If It Walks Like a Duck. . .
If It Walks Like a Duck. . .
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   05.04.09
Reading Time: 2 minutes

What will legalized “civil unions” mean for public education?

The manipulation of language is the homosexual movement’s stock in trade. The creation of the term “civil union” is intended to conceal the reality that civil unions are, in fact, marriages. Legalizing civil unions would be tantamount to legalizing “homosexual marriage.” Of course, anyone who’s paying attention knows that homosexual activist organizations have no intention of settling for civil unions. It’s merely a stepping stone on their relentless, illegitimate quest to have their profoundly disordered relationships accorded the moral legitimacy that comes with the term “marriage.” But in the meantime, while homosexual activists await the further clouding of the minds and hearts of Americans and the weakening of their collective will, activists will make do with “civil unions.”

So, what will legalized civil unions mean for public education? Legalized civil unions will provide homosexual couples and their supporters the legal support necessary to compel schools to include families led by homosexuals whenever teachers address issues touching on family life.

We are all aware that our relativistic or nihilistic contemporary American life includes the tragic phenomena of children being raised in deliberately fatherless or motherless homes. A foolish society is allowing homosexual couples to procure children through illegitimate means. But that truly sad fact does not and should not compel publicly funded schools to expose all children to the notion of homosexual unions. Unfortunately, there currently exist families headed by homosexual couples, just as there are families headed by polyamorous partnerships, but public school teachers need not include them in discussions of family life.

Knowing that many still view homosexual unions as deeply immoral, teachers have the freedom to omit them from discussions, which is a freedom particularly important in elementary schools. Parents still have the capacity to limit children’s exposure to deviant ideas and images at that age. The legalization of civil unions, however, will seriously undermine public school teachers’ capacity to omit discussions of homosexual unions from discussions of family life and family structures.

If we hope to preserve the only true definition of marriage, the one that reflects objective reality and ensures the future of any society, and if we hope to protect our children from exposure to ideas and images that will undermine truth, we must vigorously and boldly oppose the legalization of same-sex unions. And we must do so even if our opposition results in hostility and persecution.

kingsKing and King
 is a picture book recommended for children ages 4-8 years old.

It’s the story of a young prince who does not want to marry a princess. The prince falls in love with another prince, and they begin marriage preparations at once. The story ends with a kiss between the two kings.”

This was read to a second-grader in MA with no prior parental notification or opportunity for the parents to opt them out of hearing it.

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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