President Obama’s Pick for Labor Secretary
President Obama’s Pick for Labor Secretary
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   03.21.13
Reading Time: 3 minutes

President Barack Obama just announced that Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, is his pick to be Secretary of Labor. One year ago, I wrote about the White House’s passionate embrace of all things homosexual. In that article, I included a brief discussion of Thomas Perez’ troubling efforts to use public funds and his job to promote the normalization of homosexuality. Here’s that excerpt:

This Obama administration effort follows close on the heels of a pinheaded and inappropriate decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to create a video for Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas Perez showed the DOJ video to public high school students in Silver Spring, Maryland. Here are a few of the comments made by DOJ employees–most of whom identify as homosexual–in their roles as government employees:

    • “Being different is cool.”
    • “Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Keep being yourself.”
    • “If I knew when I was eight that the thing that was causing me so much pain… would actually define me in a way that makes me very, very proud, I would get through it.”

These should be shocking comments to hear in a publicly funded project of the federal government. The federal government has made the astonishing public claims that homosexuality is “cool,” that no one should be ashamed of homosexuality, and that homosexuality should be a source of pride. The individuals who appear in this video are, of course, entitled to their own non-factual ontological and moral beliefs. In their roles as government employees, however, they have no right to promote those subjective, non-factual beliefs. 

This video should be a public scandal. Imagine if philosophically conservative government employees appeared in a publicly funded video in their professional roles saying that it is not cool to engage in homosexual acts, that homosexual acts are shameful, and that homosexuality is not something of which to be proud. 

It is objectively true that no one should be bullied. It is not objectively true that homosexuality is cool, that people should keep living a homosexual life, or that homosexuality is worthy of pride or respect. No employee of the government acting in their official position has any right to promote those arguable moral beliefs. 

At the conclusion of the high school propaganda session, likely held during Mr. Perez’s working hours, students were invited to sign the “It Gets Better” pledge, the first sentence of which states, “Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are.” A feckless statement, but oh so persuasive with non-thinking people. The statement suggests without stating that those who identify as homosexual should be respected for their homosexuality. That is a moral proposition which is widely rejected and which no representative of the government has any right to promote in their professional role. 

Everyone deserves to be respected because they’re human beings created in the likeness of God. It should be obvious, however, that not every subjective feeling or behavioral choice is worthy of respect. Humans deserve to be respected for their humanness in spite of their disordered inclinations and immoral volitional acts.

If this isn’t sufficient reason to oppose Perez’ nomination, here’s another. The executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has issued a press release in which she exults:

Thomas Perez is a terrific choice for labor secretary…. The Labor Department is critical to advancing, enforcing and preserving policies that directly impact the lives and livelihoods of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and our families. It has made significant policy advances over the past few years in this regard….Thomas Perez at the helm of the Labor Department will help keep this momentum moving forward.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to U.S. Senators Dick Dubin and Mark Kirk to oppose this controversial nominee.

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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