The World Suffers Because of Myopic Leftist Rage
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.27.21
On November 7, 2020, four days after the General Election, a millennial friend who identifies as a Christian and is a devoted disciple of critical race theory and BLM posted this sacrilegious image on her Facebook page:
BLM Founder Hails Linda Sarsour for ‘Leading Incredible Movements That Have Changed the Landscape of this Country’
Written by Robert Spencer As far back as September 22, 2011, Linda Sorsour tweeted: “shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics.” Her position didn’t change...
Long Arm of Hamas Extends to Dallas-Fort Worth Black Extremist Groups
As the four-year anniversary of the mass shooting of Dallas police officers passes, a lawsuit has been reopened which alleges that social media outlets allowed the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas to radicalize Micah Johnson, leading the former U.S. Army reservist to take the lives of five police officers while injuring nine others.
Chicago: Muslim Organization Touts Muhammad’s Directives as Safeguard Against Coronavirus
GainPeace, an enterprising Islamic organization in Chicago, has found a way to use coronavirus to promote Islam in the United States. The activist organization is a leading dawa (Islamic proselytizing) group that has placed billboards which sponsor a message from the prophet of Islam about health precautions. Excellent timing during the COVID-19 pandemic, but dangerously deceptive.
Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer: A Christian Response to Islam in America
By David E. Smith   |   03.31.20
Islam is on the rise around the world, whether it be terrorist activity in the Middle East or the increasing number of followers here in United States. Though these trends open up many opportunities to share the Gospel, Christians also have reason for concern. We cannot ignore the fact that Christians are being targeted by radical jihadists. Additionally, some of the public policy changes that have been proposed endanger our civil liberties of speech and religious practice.
Brigitte Gabriel: “It’s Great To Be An American!”
By David E. Smith   |   01.03.20
In this video, Brigitte Gabriel – author, commentator on politics, culture, terrorism, and national security, as well as the founder and chairman of ACT for America – gives one of the most energetic, impassioned, and motivating presentations you will watch...
Leftist Government Employee Calls IFI Divisive Promoter of Christian Sharia Law
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.10.19
I recently had a Facebook debate with Leftist government employee (is that redundant?) Jeffery Moore, Senior Department Coordinator at Illinois Housing Development Authority. Moore alleges that I and the Illinois Family Institute are divisive, unloving, un-Christlike advocates for “Christian sharia law.” Wowzer. I felt a response was in order, so here’s how it went down.
Amazon Crosses a Very Dangerous Censorship Line
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   03.07.19
With the news last week that Amazon has banned Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, co-authored by British activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin, Amazon has crossed a very dangerous and precarious line. Two immediate questions come to mind. First, why ban a book critiquing Islam when a host of other books critiquing – no, harshly attacking – other religious faiths are available on Amazon? Second, why ban this book and not other books that critique Islam? Why draw the line here?
Islam Exposed As a Religion of ‘Brutality,’ Not ‘Peace’
By   |   01.21.19
Despite the rendition of Islam portrayed by the mainstream media and education system as a “religion of peace,” experts on the Muslim culture argue that the West is in denial about the sheer brutality at the core of the religion based in Shariah. [Caution: This article contains some graphic descriptions that could be unsettling to some readers.]
Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story
By David E. Smith   |   11.17.18
Islam, Muhammad, life in Iran, Sharia – how knowledgeable are you on these topics? Anni Cyrus is well-acquainted with all of them. She was born in Iran to a father who was a sheikh and a mother who taught the...
Usama Dakdok on Radical Islam in Orland Park
What YOU Can Do About Radical Islam Usama Dakdok: Born in Egypt, in an Arabic speaking, Christian home, Usama is a Christian minister and scholar on Islam. He has translated the Qur’an without sugarcoating it and travels the United States,...
The New Demographic Winter
By Israel Wayne   |   09.17.18
The world is quickly becoming over-populated. There is not enough water, food, fuel or other natural resources to sustain us all. We will soon be faced with a “survival of the fittest” class struggle, as the “have-nots” contend with the...
Radical Islam to Agnosticism to Disciple of Christ
By David E. Smith   |   08.09.18
How did you come to faith in Jesus? For most of us, a parent, grandparent, Sunday school teacher, or other influential person in our life shared the Gospel with us, answered our questions, encouraged and prayed over us, leading us...
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon in Cahoots w/SPLC
By   |   06.09.18
Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon reportedly all have working partnerships with the far-left group, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which is notorious for giving conservative organizations unwarranted “hate group” labels.
Philip Haney: The Problem of Sharia in America
By John Biver   |   11.25.17
Philip Haney is a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistle blower and counter-terrorism expert. Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the DHS in 2002....
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