Update on Nettelhorst Elementary School and the “Pride” Parade
Update on Nettelhorst Elementary School and the “Pride” Parade
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   07.08.09
Reading Time: 3 minutes

On Thursday morning, June 25, three days before the Chicago”pride” parade, I called Nettelhorst Elementary School Principal Cindy Wulbert to ask whether the school was participating in the parade as was reported in the Chicago Tribune. I was told that Principal Wulbert was unavailable and that the school would be participating in the parade.

I asked the woman I was speaking to whether school time was used to make and/or tie the “thousands” of rainbow-colored fabric strips that the Trib reported were adorning the school fence. She claimed that she didn’t know and that when she “arrived at school one day, they were just up.”

I left a message asking that the principal return my call.

I called again in the afternoon and was told that Principal Wulbert was still not available and that Nettelhorst was not participating in the parade. The new person told me that there are Nettelhorst parents who are members of the gay and lesbian community and that they would be taking their children to march in the parade. She also informed me that Nettelhorst “does not have any school policy that prevents these parents from identifying the school their children attend.” This raises the question, what is the difference between officially participating in the “pride” parade and unofficially participating if anyone can carry signs that say “Nettelhorst Elementary School”?

Since Nettelhorst was purportedly not “officially” participating in the parade, I asked her if the school had removed the sign that the Chicago Trib reported was on the school fence announcing Nettelhorst’s participation in the parade. I was told that there was no such sign and never had been, and that the statement in the Trib was “inaccurate.”

I then asked this new person, who was giving me remarkably different answers from those that I had been given in the morning, about the fabric strips. Lo and behold, I was again given a different answer. I was told that the thousands of rainbow-colored fabric strips had nothing whatsoever to do with the “pride” parade. I was told that “they’re always up.” She claimed that the fabric strips represent student wishes, and whenever a student makes a wish, he or she ties a fabric strip on the fence. I wonder why the first woman I spoke to, who I believe was a teacher, didn’t seem familiar with this longstanding tradition.

This new version of the story contradicts not just the Chicago Trib story but also the account offered by Darius Kemp on the blog “Not in Our Town”:

In May, teachers and parents, both gay and straight, collected ribbons and created a rainbow “Pride Fence” with a sign that read: “Each Nettelhorst student has tied a piece of fabric to the fence as a tangible sign of his or her personal intention to create a better world.”

Furthermore, to show children and the neighborhood that fighting intolerance and bullying is not a one-time event, parents and teachers from the school will march in the Chicago Gay Pride Parade to demonstrate their support for inclusion in our schools and in our towns.

I called again on Friday to try to get to the bottom of this very curious story by speaking with Principal Wulbert but was told she would not be in the office until Monday. I then asked the gentleman on the phone if he could answer some questions about Nettelhorst and the “pride” parade. He said that he was “not at liberty to discuss that issue.” Apparently, the Nettelhorst administration has as much commitment to transparency as they do to truth.

I left yet another message for Principal Wulbert; I’m still awaiting her call.

I had one last pre-parade hope for clarification: Rex Huppke, the Trib reporter who wrote the story on Nettelhorst.

I called and emailed Mr Huppke, leaving detailed messages about who I am, what Nettelhorst told me, and what my questions were. I’m still awaiting his call also. Mr. Huppke is likely very busy writing yet more glowing, transparently biased stories about the LGBT community, some of which you can read here, here, here and here:

I guess we’re all just left to figure out the truth for ourselves. Perhaps this disturbing video of this year’s Chicago Pride Parade provided by Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) can shed some light on the darkness created by the Nettelhorst administration and the homosexual activist organizations that promote the depraved “pride” circus:

Two final thoughts:

  • The dissembling or outright lying engaged in by Nettelhorst public school employees makes one wonder how people with so little commitment to truth can possibly foster integrity in children.
  • Pay attention to the Log Cabin Republicans’ float in this AFTAH video. The GOP must sever all ties to Log Cabin Republicans. The “big tent” must not become so big that its support structures collapse under the weight of pernicious ideas.
Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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