Defund Planned Parenthood

On January 9, 2023, U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) introduced H.R. 128, also known as the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023, to the U.S. House of Representatives. This proposal would restrict the federal funds Planned Parenthood receives for abortion (except in cases of rape or incest or danger to the woman’s life) for one year to redirect $235 million toward community health centers. Currently, 40 representatives have cosponsored the bill. The Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023 was referred to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce on January 9th, the same day it was introduced, and has not moved since.

In the official press release from Rep. Boebert’s government website, she’s quoted as saying,

The nation’s largest abortion provider has no business receiving taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood claims these funds go to healthcare for women, but last year, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions while also reducing the number of well-woman exams and breast cancer screenings it performed. Instead of funding Planned Parenthood, my bill will redirect this funding to community health centers that actually meet the health needs of women across the country.

Millions of dollars of federal money, many of which are taxpayer dollars, go to Planned Parenthood every year. A lot of this money is poured into expanding abortion access, prioritizing it above caring for women in real ways, such as through cancer screenings or prenatal care. Rep. Boebert’s bill would redirect $235 million to community health care centers that work to provide real health care.

As Illinois strives to become the abortion capital of the world, we need to pray that this bill goes through. If Planned Parenthood were to lose its funding, it would be just that much more difficult for them to continue opening and operating new abortion mills.

The forty U.S. Congressmembers who have co-sponsored this important bill include Republicans Mary Miller and Mike Bost of southern Illinois. To read the full text of the bill and the list of cosponsors, click here.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your federal representative to ask him/her to vote for this legislation when it comes up for a vote. Urge them to support this legislation that will take steps to stop abortion and significantly limit Planned Parenthood’s federal funding.

Please, support this life-saving bill.

Make Your Voice Heard in Springfield – File Witness Slips

The assault on families in the Land of Lincoln has been put on fast track as these all-out legislative attacks on kids, parents, families, and Christian values get committee hearings this week. Once passed out of committee, the bill(s) will go to the Illinois House Floor and, if passed, will then go through the same process in the Illinois Senate.

Please take a few minutes to file witness slips for each bill. If the system doesn’t let you, it could be that many people are filing at the same time. Please come back later and try again. We are very grateful that you would take the time to make your views known and put these lawmakers on notice. Thank you in advance!

Click on the link.
Section I, for Firm/Business, leave blank or write self – unless you represent a group.
Section II, leave blank or write self – unless you represent a group.
Section III, click Opponent.
Section IV, click Record of Appearance Only.
Agree to the terms and click Create Slip.


HB 3 and HB 1046 – both bills permit midwives to do abortions as well as open “birth centers” that will do abortions.
House Public Health Committee, Thursday, March 2 at 9 a.m. Room 122B Capitol Building

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 3.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1046.

Parental Rights

HB 29 – This bill punishes parents for disciplining their child. If a parent “transmits any verbal or visual message” intended to cause emotional distress to their child, he or she can be charged with parental bullying. If convicted, the parent would have to pay court costs and any fine imposed by the court. The fine would be placed in escrow until the child turns 18, at which time he or she would be able to purchase a certificate of deposit with the monies.
House Judiciary-Criminal Committee, Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. in Room C-1 Stratton Building

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 29.


HB 1596 – Replaces gender pronouns (him, her, he, she, etc.) with a gender-neutral noun (example: the person, the child, the minor) in numerous Acts in Illinois Statutes. Also, changes “biological” references (example: changes “biological parent” to “birth parent.”)
House Immigration and Human Rights Committee, Wed, March 1 at 2 p.m., 122B Capitol Building

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1596.


HB1 – Legalizes psychedelic mushrooms, LSD, and other hallucinogens. The premise is that the war on drugs has actually harmed communities and obscured the “natural healing” power of these drugs for those with mental health issues and others in the marketplace. Therefore, these drugs need to be legalized for all the good they can do, as has been done in other (liberal) states such as Oregon, Washington, Colorado, etc.) Just as we were sold the lie that marijuana is “medicine,” they want to convince us that hallucinogenic drugs are as well.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 1 at 10 a.m., 118 Capitol Building

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1.

HB 2118 – Provides that hypodermic syringes and needles can now be sold in any quantity, anywhere, anytime (instead of exclusively by a pharmacist).
House Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee, Tues., Feb. 28 at 4 p.m., 118 Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2118.

HB 25 – Increases the number of marijuana craft grower licenses plus allows advertising.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 1st, 118 Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 25.

HB 31 – Allows marijuana craft growers to have more than one license; requires 60 more craft licenses by March 15, 2024.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 1st, 118 Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 31.

HB 1205 – Allows for the weight of legally allowed cannabis to be deducted from the larger amount confiscated to determine an offense of possession. Prohibits search of cannabis in a vehicle.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 1st, 118 Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1205.

HB 1090 – From January 1, 1970 and thereafter, all criminal records of possession of cannabis will be expunged. (Note: It is common for criminals to plea bargain down from a more serious offense to possession.)
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 1st, 118 Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1090.


HB 1087 – Changes law to say that a child cannot be considered abused or neglected because a parent repeatedly uses illegal drugs.
Adoption & Child Welfare Committee, Tues., Feb 28th at 2 p.m., 122B Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1087.

HB 2396  – Mary Beth Canty (D): Mandates all-day kindergarten.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2396.


HB 39 – allows all current prisoners to vote in elections.
House Ethics and Elections Committee, Tues., Feb 28th at 2 p.m., in Room 413 Stratton.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 39.

Private Medical Information

HB 2039 – Allows all private health data be made available to a local health department “for the purposes of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability” and allows Dept. of Public Health, Dept. of Human Services, and Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services to “adopt any rules necessary to implement the Act.”
House Public Health Committee, Thursday, March 2nd at 9 a.m., 122B Capitol Bldg.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2039.


HB 2572 – Bans public funds from going to any groups that help people with unwanted same-sex attraction. Any organization currently owed State funds who is performing such therapy shall not be paid what they are owed by the State – the debt would cancelled.

Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2572.

Make A Difference, Run for Local Office

Written by Leslie Pinney Abbey

After every election cycle it seems as though we ponder what could have been improved if there were better elected officials in Washington D.C. and in Springfield. The media constantly draws our attention to the national political scene, yet it was Tip O’Neill who said, “All politics is local.” When was the last time you voted in your local election? If you do vote, how much research do you do to determine the best candidates?

Despite the federal government’s increasing reach, decisions made at the local level continue to affect our day-to-day lives in significant ways. Our real estate tax bill is the result of decisions made by our local elected officials, and the amount owed climbs as our home values plummet. That new park building local government leaders say the town must have, the improvements to the library that simply must happen, and the new computers that must be provided to students are all expenditures voted upon by your local officials. Your school’s policies regarding curricula-selection as well as the tax levy amounts to pay for teachers’ and administrators’ salaries, pensions and building improvements and additions are determined by your local school board members. These are costly decisions monetarily and socially.

Who are the people making these decisions? They are your neighbors. They are no different or better than many others in your cities and towns. What sets them apart is their vision for the course of your towns’ and your children’s futures and a willingness to sacrifice their time to help achieve that vision.

You can help shape that vision. You can have a voice in those decisions. You can influence your schools, libraries, cities, villages and townships. People of conviction and integrity are critically needed to represent those of us interested in reduced expenditures, balanced budgets and morally sound policies.

One particular area of civic life woefully ignored are school boards. There are too few school board members voting against the policy and curricular decisions of “progressive” teachers and administrators who use the classroom to disseminate their social, moral, and political views.

How does this happen? Teachers’ unions recruit school board members who are like-minded, go-along folks who will rubber stamp all the decisions that liberal teachers and administrators want. Because so few people take the time to vote or research candidates, the unions’ hand-picked candidates get elected.

Our local elections in Illinois are collectively called the Consolidated Election and will take place on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 and the Primary is February 28, 2023. They are held every other year. While that seems a long way off, petitions are circulating now to put folks on the ballot. The process is not complicated. You can learn from others and a little research.

Please consider running for office! Nominating petitions for these local offices require very few signatures, so getting your name on the ballot takes very little effort. Candidates are needed for city and village trustees (maybe even mayors) and for the boards of park districts, schools, libraries, community colleges, and fire protection districts.

Nominating papers must be filed by December 19th. The nominating petition forms for a school board can be obtained by contacting the district office of your local elementary, high school or community college. If you are considering running for a different non-school position, call your local government office and ask about obtaining the packet containing the forms.

Once you’ve obtained all your signatures and filed your petitions with your district’s election official, you’re off and running. There are people available to help you run your campaign and teach you the ropes. Groups such as Illinois Conservative Union and their Election Integrity Program, Awake Illinois, and Breakthrough Ideas are very willing and able to help.

If you decide not to run yourself, get behind the candidates who approach decision-making the way you would. These local elections get very little attention from voters. Most of those who do vote are those directly tied to the government entity. So, get involved! Stand up for what is right. Make a difference. When you do that, you both help facilitate positive change and become a role model for your children and grandchildren.

For partisan local elections (some city/township elections)

  • CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY: February 28, 2023
  • Filing period for petitions: November 21-28, 2022

For non-partisan local elections (the vast majority are non-partisan)

  • Filing period for petitions: December 12-19, 2022

Download the 2023 CANDIDATE’S GUIDE for more information.

Automatic Annual Gas Tax Increases in Illinois

Right on schedule, the new year will bring (yet another) onerous increase in gas taxes for Illinoisans: the gas tax is set to be increased to 42.5 cents per gallon, effective January 1, 2023.  The state gas tax was 19 cents per gallon before J.B. Pritzker took office—meaning the gas tax has more than doubled in the last four years

Elections have consequences and people’s memories are very short. Not only did Pritzker immediately raise the gas tax upon his installment as governor in 2019, he made yearly tax hikes automatic to account for inflation. But out of caution for Election 2022, he delayed the regularly scheduled tax hike until after the election. Instead, Pritzker required gas station owners to put stickers on their pumps that said:

“As of July 1, 2022, the State of Illinois has suspended the inflation adjustment to the motor fuel tax through December 31, 2022. The price on this pump should reflect the suspension of the tax increase.”

The Illinois Fuel and Retail Association fought the overtly political and partisan law in court, but the case was thrown out. Yes, this is Illinois. Since they were still required to post Pritzker’s propaganda (or pay a $500 fine), IFRA member gas stations also planned to post signs pointing the finger at the governor for the gas tax hikes as well as a QR code that would direct customers to an online gas tax calculator.

Unfortunately, such efforts to inform the public of Pritzker’s antics were not enough. Now one piece of legislation is attempting to postpone the increase for a few months. HB 5829, if passed, would delay the tax hike until July, 2023. The bill, however, does not touch the annual automatic increases.

So what’s an Illinois citizen to do? HB 5829 does too little and is too late. It simply kicks the can down the road a short distance. Pritzker won. He has no incentive to delay the hike. Illinois gas taxes are among the highest in the nation—second only to California’s ghastly 54 cents per gallon—but Governor Pritzker appears to have his eyes set on first place. As of December 2nd, the average gas price in Illinois was $3.70 per gallon, compared with the national average of $3.38 per gallon—a 32¢ difference!

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state lawmakers to ask them to rescind the automatic tax increases on gasoline in Illinois. Remind them that working families are getting squeezed with inflated costs for groceries, electricity and heating. There is no good reason to automatically increase taxes on gasoline every year. Illinoisans want relief at the pump.

Lawmakers need to stop toying around with trifling measures like the proposed gas tax hike delay. Measures such as HB 5829 kick the problem a couple months down the road and give citizens the illusion of stability, but in reality, it just delays the inevitable. As long as J.B. Pritzker’s unjust automatic annual tax hike remains on the books, Illinois’s citizens are going to face greater and greater financial burdens at the gas pump. Serious action needs to be taken to protect Illinois citizens from the financial overreach of their government.

Please contact your lawmakers—something needs to change.

2022 Post-Election Thoughts

I just read this comment from a conservative: “I’m done. Prayers didn’t help. We are doomed. Why even vote?”

Come on, conservatives, SNAP OUT OF IT!

First, God does not promise to grant us everything we pray for.

Second, “Why vote?” We vote because we enjoy the gift of self-government, and, therefore, we have a civic and moral obligation to exercise that right and exercise it responsibly.

People come to America from all around the world for many reasons, not the least of which is the hope and promise of self-government. How thankless and short-sighted Americans are who would toss away such a gift because of an electoral disappointment—or even many.

Third, just because conservatives did not get all the wins they had hoped for and expected (talk about an understatement) doesn’t mean nothing good came out of the election. I hope everyone watches Ron DeSantis‘ victory speech. That was worth the price of admission to the battle.

Fourth, we are battling leftist forces long and deeply entrenched in every major cultural institution (including the church), and they—leftists—have been propagandizing for over half a century. Change will take years of hard work, tenacity, courage, and a willingness to suffer the slings and arrows of both the cool kids and even our own purportedly moderate GOP colleagues.

Fifth, do we really want to model defeatism to our kids and grandkids?

Sixth, remember William Wilberforce. How long did he fight to end the slave trade? Twenty years, which included sacrificing his health for a just cause.

As Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. urged, remember in an earlier time, “the Christians pressed on, in the conviction that they were ‘a colony of heaven,’ called to obey God rather than man. Small in number, they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be ‘astronomically intimidated.’ By their effort and example, they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests.”

Finally, remember the moms and dads who struggle to feed their families and keep roofs over their heads. Remember the children whose hearts and minds are being led astray by public school teachers, and whose bodies are being mutilated by “medical professionals.” And remember the thousands of humans being legally exterminated in their mothers’ wombs daily. They deserve far more and greater than our defeatism.

It’s fine to take a moment to absorb the shock and disappointment. … Okay, that moment has passed. Now, it’s time to take stock, point fingers, give some GOP leaders the heave-ho, and then get to work.

During these fiscally disastrous past two years with a wildly unpopular, cognitively unfit president, whose incompetent administration has lied, cheated, and stolen its way to failure at home and abroad, it is incomprehensible that the expected red wave petered out. But comprehend the petering out we must, and this will require a heaping helping of humility.

As we start the process of sorting out factors that led to the GOP failures—e.g., weak candidates who drag down or fail to pull up other down-ballot candidates, weak congressional leadership, lies and insults hurled within the GOP at GOP candidates, and lack of financial support for candidates—let’s also take a moment to recognize the eye-popping success of the Republican Party in Florida.

Governor Ron DeSantis is now arguably the putative head of the GOP. Through his courage, tenacity, political acumen, wisdom, intellect, steely spine, work ethic, integrity, and accomplishments during the last four difficult years, culminating in a GOP sweep throughout Florida—including in communities that many believed were impossible for a Republican candidate to win—and among minority communities—DeSantis has earned his place at the head of the GOP table.

If he wants a run at the presidency in 2024, the GOP should give it to him on a silver platter because he deserves it. He has been tried, and he’s proven that he can accomplish great things in the most challenging circumstances, which include a hostile press trying to take him out at every turn because they recognize the threat he poses. If the GOP would solidify early around DeSantis, they would win the presidency in 2024.

Polls Are Open!

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Citizens across the state of Illinois will be casting their votes in today’s General Election. Pro-family candidates need your vote. Therefore, Values Voters must stand up and be counted. Our voice in this election – and in every election – is critical.  So, if you haven’t already voted in this election cycle, please make sure you get to the polls today!

Research the candidates: IFI’s 2022 nonpartisan Voter Guide provides valuable information about where candidates stand on issues related to sanctity of life, parental rights, school issues, and more.

Call your friends, family members, neighbors and remind them to vote. Take someone to the polls with you.


The so-called “Worker’s Rights” Amendment on the ballot will amend the Illinois Constitution by tremendously increasing the power of government public sector union bosses and increasing property taxes by an average of $2,100 per year. Click HERE,  HERE, HERE, HERE,  HERE to understand what it means for Illinois and why we urge a NO vote.


Please keep this election day in prayer – humbly asking our Heavenly Father’s blessings on those who are currently in leadership and for those who are seeking positions of leadership in the state, local, and national levels (1 Timothy 2:1-4). Pray that victorious candidates would honor and fear God, be men and women of integrity, and that they would love truth and justice.

Pray that Christians across the state would get out and vote wisely. Pray for integrity at the polls so that legitimate votes are not cancelled out by voter fraud. Pray for God’s will in this election, and His mercy on our state and nation.

If you have not already reviewed our election resources page, please take a few minutes to study it before you vote.

As you know the polls are open from 6 AM to 7 PM. In some parts of the state, the ballot may be very lengthy and lines may form quickly, so you may want to arrive at the polls earlier than you usually do.

Finally, I leave you with this quote:

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual – or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” ~Samuel Adams

Thank you for participating in our on-going experiment of self-government!

May God Bless America,

David E. Smith
Illinois Family Institute

JB Pritzker’s Deceitful Divisive Anti-Christian Screed about Darren Bailey

Friday morning, Illinois Family Institute (IFI) was unpleasantly greeted with JB Pritzker’s deceitful, divisive, anti-Christian screed—er, press release—that uses IFI to besmirch his gubernatorial opponent, the exceptional Darren Bailey. Through this screed/press release Pritzker unwittingly besmirched every conservative Illinoisan—including theologically orthodox Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Orthodox Jews, and Muslims.

For those who haven’t yet read Pritzker’s poisonous press release—in which he glowingly and oxymoronically refers to a “family-friendly drag show”—please allow me to take you on a brief guided tour.

It began like this:

After confessing to his deeply-rooted belief that victims of rape or incest should be forced to carry their pregnancy to term, Darren Bailey’s campaign now plans to attend a fundraiser with a radically anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ+ hate group. The Illinois Family Institute has a long history of opposing reproductive rights, marriage equality, and peddling dangerous anti-trans conspiracy theories.

Darren Bailey along with thousands of people all across the nation hold the deeply rooted belief that the product of conception between two humans is a human and as such has the right not to be exterminated—not even if conceived in the commission of a heinous crime. The good end of alleviating suffering does not justify the means of killing innocent humans.

IFI does not oppose “reproductive rights.” Rather, IFI doesn’t believe “reproductive rights” are absolute rights that include the right of powerful humans to exterminate weaker humans. We believe that when the right to control one’s reproduction comes into direct conflict with the right of another human merely to exist, the right to exist is a right of a higher moral order.

The number of people who hold these views would likely be much higher if not for the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision and the subsequent ideological pummeling that two generations of Americans have endured. Laws teach. In addition, our government school system controlled by leftists has been indoctrinating children with leftist views on sexuality for decades. And our myth-making machinery (i.e., the industrial entertainment complex) controlled by leftists has been propagandizing for libertinism and hedonism for even longer.

IFI’s position on the intrinsic worth of incipient human life can only be deemed “radical” by radicals in thrall to the radical belief that humans in their mothers’ wombs have no worth. The radical views of radicals like Pritzker have no objective standards regarding—well, anything. That is why they have now abandoned their prior view that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Now they embrace the view that it is morally defensible to kill a human up to the moment of her birth for any or no reason, and that Americans should be forced to pay for the execution. That’s the radical view of the radical Pritzker.

Next came Pritzker’s gripe that IFI opposes “marriage equality,” which is more linguistic gimcrackery. In plain English, IFI believes that marriage has a nature that government merely recognizes and regulates but does not create. And the central constituent feature is sexual differentiation. Leftists decided to jettison in law the most enduring, cross-cultural feature of marriage—sexual differentiation—while retaining all the others.

Does Pritzker believe that those who oppose the legalization of polyandrous, polygynous, and polyamorous marriages are opposed to “marriage equality”? Does he believe those who oppose the legalization of incestuous marriage are opposed to “marriage equality”? Does he believe those who oppose the legalization of marriage between adults and minors are opposed to “marriage equality”?

Let’s move on now to Pritzker’s tiresome, specious, and ugly allegation that IFI is an “anti-LGBTQ+” hate group.

First, Pritzker engages in some tricksy rhetorical maneuvering. He has redefined “hate” without providing his spanking new definition, and he conflates strong opposition to ideas with hatred of persons.

For cynical political utility, leftists like Pritzker call moral and ontological beliefs they detest “hate.” And they falsely claim that expressing disapproval of beliefs and volitional acts that leftists embrace constitutes hatred (i.e., detestation) of persons who embrace those beliefs and acts.

Does Pritzker apply his definition of “hate” consistently? Does he hate all IFI employees and all other Illinoisans who share the same views as IFI on the rights of the unborn, marriage, homosexuality, and cross-sex identification?

Maybe Pritzker detests people who embrace beliefs and ideas he rejects, but most people are fully capable of loving and delighting in the company of people who hold different beliefs and create lives based on those beliefs. In fact, most of us do it every day with friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues.

What a sad life Pritzker must live if he hates everyone who disagrees with his moral views. What a danger he is to the Republic if he is in a position to implement policies based on his hatred of conservatives.

Methinks leftists proclaim too much about their love of diversity and commitment to tolerance.

Second, from the link provided in his press screed, we learn that Pritzker gets his information about “hate groups” from the virulently hateful, anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which shares Pritzker’s penchant for prevarication. For those interested in the true story of IFI’s interactions with the deceitful SPLC, click HERE.

IFI is baffled about Prevaricating Pritzker’s curious and unsubstantiated claim about IFI “peddling dangerous anti-trans conspiracy theories.” We understand that the word “conspiracy” is an effective dog-whistle that beckons obedient leftists, but we would still like to know to what “anti-trans conspiracies” Pritzker is referring.

Is one of the alleged “anti-trans conspiracy theories” our claim that the deep-pocketed Pritzkers are funding the transnational pro-“trans” movement? If so, that’s not a conspiracy, and it’s not held by IFI alone.

New York City investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek has written a superb exposé of the creepy Pritzker family’s efforts to advance the “trans”-cultic metaphysical nonsense that is destroying bodies, hearts, minds, and families—an exposé that everyone should read.

Or perhaps the family-unfriendly Pritzker is referring to our criticism of his cross-dressing cousin, James Nicholas Pritzker (aka “Jennifer”), a former Republican who publicly threatened the GOP that he would take his deep frock-pockets and flounce home if the GOP didn’t adopt leftist positions on sexuality. But that’s not a conspiracy theory. He really did that.

Or perhaps Pritzker’s reference to “anti-trans conspiracy theories” is about IFI’s (and countless other people’s) claims that leftists are ideologically grooming children to embrace “trans”-cultic beliefs. If that’s what he calls a conspiracy theory, he doesn’t read nearly enough.

Pritzker knows that Illinois has passed laws mandating that teachers present material embedded with “trans”-cultic beliefs to children starting in kindergarten. And he himself created a task force composed of leftists to tell schools how to implement “trans”-cultic beliefs in policies, practices, and curricula. Maybe he should spend some time watching the hair-raising videos posted on Libs of TikTok in which public school teachers boast about their efforts to indoctrinate young children with “trans”-cultic beliefs.

But IFI doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he provided no evidence, and as of this writing, his campaign has not responded to our question about their allegation.

The press release from hell also included this peculiar criticism:

Bailey and his running mate, Stephanie Trussell, have repeatedly used social media to disparage the LGBTQ+ community. He denigrated transgender individuals, writing, “When a young girl decides she is too fat and develops an eating disorder, we get her psychological help. When a young girl decides she is a boy, we adjust reality to fit her desires.”

Demonstrating the wildly different ways we treat children with delusional beliefs about their weight as opposed to those with delusional beliefs about their sex does not denigrate children with gender dysphoria. It respects both reality and children’s beautiful embodiment as boys or girls. Tragically, leftists like Pritzker believe it’s loving to facilitate bodily mutilation and hateful to help children accept their bodies.

Pritzker’s anti-Christian hatred is revealed in this sentence from his press release:

Bailey has also stated that he “believe[s] in biblical marriage between a man and a woman.”

That’s it. Christian friends, remember this when you vote. In Pritzker’s view no one who believes in biblical marriage between a man and a woman is fit for elected office. Sounds remarkably like Pritzker supports an unconstitutional religious test for holding office.

Through his press release, Pritzker does what leftists have been doing for decades, and it’s a two-fer strategy: 1. Libel and malign organizations that speak politically incorrect truth boldly (that would be IFI in this case), 2. Associate conservative threats (that would be Bailey in this case) to leftist power with those organizations, thereby taking out both.

What leftists like Pritzker assume is that conservatives will continue to be intimidated by leftist name-calling. What leftists like Pritzker don’t expect is that one day conservatives will cease to care about being stigmatized and rejected by the name-calling cool kids. Leftists don’t expect conservatives to heed the words of Martin Luther King Jr. who urged those who embraced truth to refuse to be intimidated:

There was a time when the church was very powerful. It was during that period that the early Christians rejoiced when they were deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was the thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Wherever the early Christians entered a town the power structure got disturbed and immediately sought to convict them for being “disturbers of the peace” and “outside agitators.” But they went on with the conviction that they were “a colony of heaven” and had to obey God rather than man. They were small in number but big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be “astronomically intimidated.” They brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contest.

If leftist assumptions about incipient human life, abortion, marriage, homosexuality, and cross-sex identification are false—and they’re inarguably not objective or fact-based—then opposing them is good and right. In order to know what a loving act is as opposed to a hateful act, we first need to know what is true. All adults should understand that those who embrace lies will always hate hearing truth and hate those speaking it.

40 Days: Possibly A Matter of Life and Death

Christians must keep in mind that God is sovereign. The destiny of our nation is not ultimately in our power to control. That said, we live in a country that we the people govern, and so we have the privilege, right, and obligation to govern wisely.

Unfortunately, at times there is little difference between candidates when it comes to voting to fund wicked organizations like Planned Parenthood. However, as the policies and agenda of the Democrat Party become increasingly demonic, the choice between parties becomes clearer, and each election becomes more significant.

It is hard to fathom that Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, something that Democrats are now fighting hard to overturn. It was Clinton who supported “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which admittedly was not the best policy, but it was preferable to what we have now.

With 40 days to the midterm 2022 elections, it is time for all Christians to be aware, engaged, and in prayer. It is not hyperbole to say that the outcome of the elections could be a matter of life and death, freedom vs. tyranny.

If things do not change, the SAFE-T Act (AKA Criminal Protection Act) will take effect in Illinois on January 1, 2023. If passed, this wicked legislation—which some Democrats are now saying needs to be “clarified”—will be a significant boon to the criminal class in Illinois. Other states are reeling because of similar policies that have only incentivized crime.

If Democrats have their way, young children will be given guidance and care to “change their gender” without parents have any say.

If Democrats have their way, the FBI will continue to be used to watch parents who show up at school board meetings, to target with overwhelming force and presence those who stand against abortion, and to promote the foolish idea that white Christians are the greatest threat to our nation.

The number forty is biblically significant. The rain during the great deluge of Noah lasted for forty days and forty nights (Gen. 7:4, 12, 17). As the flood waters started to subside, Noah waited another forty days before opening the widow of the ark and sending out a raven (Gen. 8:6). The children of Israel ate manna for forty years (Ex. 16:35). Moses went into the midst of the cloud on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights (Ex. 24:18). The spies sent out by Moses were on a forty-day mission (Num. 13:25). After this forty-day mission, God’s people spent forty years in the wilderness because of their rebellion (Num. 14:33-34). Significantly, our Lord was tested in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights (Matt. 4:2).

Take ACTION: We face in Illinois and across the nation a time of testing leading up to the November 8 election. My plea is that we take this time very seriously, treating it as a time of spiritual battle and pleading for God’s mercy. This needs to be a time of prayer, action, and encouraging others. Let’s not fail in this time of opportunity and testing.

The fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 made this pledge:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” 

While the November 8 election is not as significant as this time in our nation’s history, it is appropriate to consider how serious the hour is and to make every effort to see the name of our Lord Jesus Christ honored and freedom and decency promoted. Will you commit to this?

2022 Voter Guides Are Going Fast! Ordered in Bulk Yet?

The November 8th election is less than six weeks away, and early voting starts tomorrow. Please do not wait to order and distribute the IFI Voter Guide to your family, friends and at church. These voter guides are IRS compliant for churches to distribute.

This election is vitally important. Beside the fact that we are voting for Governor, U.S. Senate and a far-reaching state constitutional amendment, there are more good choices for Illinois House and Illinois Senate races than we can ever remember. There is a great deal at stake, and the differences in parties and candidates could not be clearer.

Many on the left have become emboldened to steer our county in a direction that forsakes the things of God. It’s necessary that Christians vote, but it is critical that they vote for able men and women who fear God, are trustworthy, and hate a bribe (Exodus 18:21). The IFI voter guide provides information on where the candidates stand on issues important to people of faith based on voting records, returned questionnaires, public statements, endorsements, and their web sites.

Order these voter guides in any number that you can use. Bring them to church. They are legal for churches to distribute according to IRS guidelines. Pass them out to neighbors, family, and friends.

We also have brochures that compare the two party platforms on six issues in their own words: Abortion/Life, Marriage/Family, Immigration, Judiciary, Religious Liberty, and Education. These also are legal for churches to distribute according to IRS guidelines.

Take ACTION:  CLICK HERE to place your order for the printed IFI Voter Guide to distribute to your church, civic group, neighbors and family.

The IFI Voter Guide is arguably the most popular voter resource in the state of Illinois. Compare candidates’ positions on issues such as the sexual corruption of children in our public schools, the sanctity of life, amnesty for illegal aliens, the ERA and the “Equality Act,” and more. The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide will help you learn more about the candidates on the November 8th ballot and their positions on important issues that directly affect your family and the culture around you.

There are thousands of Illinois citizens who don’t know who to vote for. You can provide them with information on all the state and federal candidates on the ballot which is critical to the cause of good government.

We want Illinois citizens to have access to the IFI Voter Guide, and we need your help in getting it into the hands of as many voters as possible, so order a dozen or more and give them to your friends, family, and co-workers.

Americans have been given incredible blessings and freedoms, and as a result, we have a responsibility to participate in elections. Thank God we have an opportunity to cast our ballots for men and women whose values represent our own.

With your participation, together we will positively affect the state of Illinois and our republic one vote at a time.

Claim Your Name, Secure Your Vote

Written by Nance Hayes

The United States Postal Service recently announced the creation of the “Election and Government Mail Services.” This new division of the USPS was created to handle election mail issues “as part of an effort to ensure swift and secure delivery of ballots for the midterm election.”

The expansion of government and more government involvement in elections… What could possibly go wrong?

One only needs to reflect on a recent interview with J. Christian Adams, President of Public Interest Legal Foundation, to find the nucleus of the real problems related to vote-by-mail ballots in the 2020 election.

J. Christian Adams told Breitbart News Washington Political editor Matt Boyle that 15 million mail ballots were unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election, saying,

The Election Assistance Commission, which is a federal agency … puts out a report every two years. … One of the things it has … is the number of mail ballots that were sent out, the number of mail ballots that came back, and the number of mail ballots that were straight-up rejected, meaning the election officials said there was a defect.

This is not data that we are speculating about. This is federal data, and that’s where we get the 15 million number. Fifteen million ballots were sent in the mail last year that never ever came back.

In 2020, Adams’s organization (PILF) found 350,000 deceased registrants and 40,000 duplicate registrants on American voter rolls.

Governor JB Pritzker recently signed a bill to ensure every voter be sent a “Permanent Vote-by-Mail” application.  When filled out and sent back, the “Permanent Vote-by-Mail” application allows an Illinois resident to vote by mail for the rest of their lives, or until they leave that specific address.

Can you imagine? Where will some of those applications be sent? Will they be a part of the 1 million mail ballots that were returned “Undeliverable?” In other words, over 1 million mail ballots NEVER reached their destination or the intended voter never used them.

No worries, they say. We have a great system in place in Illinois for updating and coordinating all our data, ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center). According to ERIC:

“Each member state receives reports that show voters who have moved within their state, voters who have moved out of state, voters who have died, duplicate registrations in the same state, and individuals who are potentially eligible to vote but are not yet registered.”

So, no problem! With ERIC in place, Illinois should be in great shape. Right?

Anyone involved in election integrity in Illinois knows our voter rolls are in disarray. That is why the Illinois Conservative Union joined forces with national organization, Judicial Watch, in 2020 to sue the State of Illinois and State Board of Elections for violations of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, for refusing to turn over the voter rolls.

Transparency and clean voter rolls in Illinois? Are you really sure that exists? As Adams stated,

“The whole thing is a mess. It can’t be repeated again. And that’s the problem with mail balloting. We’re giving the idiots at the post office control over our government.”

Yes, the whole thing is a mess. Just look at what happened in our neighboring state of Wisconsin. In 2020, for instance, 1.4 million ballots were mailed to Wisconsin voters, which was 86% of the 1.6 million votes cast.

Of those 1.4 million mail ballots, 76,308 were classified as “unknown,” while 6,458 were classified as “undeliverable.” That means a total of 82,766 mail ballots were either “unknown” or “undeliverable,” a number that is 400%greater than Biden’s certified 20,682 margin of victory in Wisconsin over former President Donald Trump.

I’d say that’s a problem wouldn’t you? As Adams explains:

“There was random chance, chaos. All of these characteristics got cranked into the election last year because of mail balloting.”

[The 2020 election] was screwed up, I think, deliberately.”  “This was a plan that was cooked up by Zuckerberg and Vanita Gupta, who’s now the associate attorney general, who was a radical left-wing organizer, and a whole bunch of union people. 

Mail balloting was a plan that was cooked up. Soros money flowed into the Vote at Home foundation. There was all sorts of money that was moving to advocate for this corrupted system in February, March, April, May [2020]. And then, there was court litigation to force us into this corrupted system. It’s no accident that 15 million mistakes were made.

Amber McReynolds is the head of the National Vote at Home Institute, a group that was funded by George Soros that was central in pushing for mail balloting.

After the election, she was appointed to the United States Post Office Board of Governors. So now, she’s on the inside of the government to advocate this.

What can we do about vote-by-mail ballots to reduce the fraud?

1.) Request a vote by mail application (VBM). Click HERE. Follow the prompts to download a VBM application.

2.) Take your VBM ballot to an early voting location. Note: search under the county where you live for locations. But if you live in the cities of Aurora, Bloomington, Chicago, Danville, East St. Louis, Galesburg, Peoria, or Rockford, search under those cities.

3.) Surrender the VBM ballot. Ask the judge to write across the VBM ballot “SPOILED.” Then vote in person on a paper ballot that you can feed through the tabulator yourself.

According to our Friends at the Illinois Conservative Union and their Election Integrity Program, this is the best way to secure your vote.

The 2022 General Election Voter Guide is Here!

The IFI 2022 General Election Voter Guide is finally here! With this useful tool, you can find out where the candidates stand on important issues. We also have it in Spanish! Haga clic AQUÍ para descargar la Guía para votantes de las elecciones generales de 2022 de IFI.

The IFI Voter Guide is a great tool for educating church members, neighbors, friends and family and a not-so-subtle reminder of the importance of voting. They are especially effective when handed directly to people. Call the IFI office to order several to hand out to your church members, neighbors, family, and friends – (708) 781-9328. Or click HERE to order a bunch.

Moreover, we want to encourage you to vote your values, which should mirror what God says in His Word about righteous officials verses wicked officials (Proverbs 29:2), and especially those who cheer the shedding innocent blood (Psalm 106:38). In this election, the differences are very obvious. Still, it will require a little study and prayer to know who you’ll want to vote for in this cycle.

Early Voting

While the November 8th General Election is less than 45 days away, early voting will begin at designated locations next Thursday, September 29th. Additional early voting sites begin on October 24th. As in every election cycle, this election is critical for Illinois as well as for the nation, and it is crucial that your voice is heard. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to exercise your civic duty to vote and be good stewards of God’s amazing gift of self-government.

With this much time to cast our ballot, there is simply no good excuse for not voting in this (or any) election!

Vote by Mail

Plain and simple, vote by mail can lead to folly. Vote by mail used to be called absentee voting. But many states, including Illinois, are now using it as the norm.  By all means, if you’re unable to physically vote in person, request a vote by mail ballot, but mail it back quickly.

But for those who are able to vote in person, here’s what we recommend:

1.) Request a vote by mail ballot (VBM). Click HERE. Follow the prompts to download a VBM ballot.

2.) Take your VBM ballot to an early voting location. Note: search under the county where you live for locations. But if you live in the cities of Aurora, Bloomington, Chicago, Danville, East St. Louis, Galesburg, Peoria, or Rockford, search under those cities.

3.) Surrender the VBM ballot. Ask the judge to write across the VBM ballot “SPOILED.” Then vote in-person immediately.

According to our Friends at the Illinois Conservative Union and their Election Integrity Program, this is the best way to secure your vote and limit any folly.

Vote by Mail applications are already being accepted by your local County Clerk.

For more information on early voting locations or to order a mail-in ballot, contact your local election authority HERE.

Illinoisans Beware: Leftist SAFE-T for Criminals Act Takes Effect Jan 2023

Leftists, practiced at the art of deception, do not care about anyone who lives in America. They care about one thing: acquiring and maintaining power at all costs. And they think catering to criminals will achieve that goal.

Case in point the in-credibly—as in not credibly–named Safe-T Act (Safety Accountability Fairness and Equity-Today), which passed Illinois’ irresponsible, far-leftist General Assembly and was signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker on Feb. 22, 2021. The most controversial provision of this 763-word behemoth that was passed under cover of darkness, takes effect on Jan. 1, 2023 and is just now receiving its justly deserved, overdue public outcry.

The controversial provision makes Illinois the first state in the country to abolish cash bail for a number of crimes that put at risk Illinoisans’ safety and public order. In the service of “equity”—which in the leftist Upside Down has nothing to do with fairness—leftists are again making the streets more dangerous. Let’s call the law the Safety for Criminals Act.

Calling the law an “abomination,” Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau outlines the features of the law that make it a criminal’s dream:

It abolishes cash bail for almost every offense. This includes but isn’t limited to kidnapping, armed robbery, second-degree murder, drug-induced homicide, aggravated DUI, threatening a public official, and aggravated fleeing and eluding.

Offenders released on electronic monitoring have to be in violation for 48 hours before law enforcement can act.

And keep this in mind businesses and homeowners, officers will no longer be able to remove trespassers from your residence or your businesses.

While leftists claim to care about the safety and well-being of citizens, the manifest failures of their policies and laws prove again and again that something else is afoot.

Their unspoken reasoning about the Safety for Criminals Act goes something like this:

1.) If communities are more dangerous, then voters living in those dangerous communities will vote for government leaders who represent colossal government to take care of them.

2.) (And here’s where the real racism can be found): Voters in the most crime-ridden neighborhoods are often persons of color who typically vote Democrat and whose votes leftists desperately need, so they pass laws that will make those neighborhoods more dangerous in order to impel those voters to elect—again—leftist colossal-government leaders.

3.) Since most of the criminals in these crime-ridden neighborhoods are also persons of color, making them safe–that is exempt–from laws intended to protect the public will endear leftist leaders to voters of color—or so leftists presume.

Of course, leftists don’t speak the quiet parts out loud. Those cunning vipers have forked tongues and know how to use them.

So instead, they tell victims of crime that “equity” demands they abolish cash bail for arrestees suspected of kidnapping, armed robbery, second-degree murder, drug-induced homicide, and aggravated DUI. It’s inequitable, unjust, and unfair for impoverished suspected criminals to languish in jail while other suspected criminals are able to roam free. Equity demands that all suspected criminals roam free while awaiting trial and sentencing—or so the vipers hiss.

And when these suspected criminals are free, where do the vipers suspect they’ll go to wreak mayhem? It’s likely not Hinsdale, Inverness, or Lake Forest that will be victimized.

According to Capitol News, Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow, a Democrat, “argued that the SAFE-T Act requires a higher burden of proof to detain accused violent criminals until trial”:

The SAFE-T Act states that all defendants “shall be presumed eligible” for pretrial release [no bail] unless prosecutors present “clear and convincing” evidence to deny the suspect pretrial release, such as proof that the suspect committed the crime and poses a threat to the physical safety of a “specific, identifiable” person.

The cynical Democrat jig is up or almost up. Voters in dangerous communities increasingly recognize that it is leftist policies and laws that have made their neighborhoods dangerous and unlivable. They know that it was Democrats who made their neighborhoods far more dangerous when they called for defunding the police. They no longer want leaders who will make government even bigger and who will pass policies and laws that make their neighborhoods more dangerous.

What’s worse for leftists is that increasing numbers of voters of color in crime-ridden neighborhoods understand that they are pawns and victims of power-ravenous leftist fear- and race-mongers. Voters of color realize they are being exploited and harmed for their votes. They can see the racist hearts beating in the chests of leftist leaders like J.B. Pritzker.

Illinois State Representative  Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago) laughably accuses Republicans of having a “bad stench of racism” for opposing a bill that will harm communities of color, as most Democrat policies do.

Slaughter also laughably claims that Democrats “want to have an understanding of the root causes of crime and violence.” Really? If so, why do so few—if any—Democrats talk about broken dysfunctional and fatherless families—a social plague incentivized and promoted by leftist policies and principles and which, in turn causes criminality and violence that ruins schools and neighborhoods causing untold suffering.

It is the systemic racism, ethically vacuous quest for power, and ignorance at the heart of the Democrat Party that leads them to believe that protecting criminals of color will lead terrorized voters of color in unlivable communities to continue to elect them.

Are You Registered to Vote for the 2022 General Election?

October 23rd is the last day to register to vote online
for the upcoming November 8th General Election.

God has blessed America with the gift of self-government — a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Voting is a privilege that millions of people in other parts of the world are denied.

But this unique blessing also comes with a tremendous responsibility. In Romans 13, we are told that all authorities are appointed by God. If you look at the first three words in our U.S. Constitution, you’ll find out who that authority is in America — “We the People…”

As Christians, we have a duty and a moral obligation to be involved in the democratic process. Imagine the IMPACT we could have on our government, its leadership, and our nation if we all simply registered to vote and voted our values!

According to a recent CBN News article, “as many as 40 million” Christians across America “fail to vote in Presidential elections cycles. And 15 million are not even registered to vote…”  This is not good stewardship of God’s gift of self-government! In our apathy, we are shirking our responsibility to be salt and light. The results are what we see happening around us: LGBTQ indoctrination of our children, religious liberties eroding, sexual deviancy abounding, illicit drugs legalized for recreational use, gambling expanded. And the list goes on.

Edmund Burke said, “All that is essential for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Is it any surprise that Bible believing Christians are sparsely represented in Springfield and Washington, D.C.? If we aren’t faithful in the little things that God has given us to do – like voting or communicating with our elected representatives – we shouldn’t be surprised that we aren’t successful when it comes to the bigger things.

Registering Voters is Easy!

Did you know that you can register to vote online in Illinois? You can do so by visiting the State Board of Elections website. The last day to register to vote online is October 23rd.

How many people do you know who have moved, gotten married and changed their name, or are turning 18? If a teen will be 18 years old by November 8th, they are eligible to register and vote in the November 8th election. And for those who have not voted in recent elections, consider engaging them to become actively involved in impacting our nation’s future!

Mail-In Form – 2 Simple Steps:

1. Click HERE to download and print an Illinois Voter Registration Application.

2. Mail your completed application(s) to your local election authority. Click HERE to look up the mailing address. If you are unsure of your election authority, please contact us. Call (708) 781-9328 during normal business hours, or email us anytime and we will be glad to help! Note that there are ten cities that are their own election authorities. All the others are county clerks.

Consider holding a voter registration at your church, school, library, county fair, a Christian concert, or other location. Download the forms below.

Voter Registration:

Below are several bulletin inserts for your use.

Voter Registration Bulletin Inserts

Voter Registration FAQ’s

Q. I’ve moved. Do I need to register again?
A. Yes. The easiest way to register again is to just follow the 2-step process above.

Q. My name has changed. Do I need to register again?
A. Yes. The easiest way to register again is to just follow the 2-step process above.

Q. I’m not 18 yet, but I will be soon. Can I register?
A. Yes. You may register now to vote in the November 8th election as long as you will be 18 by November 8th. Just follow the 2-step process above.

Q. I sent in my form two weeks ago, but I haven’t heard anything back yet. Did it get lost?
A. You should receive confirmation 4-6 weeks after your original submission. If you do not hear from your election authority by then, give them a call.  Click HERE for a list.

Q. I am a pastor or a church leader. Can I encourage the members at my church to register to vote and hold a voters registration drive?
A. Yes. Voter registration drives are not considered partisan political activity. Although certain limitations are imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code and campaign laws, churches and pastors are able to engage in nonpartisan activity, particularly voter registration and voter education. Click HERE and HERE for more information. There is no legal restriction whatsoever on the ability of churches to register voters or provide them with candidate survey information, like the material provided in the IFI Voter Guide.

Call the IFI Office at (708) 781-9328

IFI Urges Pritzker and Raoul to Protect PRCs and Churches

The Illinois Family Institute is issuing this public statement to urge Governor J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul to prepare to ensure the safety of churches and pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) in Illinois.

David E. Smith, the executive director of the statewide pro-life, pro-family organization, notes that vandalism, arson, threats of violence, and interruption of church services have been escalating since the leak of Justice Samuel Alito‘s draft opinion on abortion.

“We cannot afford to ignore the threats of violence and harassment to achieve political ends,” said Smith. “It is wise to anticipate more violent reactions from fringe pro-abortion activists if and when the U.S. Supreme Court hands down its decision in the Dobbs case.”

The arrest of a California man who was reportedly armed with a gun and knife near Justice Brett Kavanaugh‘s house in Maryland is alarming. Federal law enforcement officials have charged him with attempted murder.

Recently, both CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo, New York and the headquarters for Wisconsin Family Action were firebombed. In Asheville, North Carolina, a business that provides counseling for pregnant women was vandalized. Earlier this week, in New York City, pro-life advocates participating in a monthly event called “Witness for Life” were mobbed.

Mr. Smith points out that while abortion facilities in Chicago have bubble zones to protect the safety of abortion workers and clients, no such protection exists for pregnancy care centers and churches. During this turbulent time, the state of Illinois must give them equal protection under the law.

“Governor Pritzker and Attorney General Raoul should make it clear that violence and intimidation will not be tolerated in Illinois,” urges Smith. “Moreover, law enforcement agencies across the state must be put on high alert, visibly present in their patrols in an effort to dissuade violence.”

IFI implores Governor Pritzker and Attorney General Raoul to speak out in advance of the ruling to urge peace and calm.

We call every elected official in Illinois, no matter their view on the Dobbs decision, to speak out in opposition to any response that includes violence and intimidation.

Mr. Smith contends that any attack on a church or pregnancy care center should be considered an anti-religious hate crime and the perpetrators should be charged accordingly.

Pre-Order Your 2022 Voter Guides

Illinois Family Institute will be printing a limited number of the 2022 Primary Election Voter Guides. As always, it will also be available on our website.

The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide will help you learn more about the candidates on the June 28th ballot and their positions on important issues that directly affect your family and the culture around us. However, for orders in bulk to distribute to your church, civic group, neighbors and family, etc., you must pre-order.

The suggested donation to cover the cost of printing and mailing is $25 per hundred.  But if you are unable to make a tax-deductible donation, don’t let that stop you. We appreciate your help in distributing them.

IFI’s Voter Guide does not endorse or oppose any candidate or political party and is legal for distribution in churches under IRS guidelines. Ask your pastor if you can make them available in your church or pass them along to friends, neighbors, co-workers and family.

If you receive our newsletter by mail, a Voter Guide, along with a summer newsletter, will be mailed to you by early to mid May.

Take ACTION:  CLICK HERE to place your order for the printed IFI Voter Guide to distribute to your church, civic group, neighbors and family.

Hopefully, all of your friends, neighbors and fellow church congregants are registered to vote.  Just think about how many people you know who have moved and need to re-register. Think of how young people you know who are turning 18 by June 28th and can vote for the first time this year. Consider engaging citizens who have not voted in the past to become actively involved in impacting our nation’s future!

Illinois is a very large state and we need your help to get the IFI Voter Guide into every church that is concerned about the direction our state and nation are heading. Would you ask your pastor if your church will take the IFI Voter Guide?

Register to Vote:  It’s never been easier!  You can now register to vote online at the Illinois Board of Election.

This project is made possible through YOUR support.
Please consider a donation to help us reach even more people!