Dr. Everett Piper: The Religion of Wokeism
Dr. Everett Piper: The Religion of Wokeism
Written By Brian Wencel   |   05.07.22
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Should politics and religion be completely separate? Are Leftism and Christianity diametrically opposed? Is Leftism even compatible with Christianity? Listen to Dr. Everett Piper, former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, as he tackles these questions and more in his worldview presentation titled: “The Religion of Wokeism.”

Whether it’s defending unborn children or protecting our borders, Dr. Piper explains how conservative political views align with Christianity. He talks about how the religion of “wokeism” requires us to, among other things, submit ourselves to others, judge people on how they look instead of how they act, and affirm detestable behavior. Dr. Piper illuminates how incompatible “progressive” and Christian agendas are.

Dr. Piper also delves into the causes of this dismal state of affairs, including irresponsible parents, corrupt pastors, and the government school system. Author of books such as Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth and his newest book Grow Up: Life Isn’t Safe, But It’s Good, Dr. Piper leaves us with hope for the future. He emphasizes staying grounded in truth because we know God will prevail. During a fascinating Q & A after his speech, Dr. Piper answers several important questions that many Christians have.

Please watch/listen and share with family members, friends and neighbors!

Please watch/listen and share with those who need to hear this worldview session!

Brian Wencel
Brian Wencel is an 18 year-old high school senior and aspiring political influencer who has been raised in the faith and Christian education since preschool. He is a staunch supporter of Christianity, the MAGA movement, and Conservative ideology. He enjoys challenging the mainstream liberal narrative with those who haven’t yet reached the truth....
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