 38% of total DUIDs involved marijuana only. Source: Colorado State Patrol, CSP Citations for Drug Impairment by Drug Type (Page 24)
From survey responses collected from over 11,000 anonymous marijuana users, the percentage of marijuana users who admitted to driving high within the last year was 69%. Source: The Colorado department of Transportation (Page 18)
From 2006-2008, before commercialization, there were 4,070 marijuana-related hospitalizations in Colorado. From 2009-2012, post commercialization, there were 5,933. From 2013-2015, after recreational marijuana legalization, with only 9 months of comparable data in 2015, there were 10,204. Source: Colorado Hospital Association, Hospital Discharge Dataset. (Page 39)
ER visits related to marijuana increased 52% after legalization. Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Page 35)
Marijuana-related hospitalizations increased 148% after legalization. Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Page 35)
Marijuana only exposures more than tripled in the 5-yr average, post legalization, compared to the 5-yr average prior to legalization. Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Page 35)
In 2009, the first year of commercialization, there were 18 marijuana-only exposure calls to Colorado’s poison and drug center. By 2017, that number rose to 179. Source: Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center Colorado Hospital Association, Hospital Discharge Dataset. (Page 43)
Hear testimony from Pueblo, Colorado ER physician, Dr. Karen Randall, on how marijuana has impacted her hospital and ruined her town.
Billboards near schools, marijuana discounts “with student ID”, candy and other sweets – all attractive to children. (Starting at 55:13)
Almost 60% of new marijuana users each year are under age 18. Nine percent of 8th graders say they have vaped in the past month. Source: U.S. NSDUH 2014 Survey (Starting at 52:49)
The latest 2014/2015 results show Colorado youth ranked #1 in the nation for past month marijuana use, up from #4 in 2011/2012 and #14 in 2005/2006. (Page 33)
The top ten states with the highest rate of current marijuana youth use were all medical marijuana states, whereas the bottom ten were all non-medical marijuana states. (Page 33)
In Colorado, from 2013 to 2015, marijuana use increased 14% among high school seniors, 19% among juniors, 96% for 7th graders and 144% for 6th graders. (Page 34)
“So far the only thing that the legalization of marijuana has brought to our schools has been marijuana.” Source: Dr. Harry Bull, Superintendent of Cherry Creek Schools, one of the largest school districts in CO.
“It is now incontrovertible that heavy use of cannabis increases the risk of psychosis.” Source: The British Journal of Psychiatry Volume 212, Issue 4, April 2018, pp 195-196
“The risk of individuals having a psychotic disorder showed a roughly three-times increase in users of skunk-like cannabis compared with those who never used cannabis…” Source: The Lancet Psychiatry
“Common mental disorders induced by marijuana includes anxiety, depression, personality changes and psychosis.” Source: Journal of Addiction and Research Therapy, January 17, 2017
In 2013, Posada, a government agency in Pueblo, Colorado, serviced 25 homeless individuals. By 2016, they had 7,500 new homeless individuals requesting help. (Starting at 37:35)
Low income housing in Pueblo is at 99% occupancy. Homeless people live on the streets, down by the river and in campers at Walmart. (Starting at 38:37)
THE “GREY” MARKET IS BORN. (Starting at 53:02)
- Normalize it. Create a public campaign calling it medicine, straight from Big Tobacco playbook.
- Make false claims of its “medical” benefits, thereby reducing perception of harm.
- Open “medical” marijuana dispensaries. All of this may take years, but that’s OK with Big Marijuana because of the financial benefits down the road.
- Create a new market that lasts a lifetime – 8 to 12 year-olds.
- Commercialize it. Run billboards and ads that include unproven claims of “medical” benefits, discounted coupons, etc.
- Market high-THC-content edibles that are attractive to children and adults.
- While media campaign is underway, which includes town hall meetings by proponents, the lack of harm and benefits to everyone is highly stressed.
- During all of the above, perception of risk bottoms out and people become comfortable with full legalization.
- Legalization occurs, allowing 5 plants per individual to be grown in homes. Because there’s no way to oversee, tax, or regulate home grows, people see it as a way to make a lot of money, selling it much cheaper than dispensaries and the “grey” market is born.
Banned in the U.S., Europe, and Canada, Carbofuran, a toxic rodenticide, has been found at 60%-70% of California grow sites. One quarter of a teaspoon will kill a 600 pound lion. “It’s an emerging threat to wildlife, the environment, and human health within the United States.”
Lethal pot farms are popping up all across California on public and private land with $0 budget for reclamation. (Starting at 2:58)
Water sources, soil, and wildlife are being poisoned by drug trafficking organizations in California. (Starting at 41:42)
One marijuana plant uses 900 gallons of water per 150 day growing season. Billions of gallons of water are being diverted by illegal grow operations in California. On one grow site alone, over 29 million gallons of water was pillaged. (Starting at 43:11)
Comments received by Visit Denver from Post-Convention Meeting Planner Surveys (Starting at 105:40)
Homeless issue and drugs…didn’t feel safe
Homelessness and the cleanliness of 16th Street Mall
16th Street Mall and Civic Center – we are really seeing a decline in cleanliness and safety in this area
The 16th Street Mall seems pretty seedy, especially with the homeless people. It made guests feel uncomfortable and gave a perception of not being safe
Vagrants on the 16th Street Mall and the grunge youth present
Your youth homeless population is disheartening
Homeless population and unsavory activity visible in main traffic area
Also many comments about feeling uncomfortable with the street scene
Please call us if you have any questions.