By John Biver
Majorities in both houses of the Illinois General Assembly recently flunked the kind of science test that used to be given to grammar school students. The question, which just a few years ago was not controversial, was “can a man...
By John Stonestreet
It doesn’t matter that you’re one of the world’s leading psychiatrists if you question the new orthodoxy about sex and gender.
By Laurie Higgins
By now, most people have heard tall tales about “pregnant men.” “Pregnant men,” as non-delusional or honest people acknowledge, are fictitious. They don’t exist except in the fertile or deceitful imaginations of “progressives” who live and move in a science-denying unreality the likes of which we find only in primitive civilizations.
By Laurie Higgins
Always tolerant, liberty-loving, diversity-desiring “progressives” are fuming about a Texas bill that would prevent child welfare services providers, foster families, and adoptive families from being penalized for their faith. While Leftists claim the intent of the bill, titled “The Freedom to Serve Children Act,” is to discriminate against non-Christians, homosexuals, and unmarried couples in child placement, it’s really about stopping discrimination against Christians for exercising their First Amendment rights.
Researchers David Paton of the Nottingham University Business School and Liam Wright of the University of Sheffield discovered that pregnancy rates for women under 16 have seen the sharpest decline in local authority areas that drastically cut funding for “preventative” programs.
By Monte Larrick
A recent federal court ruling gives pastors in Illinois the go-ahead to counsel children about their unwanted same-sex attraction, but the state's ban on counseling youths regarding their same-sex attraction is still a roadblock to licensed mental health professionals.
By David E. Smith
HB 1785 passed last week in the House by a vote of 63-32 and late Wednesday it passed in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 32-22. HB 1785 will allow gender-dysphoric persons to falsify their birth certificates, which are both legal and historical documents...
By Laurie Higgins
The Left, drifting further and further into unreality, insists on denying that conservative Christians are being persecuted in America despite unequivocal evidence to the contrary. But I guess if they’re able to deny that persons with congenital penises are male, anything is possibl
By Laurie Higgins
Illinois is making national news again, and again for destructive public policy.
In an act of stunningly brazen wickedness, foolishness, and hubris, the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) has made radical revisions to policies regarding children who experience homoerotic attraction and/or gender dysphoria.
By Dr. Michael L. Brown
The famous, specialty ice cream company, Ben and Jerry’s, has unintentionally given us further evidence that same-sex “marriage” is not marriage. How so?
By Laurie Higgins
It’s clear from the number and nature of the Facebook responses to IFI’s update on the passage of HB 1785 in the Illinois House that many Illinoisans are passionately opposed to this bill which now moves to the Illinois Senate. HB 1785 is the bill that will make it even easier-peasier for men and women who seek to “pass” as the opposite sex to obtain fraudulent birth certificates...
By Laurie Higgins
Pray for our nation’s little ones. If they manage to survive the womb and are lucky enough to have both a mommy and a daddy, they may end up at their local library or bookstore for story time with drag queens. I kid you not. A widely circulated Associate Press (AP) news video exposes the repugnant spectacle.
By David E. Smith
This afternoon, the Illinois House debated and passed HB 1785 – a highly controversial proposal that would make it significantly easier for gender-dysphoric persons to obtain fraudulent birth certificates. This bill passed by a vote of 63-32. See the full roll-call vote below.
Six Republican lawmakers voted with fifty-seven Democrats to approve deceptive birth certificates...
By John Biver
Almost every day in the op eds it’s there — the secret path to victory for economic and social conservatives. Will they see it?
Fiscal conservatives work to present well thought out policies that work in line with human nature...
By Laurie Higgins
The legal recognition of homoerotic unions as marriages goes by many names. Professor Anthony Esolen calls it “pseudogamy,’ and Pastor Doug Wilson calls it “same-sex mirage.” Whatever you call it, don’t call it marriage because it ain’t.