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Illinois Raking in Abortion From Other States
By   |   12.10.18
While the United States saw a drop in the abortion rate in the last reporting period, Illinois registered an increase -- and one pro-life leader in Chicago believes it could go even higher.
Systematic March to Overturn ‘Roe’ Continues
By   |   11.12.18
image_pdfimage_printIn Alabama, voters gave their stamp of approval to Amendment 2 – a result that pleased Eric Johnston, president of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition. “The amendment [approved by voters] is a statement of public policy that basically says the unborn...
Federal Family-Planning Program to Prioritize Faith-Based Clinics
By   |   03.03.18
The Trump administration has made a decision to protect women's health – along with the health of their pre-born babies – and serve them better. This new grant program (under the Title X family planning program) has $260 million available to grantees that do not perform abortions.
Planned Parenthood Losing Some Big Donors
By   |   12.26.17
An organization that rates corporations based on conservative values has some good news, but acknowledges there's more work ahead.
ACLU Backs Measure Restricting Religious Liberty
By   |   09.04.17
The American Civil Liberties Union has found another way to demonstrate it is turning its back on the Constitution by insisting on the restriction of religious freedom.
SPLC Challenged to Back Up Their ‘Hate’ Talk
By   |   08.26.17
A prominent Christian ministry is taking the Southern Poverty Law Center to task over its published list of what it considers "hate groups."
Bathroom Battles Part of War Over ‘Normal’
By   |   07.22.17
A prominent Christian leader suggests the ongoing issue of transgendered people and public restrooms is about more than where people should potty.
NY Casinos Want to Loan Money to Gamblers
By   |   06.19.17
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are bowing to gambling interests and victimizing people as a result, says an expert on the industry.
Religious Freedom for the Long-Term
By   |   06.03.17
The Trump administration is apparently trying to right the wrongs imposed by the Affordable Care Act on faith-based organizations, but there's another needed protection the administration cannot provide.
Congressman Goes After Johnson Amendment
By   |   10.06.16
A member of Congress is asking for the public's help to gain free speech rights for pastors and religious organizations.
McDonald’s Chooses Porn Free Wi-Fi
By   |   07.16.16
image_pdfimage_printA fast-food restaurant has started blocking Internet pornography from its Wi-Fi-enabled restaurants while a second chain is refusing to do so. McDonald’s has been lobbied for nearly two years to block Internet pornography in its restaurants and has finally done...
Pro-Family Activist Warns About ‘Equality Act’
By   |   09.22.15
A pro-family activist is warning that a so-called "equality" bill in Congress would advance the homosexual agenda if it becomes law.
Will High Court Let Teens Get the Counseling They Want?
By   |   08.14.15
A Christian legal organization is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case prohibiting counseling for young people who want help ridding themselves of same-gender attractions.
Porn Laws Exist, Let’s Enforce Them
By   |   07.20.15
image_pdfimage_printSteps are being taken to deal with the ramifications of pornography, and part of the measure has to do with the government and its attitude towards the problem. Last week the National Center on Sexual Exploitation held a symposium in...
Testimonies Expose Harmful Effects of Legalized Gambling
By   |   06.12.15
image_pdfimage_printAn anti-gambling group is getting set for a national day of action on exposing the harmful effects of gambling. Stop Predatory Gambling has frequently pointed out in previous interviews on OneNewsNow how legalized gambling is a failed policy. In order...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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