Fetid Fruits of Feminism
Fetid Fruits of Feminism
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   08.09.14
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hillary Clinton infamously said that abortion should be legal, safe, and rare. She also said that conception marks the beginning of “potential life.” If the union of egg and sperm, which creates something actual that possesses the full genetic code of a new human being, does not in Clinton’s view mark the start of an actual human life, one wonders when Clinton thinks potential life becomes actual life.

Perhaps this short and remarkable video can illuminate for Clinton a truth about the actual lives of preborn babies the intentional killings of which should not be rare but unthinkable:

Some intrepid reporter should then ask Clinton these questions:

  • Does this video depict an actual human being?
  • Does this human being have any inherent rights based on his or her status as a human?
  • Does the absence of full development abrogate a person’s right to exist?
  • Does a person’s location abrogate his or her right to exist?
  • If one person’s right to control her reproductive system comes into direct conflict with the right of another human (less mature, less free, and more vulnerable) simply to exist, which is a right of a higher moral order?
  • Is the legal right to have one’s child killed in utero progress? Or does the legalization of the “right” to legally kill one’s own child demonstrate the expansive capacity of humans to rationalize evil?

Though the most loathsome of all the fetid fruits of feminism, abortion is just one of many.

Feminism, which gave America dead babies on a metaphorical platter gilded with silver-tongued sophistry, has rarely been noted for either its moral rectitude or intellectual consistency. While feminists claim to value women, most support the murder of preborn girls. While they claim to value female empowerment, many support the objectification of women through pornography. While they claim to value freedom, choice, and diversity, many derogate the choice of unselfish domesticity and ridicule those who believe sexual activity is appropriate only between one man and one woman within the context of conjugal marriage.

It’s hard to believe that so many Americans have been duped by what is commonly referred to as “second wave” and “third wave” (with its worship of gender ambiguity and “sex positivity”) feminism into believing that women in the 21st Century are better off than women in, say, the 1950’s. Yes, in the 1950’s it was difficult for women to enter male-dominated professions or rise to the upper echelons of corporate America, men made sexist jokes, and little women couldn’t play peewee football.


  • In the 1950’s, women weren’t slaughtering 1,300,000 of their own babies every year, approximately half of which are girl babies whose own mothers rob them of their right to an “empowered” existence.
  • According to the Guttmacher Institute, the maternal death toll due to illegal abortions in 1950 was 300, and by 1965, eight years before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in every state without restriction, deaths due to illegal abortions dropped to just under 200.  “Progressives” think the intentional killing of 56 million babies is justified to prevent the unintentional deaths of 9,600 women—all in the name of freedom, choice, and empowerment (also known as selfishness).
  • Women in the 1950’s weren’t so delusional as to believe that appearing in pornography constitutes empowerment.
  • Women in the 1950’s weren’t so delusional as to believe that watching porn with their boyfriends and husbands is healthy and good.
  • The concept of “feminist porn” would have been both oxymoronic and moronic to most pre-1960’s women who held modesty and self-respect in higher esteem and, therefore, would have recoiled at the objectification of women that “feminist porn” represents for both actors and viewers.
  • One in three women in the 1950’s weren’t raising their children without fathers.

Feminists have helped women scale boardroom walls and smash glass ceilings to smithereens. They’ve helped women tear up basketball courts during their college years. And they’ve made it possible for little grrrls everywhere to achieve their lifelong dreams of serving in combat and stripping naked to have sex on camera for the lascivious eyes of men and now of women who are becoming more like men in their most brutish states.

Pay no attention to the bloody, dismembered bodies of tiny humans whose brutal killings represent freedom and empowerment to women who have become both more selfish and more enslaved to men, the government, and their own untethered appetites.

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Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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