I know I’m not the only one who has noticed the uptick in crime lately. Anyone paying attention has seen frequent and numerous examples cited in the news or on social media. Yet the Democrat lawmakers who remain in control continue pushing to defund the police, disarm citizens, and lessen the consequences of crime. Tucker Carlson summarizes the craziness of this beautifully in a 20-minute, worth-the-watch segment (posted below).
Carlson begins by saying, “Dystopia is a world where the police will not protect you, and at the same time, you are not allowed to protect yourself.” It’s a frightening thought, even more so because it looks like America is headed down a path like that. It’s the natural outcome of an ideology that insists one skin tone is inherently evil and another inherently the victim. Many of the crimes are being committed by a demographic that doesn’t fit within the ideology of Critical Race Theory, so lawmakers pass laws that will result in fewer arrests of a certain demographic. It’s placing a bandage over a wound without realizing there is a large splinter causing it to fester.
In the video pasted below, Carlson includes an example that hits close to home, citing our own state’s unfortunate SAFE-T Act in one of numerous examples of how Democrats have managed to defund the police quietly. Watch the video and ponder the questions Tucker Carlson poses at the end. What are we the people going to do about it? Sit by and just let it happen? It’s definitely something to consider come time to vote.