Urgent message to all Mark T. Skinner Elementary School Parents and Concerned Taxpayers:
Urgent message to all Mark T. Skinner Elementary School Parents and Concerned Taxpayers:
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   05.12.09
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At the April 21, 2009 meeting of the Local School Council, Principal Deborah Clark made the stunning announcement that a representative from the homosexual activist organization, Lambda Legal, would be making a presentation to 7th and 8th graders on MAY 13, 2009 on the topics of gender identity and sexual orientation sensitivity training. This is manipulative rhetoric meaning that Lambda Legal will be coming to Skinner to indoctrinate middle school students with the utterly fallacious and calamitous ideas that gender identity disorder is not a disorder; that cross-dressing and homosexual behaviors are moral behaviors; and that homosexuality and gender identity disorder are analogous to race.

Lambda Legal is committed to using the legislative and judicial systems to impose their unproven, radical, and subversive moral views of homosexuality and cross-dressing on American society. According to their website:

Lambda Legal is the oldest national organization pursuing high-impact litigation, public education and advocacy on behalf of equality and civil rights for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people with HIV. The work we do has impact on the way we live — we change laws, policies and ideas.

And now activists within the public education system are aiding and abetting Lambda Legal’s pernicious agenda.

Here are just a few of Lambda Legal’s dubious actions plucked from their twenty pages of news releases:

  • Lambda Legal successfully sued the state ofIowato compel the state to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Lambda Legal successfully sued theIndian RiverCentralSchool DistrictinNew Yorkto compel it to allow a gay-straight alliance.
  • Lambda Legal sent an “advocacy” letter toSouthMedfordHigh SchoolinOregonexpressing opposition to the school’s requirement that the gay-straight alliance get administrative approval for their announcements and activities.
  • Lambda Legal filed a legal challenge toCalifornia’s Proposition 8 ballot initiative.

Allowing Skinner parents to opt their children out is woefully insufficient: The Lambda Legal presentation should be cancelled. Parents and all concerned taxpayers should voice their vociferous and unambiguous opposition to the school District’s foolish and inappropriate decision to invite Lambda Legal to advocate views that are unproven and highly controversial.

Parents and concerned taxpayers must demand to know the name of the District employee who proposed this invitation and hold him or her publicly accountable.

And if the District refuses to cancel this event, the public should demand that the District bring in a speaker to present an alternative view of the nature and morality of homosexuality and “transgenderism” (e.g., IFI’s Division of School Advocacy). If they refuse to present an alternative view, the Skinner community will have further proof that the District is more invested in indoctrination than they are in critical thinking and the exploration of ideas.

Illinois Family Institute is urging parents and other concerned taxpayers to act now.

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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