Got No Secrets to Conceal
Got No Secrets to Conceal
Written By   |   08.17.15
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We are not that far into the Planned Parenthood calamity, but I think we are far enough into it to ask the secularists how they like being on the wrong side of history. And as Dylan once put it in Like a Rolling Stone, “you got no secrets to conceal. How does it feel?”

It has been a few days since I have been able to post on this, and there have been many developments, so it is time for a brief tactical round-up. Remember how crucial pursuit is as a principle of war. We don’t want to win “this round,” we want to win the fight. And that means pursuit.

1. There will be a national protest at PP clinics all over the country. The web site for that protest is here.  Check it out and see if there is a protest near you, or if there should be.

2. At these protests, or in conversations with friends and coworkers, the question may come up: “What are you trying to accomplish? What do you want?” Divide the answer in two. “First, ultimately, we want to end human abortion.”1. There will be a national protest at PP clinics all over the country. The web site for that protest is here.  Check it out and see if there is a protest near you, or if there should be.

But what are the intermediate goals? Suppose someone from the media asks you that. What do you say? My friend John Stoos offers these three suggestions. “We want, first, someone from the White House to watch the videos. Second, we want a congressional investigation into the apparent illegal activities of Planned Parenthood. And third, we want the U.S. Senate to vote to defund Planned Parenthood.”

3. Speaking of someone from the White House watching the videos, you can help make that happen. Go to this web site and sign the petition. Not only sign the petition, but try to get the link into places of high visibility. If all the pro-lifers who are currently active in the fight saw this link, we could have our 100,000 signatures in ten minutes.

4. Don’t forget the corporate sponsors. The corporation to concentrate on this week is Nike. Check out this resource.

5. This is all market action and politics, and working with them in this circumstance is necessary and good. But it also true that doctors hate being reviewed by medical boards. This is a place where pro-lifers with particular expertise in this area can help out — do the research, and then get the info to organizations and bloggers who can distribute the info. I certainly would help out with the distribution.

Depending on the state, look up the Medical Practice Act, and look at the definitions of ethics and expectations. Depending on the physician, search for any previous complaints. Obtain copies of the consent forms that the women have to sign. Are they clear or vague? Was counseling/education an option? Depending on what shakes out, file a complaint against the abortionists. Would the women involved have had any reasonable expectation of what these videos have revealed? Is that was they were agreeing to?

Remember Alinsky’s Rule #4. Make the adversary conform to their own rules. Make them play by their book.

6. The gruesome practices of Planned Parenthood are indefensible. Our goal is to make people defend them. And so it is that we should welcome the abortion defenders who are dismayed at what is happening to their cause, and who are trying to get their troops to hold the line. We want them to try to hold this line. We want them to try to defend the indefensible.

Rolling Stone — the magazine, but see Dylan above — recently took a break from the rape hoax business, and tried to rally the troops on the abortion business. This is all to the good. We want pro-choicers to do one of two things — we want them to run away from their swamp, but even better, we want them to try to defend it. Either one works, but the latter is far better. Doubling down on grotesque is not going to help them at all.

7. And last, we want Planned Parenthood, and every organization like them, to be filled to the brim with anticipation. By this, I do not just mean anticipation of the remaining videos dropping. I am talking about all the future videos that could be made. I am talking about all the possible pro-life operatives that are inside Planned Parenthood doing business now. Every form, every lunch order of salad and wine, every business transaction, every consultant should be suspect. We want them to think that absolutely everything they do might wind up on the web, and we want the thought to paralyze them.

This article was originally posted at Blog & Mablog.

National Day of Protest against Planned Parenthood
Saturday, August 22, 9:00 to 11:00 A.M.
Planned Parenthood, 3051 E New York St, Aurora (map)
Lead by the Pro-Life Action League

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