Stop Rockford Abortion Facility from Opening!
By Chris Iverson   |   09.20.22
At a recent public meeting, the Rockford City Administrator (Todd Cagnoni) said that the Rockford city council could explicitly exclude abortion clinics from the zoning that includes the Maray Drive location. Any of the city alderman could propose the zoning change.
State Lawmakers to Remove Basic Protection for Patients
By Chris Iverson   |   05.03.21
Illinois State Senators Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) and Robert Martwick (D-Chicago) are sponsoring a bill (SB 109) that will change the "Practitioner's Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment" (POLST) form by removing the requirement that a witness sign the form. Since the POLST form states the patient's wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment, having a witness to the signature of this form reduces the chances that a patient is manipulated into literally signing their life away. 
Pro-life Billboard Reaches Chicago and Suburbs!
By Chris Iverson   |   07.19.19
Illinois Family Institute is pleased to announce that we have another large pro-life billboard in Rolling Meadows near IL-53 and Algonquin Road with the message: “Abortion Takes Human Life.”  In early August, watch for another billboard to be posted near I-290 and Kedzie Avenue on the west side of Chicago.
IFI Reaches 10 Million With Pro-life Message
By Chris Iverson   |   06.20.18
Thanks to your contributions, IFI has put up an eye-catching, pro-life billboard around I-90 and Kedzie Ave, near the Logan Square and Avondale neighborhoods of Chicago.  The message – “Abortion Takes Human Life” -- will be seen over 10 million times before the end of July
Pro-Life Message Reaches 50% of Cook County
By Chris Iverson   |   11.08.17
image_pdfimage_printIFI has partnered with pro-life Illinoians to reach over 26 million views of the message “Abortion Takes Human Life” in the Chicagoland area from January 2016 to October 2017.  Billboards, pro-life overpasses and other efforts have spread this message throughout...
Object To Planned Parenthood Fundraiser On Yelp!
By Chris Iverson   |   08.22.17
Because Planned Parenthood aborts over 300,000 unborn humans each year, pro-life advocates wrote negative reviews on the Revolution Brewing Facebook page on August 21st. The response was so great, Revolution Brewing took down the entire review section of their Facebook page!
Pro-life Billboard Reaches the South Side of Chicago!
By Chris Iverson   |   08.09.17
Illinois Family Institute is pleased to announce that we have another large billboard on the south side of Chicago with the message: "Abortion Takes Human Life." The billboard is located near at 59th and Wentworth, overlooking the Dan Ryan expressway (I-90/I-94).  It’s located 3 miles south of the White Sox Stadium...
Momentum Building To Defund Planned Parenthood
By Chris Iverson   |   03.31.17
image_pdfimage_printA politically dramatic scene occurred on March 30th. U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia), recovering from back surgery, and Vice President Mike Pence arrived in the U.S. Senate to cast votes for a bill that reverses an abortion-clinic Obama-era...
Responding To Erroneous Pro-choice Objections
By Chris Iverson   |   02.24.17
image_pdfimage_printSome teens walked up to a group of pro-life advocates in Oak Park, Illinois recently. The pro-lifers were displaying  signs on a highway overpass.  Their signs said “Defund Planned Parenthood” and “Abortion Takes Human Life.”  The teens made it clear...
Abortion Rate Decreases! Next: Defund Planned Parenthood
By Chris Iverson   |   01.24.17
image_pdfimage_printThe U.S. abortion rate is the lowest in recorded history! The Guttmacher Institute found that there were 14.6 abortions for every 1,000 women aged 15-44 in 2014. That’s lower than the abortion rate in 1973 (when the Roe v. Wade...
2017 March For Life Chicago
By Chris Iverson   |   01.18.17
image_pdfimage_printThousands gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago on Sunday, January 15, 2017 to stand for LIFE!  Pro-life speakers at the march included Pat McCaskey of the Chicago Bears, three representatives from Congress, an abortion survivor, religious leaders, and pro-life students!  ...
Illinois Abortions Increased 3.5%
By Chris Iverson   |   01.05.17
image_pdfimage_printThe Illinois Department of Public Health recently released updated statistics on abortions for 2015.  The number of pre-born human babies aborted in Illinois increased by 1,384 in 2015 to a total of 39,856.  The Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 (720...
State Lawmaker “Worried” Illinois Might Protect Babies From Abortion
By Chris Iverson   |   12.22.16
image_pdfimage_printIn 1975, Illinois adopted language declaring the state’s intent to “protect the right to life of the unborn child” by prohibiting abortion. Now, an Illinois politician plans to introduce legislation to reverse that pro-life language.  It’s not clear that this...
Ohio Protects Unborn At 20 Weeks, But Heartbeat Bill Vetoed
By Chris Iverson   |   12.13.16
image_pdfimage_printEarlier today, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio signed into law protection for the unborn at 20 weeks.  This law has an exception for abortions that are necessary to save the mother’s life or prevent serious risk of substantial bodily impairment. ...
Ohio To Protect All Humans With Beating Hearts (Born & Unborn)
By Chris Iverson   |   12.13.16
The Ohio legislature has sent a bill to Governor John Kasich that will legally protect unborn babies from abortion once a heartbeat can be detected. The law makes it a fifth-degree felony to abort an unborn human without checking for a heartbeat or aborting after the baby's heartbeat can be detected. It also opens the door to civil lawsuits and disciplinary action.
Chris Iverson
Chris Iverson

Chris Iverson assists pro-life leaders to strategize, organize and mobilize for effective advocacy. In 2016, Chris led the effort in the Chicago area to reach 8.8 million views of the message “Abortion Takes Human Life.” He began his pro-life work in 2004. He has organized pro-life overpasses, pro-life billboards, sidewalk counselling and a variety of protest events.  He has been interviewed for radio, television and print news.

Chris was a pro-choice atheist until the age of 20 when, after discussing the topic of abortion with a friend, he became a pro-life atheist.  Later, Chris became an evangelical Christian.  These experiences help him understand his audience and convey the pro-life message in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience.

Chris serves as a board member of the Pro-life Action League, as Vice President of Chicago Pro-life Future, as co-leader of LIVE PRO LIFE and as a writer for Illinois Family Institute.

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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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