George Orwell, call your office. In what Huffington Post‘s Alexander Kaufman called “an Orwellian rhetorical shift away from a scientific reality,” the Department of Defense “scrubbed its latest National Defense Strategy of all references to climate change.” In all likelihood, Orwell would call the 30-year campaign for climate alarmism—with all its oxymoronic appeals to “scientific consensus,” its sleight-of-hand temperature data homogenizations, its revisions of past data to exaggerate apparent warming, its exaggeration and fabrication and suppression and loss of data, its intimidation of dissent and corruption of peer review—Orwellian.
By John Biver
As Congress moves the tax reform legislation into a Conference Committee, the U.S. Senate version of the bill has an amendment that is not in the U.S. House bill.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (r-TX) explains what this language is at...
In John 15:12-13 Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” Whether it is a husband protecting his wife, a mother protecting her children, or a friend protecting another friend, being willing to die for someone because of your love for them is a noble cause. On Veterans Day we have the opportunity to recognize the men and women who put their lives on the line for their family, neighbors, and fellow Americans.
By John Biver
Is that headline dramatic enough for you?
Since writing the four part series focusing on trade and manufacturing jobs (one, two, three, four), Jim Dicks at American Thinker added some interesting political information to the mix.
Steve Bannon, Jim Dicks...
By John Biver
“Creative destruction” is a common phrase used in economics. One simple example that’s in the news a lot lately, is the phenomenon of Amazon.com. Since it launched in 1994, countless small books stores have been put out of business, and...
By John Biver
Last time we heard from Illinoisans John Westberg and Steve Rauschenberger, two knowledgeable voices when it comes to the topic of manufacturing in the United States.
An article earlier this year by American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson titled, “Free Trade, Fair...
By John Biver
In the last article, we outlined John Horvat’s argument that America’s economy cannot be solved merely by bringing back jobs from overseas, but rather, “America faces a grave moral crisis that needs to be addressed.” Then we introduced former manufacturing company owner John Westberg, who not only understands our county’s moral challenge, but also has some ideas on how we can bolster American manufacturing and improve our country’s trade position...
By John Biver
Both as a candidate, and now as president, Donald Trump knows how to intensify attention on a topic. Since he launched his presidential campaign two years ago, manufacturing jobs and fair trade have been the focus of a massive debate...
By John Biver
Here is a recent headline from the Independent Journal Review: “Salon: Identity Politics Is ‘Dragging the Progressive Agenda Down.’” IJR’s Pardes Seleha explains that yes, indeed, a “far-left publication” [Salon] is “finally denouncing its long-embraced identity politics…”
Salon isn’t the...
By Robert Knight
The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has held only two public meetings so far, but it’s already netted a haul of eye-opening data.
At last Tuesday’s meeting in New Hampshire, Ken Block, a data mining expert and former adjunct...
By Micah Clark
There is a great deal of talk about America’s opioid crisis and what can be done about such drugs. This has led to a focus on narcotic painkillers. In reality, America has an addiction problem. “What might be some of...
By John Biver
The Illinois Family Institute has been covering the scandal surrounding the Southern Poverty Law Center for years, and now IFI has joined forces with the leaders of over three dozen conservative organizations from coast to coast to raise awareness about the true nature of the SPLC.
By Robert Knight
Progressives are in an uproar over the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, and we have to ask why? They claim creating an election integrity commission is a way to advance voter suppression. They truly fear the findings of this commission, and want to disband it as soon as possible.
By John Biver
It is time to return to our Identity Politics and Paraphilias series, and events surrounding Charlottesville serve as the path back.
This focus on identity politics is important because while it’s being written about a lot, in my view it’s still not receiving the serious level of discussion that it deserves.
Leftists want to fundamentally transform the United States. Unfortunately, they do not nearly have the level of support they need to accomplish it...
By Laurie Higgins
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose...